Mixed couple forced to flee country after appearing in ad

Mixed-race couple forced to flee country after appearing in ad

BAHAHA! Burn the coal,pay the toll! It is so damn refreshing to see Irish folks not completely falling for the cultural marxist propaganda to destroy their beautiful and historic bloodlines!

What is your problem? It's scary that this family felt unsafe in their homeland. They have done nothing wrong. What's this "bloodline" garbage? This comes at a time when Ireland is blossoming into the 21st Century while the U.S. is falling backwards.
It's people like you who make the world sick.
If I don't like the races mixing, am I racist or a product of my environment and upbringing?
Youre probably just unsatisfied with your own sexual prowess. What other people do is none of your business.
Has nothing to do with sex-the children may be adversely affected, and what other people do IS our business if they draw benefits WE pay for.
Mixed-race couple forced to flee country after appearing in ad

BAHAHA! Burn the coal,pay the toll! It is so damn refreshing to see Irish folks not completely falling for the cultural marxist propaganda to destroy their beautiful and historic bloodlines!

What is your problem? It's scary that this family felt unsafe in their homeland. They have done nothing wrong. What's this "bloodline" garbage? This comes at a time when Ireland is blossoming into the 21st Century while the U.S. is falling backwards.
It's people like you who make the world sick.
If I don't like the races mixing, am I racist or a product of my environment and upbringing?

While some people are going to react against statements like that, I think that is actually very honest and normal reaction.
I do not dislike races mixing any more, but it did cause me shock at first, when I was young.
That is because we do have an instinct to try to look for attributes of our parents, in our selection of spouses.
That is natural.
But once one understands how superficial that is, and that all humans are the same species, then it really does not matter.
So it is a combination of instinct and experiences, but knowledge can over come both.
I have no doubt that views will change even more and that as my generation dies out, the old views will disappear.
Okay, let's look at that.

I mean, yeah, your bigotry bothers me... just like it would bother me if you said the N-word.

But here's the thing. 37% of straight people have done anal sex. 99% of them have done oral sex (Cunnilingus and Fellatio). So are you really claiming your complaint is "sodomy"?

I ask this sincerely because they've done studies that have shown that homophobic men often have latent homosexual tendencies.

Single lefties are always jealous of married Christians.

Statistics say they should be.

What about married Christians who are "lefties"?

You simply cannot be a left-winger and a Christian. Married or otherwise, doesn't matter. Christianity and left-wing ideology are diametrically opposed. That's like the owner of the largest coal mines in the country, joining the Sierra Club, or some other anti-coal group.

You can't be a left-winger and a Christian. You have to compromise your ideals with on or the other. You are either not really a left-winger, or you are not really a Christian.

That is silly.

First of all, the Sierra Club is not at all against coal.
The Sierra Club just does not want wholesale burning of coal for the production of electricity because it released twice the carbon into the air, of other means. They have no trouble with coal being used to produce plastics, fertilizer, or other uses where excess carbon is not released.

Second is that all religions are leftist. The basic family unit is always socialist, and so are all religious communities.
The whole point of religion is to not be profit motivated, like capitalism, and to have better social values instead.
Christianity is about the most left wing of all the religions.

Well I was trying to pick any Earth-First, anti-fossil fuel group you can think of, and put a coal producing CEO in it.

That is roughly the same as a Democrat Christian.

Family, is not model of a national economic system. Saying a family is "socialist" is ridiculous.

I was sent to my room without dinner if I acted badly. That's not "To each according to their need".
I could easily work for money, and bring money into the family. I was not required to do this. So it was not "From each according to their ability".

Family is a very different thing from a national economic system, and it is beyond ludicrous to try and compare them.

And no all religious communities are not socialist. Not by the most wild of exaggerations.

Further, no, the claim that we should not be motivated by profit, is also completely insane. Profit is throughout the Bible. And in fact, Jesus himself directly condemns people who do not make a profit.

There is nothing wrong with profit. Profit is proof that you are doing something beneficial to society.

Christianity has absolutely nothing.... NOTHING in common the left-wing ideology. Left-wing ideology is based on greed, evil, and envy.

I totally disagree.
First of all, I don't think you know anything about socialism, and you incorrectly think it is a "national economic system".
It is not.
Many like to lie and claim that socialism means central government ownership of all means of production.
That is an obvious lie and propaganda.
Socialism just means laws to regulate the means of production so you don't have criminal exploitation, like monopolies, etc.

Profits is not above human values anywhere in the Bible.
Families, tribes, religious communities can never be capitalist and are always socialist.
Being punished as a child is not for profit, but to help you and others in the family, to learn values.

Rise above the propaganda.
Think about any hunter/gatherer tribe.
All the male go out to hunt, while likely the women garden or gather.
When one hunt is successful, that HAS to be shared with the whole tribe.
If every hunt had to be successful in order for people to not starve, there would quickly be no game left.
Sharing has to be instinctive to humans, or the species would not have survived.
And that is true with ALL group animals.
Mixed-race couple forced to flee country after appearing in ad

BAHAHA! Burn the coal,pay the toll! It is so damn refreshing to see Irish folks not completely falling for the cultural marxist propaganda to destroy their beautiful and historic bloodlines!

That seems pretty silly since we recently discovered that all humans are actually Blacks out of Africa, less than 100,000 years ago.
That means whites originated in Africa, as a type of Black with a melanin deficiency.

I don't see any different races in this photo? Do you?
Genetics will handily demonstrate the difference. Subsaharan negros have no Neanderthal component whereas all other homonids have as much as a 3 percent neandrethal, and denisovan component. While one might protest a mere three percent it's important to realize that genetically chimpanzees share 98 percent of the same DNA as humans...

Not entirely accurate since Neanderthals also came from Africa, so there has to be some of their DNA there, no matter how small.
But if you are implying that Neanderthals add an advantage, that is not clear?
Neanderthals did not seem to do as well, and were absorbed.
There are a number of allergies, etc., that have been attributed to Neanderthal deficiencies.
So while I do not dispute your numbers, I don't necessarily agree with any conclusions from them.
There is no evidence of Neanderthal presence archeaologically, nor gentically speaking, of Neanderthal presence in sub Saharan afica. Translation? Your full of shit.
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Single lefties are always jealous of married Christians.

Statistics say they should be.

What about married Christians who are "lefties"?

You simply cannot be a left-winger and a Christian. Married or otherwise, doesn't matter. Christianity and left-wing ideology are diametrically opposed. That's like the owner of the largest coal mines in the country, joining the Sierra Club, or some other anti-coal group.

You can't be a left-winger and a Christian. You have to compromise your ideals with on or the other. You are either not really a left-winger, or you are not really a Christian.

That is silly.

First of all, the Sierra Club is not at all against coal.
The Sierra Club just does not want wholesale burning of coal for the production of electricity because it released twice the carbon into the air, of other means. They have no trouble with coal being used to produce plastics, fertilizer, or other uses where excess carbon is not released.

Second is that all religions are leftist. The basic family unit is always socialist, and so are all religious communities.
The whole point of religion is to not be profit motivated, like capitalism, and to have better social values instead.
Christianity is about the most left wing of all the religions.

Well I was trying to pick any Earth-First, anti-fossil fuel group you can think of, and put a coal producing CEO in it.

That is roughly the same as a Democrat Christian.

Family, is not model of a national economic system. Saying a family is "socialist" is ridiculous.

I was sent to my room without dinner if I acted badly. That's not "To each according to their need".
I could easily work for money, and bring money into the family. I was not required to do this. So it was not "From each according to their ability".

Family is a very different thing from a national economic system, and it is beyond ludicrous to try and compare them.

And no all religious communities are not socialist. Not by the most wild of exaggerations.

Further, no, the claim that we should not be motivated by profit, is also completely insane. Profit is throughout the Bible. And in fact, Jesus himself directly condemns people who do not make a profit.

There is nothing wrong with profit. Profit is proof that you are doing something beneficial to society.

Christianity has absolutely nothing.... NOTHING in common the left-wing ideology. Left-wing ideology is based on greed, evil, and envy.

I totally disagree.
First of all, I don't think you know anything about socialism, and you incorrectly think it is a "national economic system".
It is not.
Many like to lie and claim that socialism means central government ownership of all means of production.
That is an obvious lie and propaganda.
Socialism just means laws to regulate the means of production so you don't have criminal exploitation, like monopolies, etc.

Profits is not above human values anywhere in the Bible.
Families, tribes, religious communities can never be capitalist and are always socialist.
Being punished as a child is not for profit, but to help you and others in the family, to learn values.

Rise above the propaganda.
Think about any hunter/gatherer tribe.
All the male go out to hunt, while likely the women garden or gather.
When one hunt is successful, that HAS to be shared with the whole tribe.
If every hunt had to be successful in order for people to not starve, there would quickly be no game left.
Sharing has to be instinctive to humans, or the species would not have survived.
And that is true with ALL group animals.

Many like to lie and claim that socialism means central government ownership of all means of production.
That is an obvious lie and propaganda.
Socialism just means laws to regulate the means of production so you don't have criminal exploitation, like monopolies, etc.​

so·cial·ism | \ ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm

Definition of socialism
1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

Are you really suggesting that the definition of the word "socialism" which is printed in dictionaries throughout the world.... are all wrong?
Mixed-race couple forced to flee country after appearing in ad

BAHAHA! Burn the coal,pay the toll! It is so damn refreshing to see Irish folks not completely falling for the cultural marxist propaganda to destroy their beautiful and historic bloodlines!

Odium: board poster most likely to end up with "mixed race" grandchildren

Pretty sure all his grandchildren will be inbred. I'm getting a real 'Hills Have Eyes' vibe from him.
Tell me good sir....how much inbreeding one your background?

Mixing of races is always superior genetically.
Any farmer will tell you that.

No farmer will tell you that. Otherwise we wouldn’t have Belted Galloways and Rhode Island Reds and Hampshire hogs.
All meticulously bred to preserve bloodlines.
Single lefties are always jealous of married Christians.

Statistics say they should be.

What about married Christians who are "lefties"?

You simply cannot be a left-winger and a Christian. Married or otherwise, doesn't matter. Christianity and left-wing ideology are diametrically opposed. That's like the owner of the largest coal mines in the country, joining the Sierra Club, or some other anti-coal group.

You can't be a left-winger and a Christian. You have to compromise your ideals with on or the other. You are either not really a left-winger, or you are not really a Christian.

That is silly.

First of all, the Sierra Club is not at all against coal.
The Sierra Club just does not want wholesale burning of coal for the production of electricity because it released twice the carbon into the air, of other means. They have no trouble with coal being used to produce plastics, fertilizer, or other uses where excess carbon is not released.

Second is that all religions are leftist. The basic family unit is always socialist, and so are all religious communities.
The whole point of religion is to not be profit motivated, like capitalism, and to have better social values instead.
Christianity is about the most left wing of all the religions.

Well I was trying to pick any Earth-First, anti-fossil fuel group you can think of, and put a coal producing CEO in it.

That is roughly the same as a Democrat Christian.

Family, is not model of a national economic system. Saying a family is "socialist" is ridiculous.

I was sent to my room without dinner if I acted badly. That's not "To each according to their need".
I could easily work for money, and bring money into the family. I was not required to do this. So it was not "From each according to their ability".

Family is a very different thing from a national economic system, and it is beyond ludicrous to try and compare them.

And no all religious communities are not socialist. Not by the most wild of exaggerations.

Further, no, the claim that we should not be motivated by profit, is also completely insane. Profit is throughout the Bible. And in fact, Jesus himself directly condemns people who do not make a profit.

There is nothing wrong with profit. Profit is proof that you are doing something beneficial to society.

Christianity has absolutely nothing.... NOTHING in common the left-wing ideology. Left-wing ideology is based on greed, evil, and envy.

I totally disagree.
First of all, I don't think you know anything about socialism, and you incorrectly think it is a "national economic system".
It is not.
Many like to lie and claim that socialism means central government ownership of all means of production.
That is an obvious lie and propaganda.
Socialism just means laws to regulate the means of production so you don't have criminal exploitation, like monopolies, etc.

Profits is not above human values anywhere in the Bible.
Families, tribes, religious communities can never be capitalist and are always socialist.
Being punished as a child is not for profit, but to help you and others in the family, to learn values.

Rise above the propaganda.
Think about any hunter/gatherer tribe.
All the male go out to hunt, while likely the women garden or gather.
When one hunt is successful, that HAS to be shared with the whole tribe.
If every hunt had to be successful in order for people to not starve, there would quickly be no game left.
Sharing has to be instinctive to humans, or the species would not have survived.
And that is true with ALL group animals.

yeah think about a bunch of savages in the jungle squatting around a campsite sharing.
Then think of non Hunter gatherer capitalists conquering the earth and then heading into space.
"Thou shalt not kill"

Which didn't apply to fetuses.

Exodus 21:

22 If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine.

23 And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life,

you Bible thumpers are all the same.

2271 Since the first century the Church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion.
This teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable.
Direct abortion, that is to say, abortion willed either as an end or a means, is gravely contrary to the moral law:

You shall not kill the embryo by abortion and shall not cause the newborn to perish”
For example, look at the baboons on USMB who are so wrapped up on their unjustified hatred of LGBTQs, based on some cherry-picked verses from the OT (while ignoring the rest) that they are deaf to Jesus' teachings
Jesus said MARRIAGE was between a man and a woman

He answered questions about marriage that were framed as involving heterosexual unions. I don't think he ever addressed the broader issue of same-sex marriages.

Even if he had, why are same-sex marriage and abortion the biggest issues among evangelicals, who seem to ignore a myriad of more pressing issues. Some of these clowns even tote weapons of war and want to send pregnant migrants back across the border. Refuse to stop child marriages and even make no secret of stalking teenage girls. Vote for promiscuous and adulterous men; men who did not safeguard their bodies in purity as a "temple to the Lord" so that they could give themselves to their brides and those who failed to keep their marriage vows. This whole anti-LGBTQ thing is so bogus and brought to us by people who insist that they are the rightful moral arbiters but who can't keep to the standards that they insist everyone else follow.
You simply cannot be a left-winger and a Christian. Married or otherwise, doesn't matter. Christianity and left-wing ideology are diametrically opposed. That's like the owner of the largest coal mines in the country, joining the Sierra Club, or some other anti-coal group.

You can't be a left-winger and a Christian. You have to compromise your ideals with on or the other. You are either not really a left-winger, or you are not really a Christian.

Bullshit. You cannot be a conservative/right-winger and be a Christian, since you are turning your back on the teachings of the Sermon on the Mount. Must you follow prostitutes like graham and jeffress and falwell and glory in the elevation of the orange whore? They don't have any recognition of Jesus or any faith in his teachings. Talk about compromising one's ideals.

For example, look at the baboons on USMB who are so wrapped up on their unjustified hatred of LGBTQs, based on some cherry-picked verses from the OT (while ignoring the rest) that they are deaf to Jesus' teachings.

I don't know Graham, Jeffress or Falwell. I know Peter, Paul, Abraham, and Jesus.

Nothing about my beliefs is compromised by what someone I don't know, does.

Right-wing and Conservative is exactly what Jesus taught. Why do you think Jesus over and over pointed out sin, and said to sinners "Go and sin no more"?

Jesus never taught right-wing conservative stuff. BTW: Paul never knew Jesus. While Jesus said things about "sin," they were in no way confined to what might be regarded as sexual sins. Where's the rest of it?
While I try to agree with you where I can, you stray from the he Foundation often. Jesus DEFINED marriage in that statement. No Scripture challenges that

That one short passage is not at all definitive or even remotely intended to be.
One would first have to define terms.
For example, some people are born hermaphrodites, with dual sexual organs.
That means sexual organs then can NOT be the means of defining what sex one is mentally.
Only the person themselves know what their mental sexual orientation is.
So you can not just look at a person and determine what sex they are.

“one would have to first define the term...”

ever notice that your every utterance is a sophistry which attempts to obscure communication?
Mixed-race couple forced to flee country after appearing in ad

BAHAHA! Burn the coal,pay the toll! It is so damn refreshing to see Irish folks not completely falling for the cultural marxist propaganda to destroy their beautiful and historic bloodlines!

That seems pretty silly since we recently discovered that all humans are actually Blacks out of Africa, less than 100,000 years ago.
That means whites originated in Africa, as a type of Black with a melanin deficiency.

I don't see any different races in this photo? Do you?

whites are really blacks? I think I’ve got another one for the ignore box. Let him play with definitions there.
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I use it for sodomites because it bothers you

Okay, let's look at that.

I mean, yeah, your bigotry bothers me... just like it would bother me if you said the N-word.

But here's the thing. 37% of straight people have done anal sex. 99% of them have done oral sex (Cunnilingus and Fellatio). So are you really claiming your complaint is "sodomy"?

I ask this sincerely because they've done studies that have shown that homophobic men often have latent homosexual tendencies.

Single lefties are always jealous of married Christians.

Statistics say they should be.

What about married Christians who are "lefties"?

You simply cannot be a left-winger and a Christian. Married or otherwise, doesn't matter. Christianity and left-wing ideology are diametrically opposed. That's like the owner of the largest coal mines in the country, joining the Sierra Club, or some other anti-coal group.

You can't be a left-winger and a Christian. You have to compromise your ideals with on or the other. You are either not really a left-winger, or you are not really a Christian.

That is silly.

First of all, the Sierra Club is not at all against coal.
The Sierra Club just does not want wholesale burning of coal for the production of electricity because it released twice the carbon into the air, of other means. They have no trouble with coal being used to produce plastics, fertilizer, or other uses where excess carbon is not released.

Second is that all religions are leftist. The basic family unit is always socialist, and so are all religious communities.
The whole point of religion is to not be profit motivated, like capitalism, and to have better social values instead.
Christianity is about the most left wing of all the religions.

Now families are socialist??!! Lol. Karl Marx invented families!

Sheesh ignore this one ASAP.
Mixed-race couple forced to flee country after appearing in ad

BAHAHA! Burn the coal,pay the toll! It is so damn refreshing to see Irish folks not completely falling for the cultural marxist propaganda to destroy their beautiful and historic bloodlines!

blood lines?

but according to the experts everyone came from africa....

and by everyone that includes the irish....

so if you trace an irishman back far enough you will find....african blood!

et to, brute....

And if you trace it far enough back you will find a small nocturnal mammal trying to avoid predatory dinosaurs.
But with time comes differentiation.
If anyone claims Christianity on this thread and believes what this couple did was wrong--that's an outrage and a sin. It doesn't matter that some Christians got it wrong before. It's still wrong now. Christianity is NOT a religion of races; it's a religion of individuals, and thank God for it. We are all, every one of us, made in the image of God. It is sin to look at any creation of God--most especially a human creation--and deride it as lesser.

If you are not Christian---

You can piddle around with "this race is better or that race is better", but what does it matter? It's like a preference for ice cream flavors that you set in the blazing sun. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. What is "better"? You're all headed for destruction at any rate. So have at it, I guess--it's all pointless, so much "Chasing after the wind"

so if I prefer one ice cream flavor to another that’s a sin...since it’s “just like” that?
If anyone claims Christianity on this thread and believes what this couple did was wrong--that's an outrage and a sin. It doesn't matter that some Christians got it wrong before. It's still wrong now. Christianity is NOT a religion of races; it's a religion of individuals, and thank God for it. We are all, every one of us, made in the image of God. It is sin to look at any creation of God--most especially a human creation--and deride it as lesser.

If you are not Christian---

You can piddle around with "this race is better or that race is better", but what does it matter? It's like a preference for ice cream flavors that you set in the blazing sun. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. What is "better"? You're all headed for destruction at any rate. So have at it, I guess--it's all pointless, so much "Chasing after the wind"

You might want to start teaching that in your church. Because what racism is built upon is whites believing they had to show the rest of us the one and only true God. And of course whites were the only ones who had this knowledge. And you see that same sentiment taught in evangelical churches today pertaining to Muslims.

God has revealed himself to all races. Native Americans call him the great spirit but to whites that came over here that was not the correct name. Muslims call the creator Allah. The number 1 belief is there is no other God but Allah. Evangelicals see 2 different gods in this sentence instead of recognizing that Muslims are say there is but one God.

Fundamentalists in both religions argue about whose god is THE God. So if you go to Mexico and ask for a bottle of water, they'll tell you the agua is in the cooler. If we acted like religious fundamentalists we would stay thirsty because we want water, not agua. And we need to learn that only 1 creator exists and that he is the creator whether you call him god or allah. For if you read what is taught in the texts of the worlds major religions, the basic rules of life are the same. And when we figure that out, race will no longer be an issue.

Hmmm. Funny thing. Jesus Christ wasn't white.


No He wasn’t. He was Jewish. Is that a revelation?
Anyone who thinks there shouldn't be inter-racial marriage is a loser


so it’s like a required belief now?

not required.

you can believe that inter-racial marriage is wrong.

you have the right to be ignorant.

But everyone else ALSO has rights to believe what THEY want.

So if you say something that I consider ignorant and wrong (inter-racial marriage is wrong) then I get to say "you are ignorant, racist and completely wrong"

why thank you for giving me that right. How liberal of you.

Case closed by the Bible thumper.

Any questions on intermarriage now?
You simply CANNOT own up to what Muslims believe "outside the US" because you're a bigot, Joe, and cannot accept anything outside your bigotry. You're close-minded and have sold yourself a bill of goods so you can keep your hate-on for Christians.

There, have I delivered enough truth this morning?

Hey, I have a pretty good reason to hate Christians... they made my childhood a truly miserable experience with 12 years of Catholic School.

Then there was the nun who said that God had a good reason for my Mom to die.

Yeah... lots of good reasons to not like you people there.

Meanwhile, a Muslim hasn't ever really done anything bad to me. I don't share their beliefs, but what they do in their own parts of the world is their own business.

Now, here's a truth you can't deal with.

The ONLY reason why the One Percenters have you upset about "Islam" is because they are standing on top of a billion metric shit-tons of oil. We didn't care about what they did for most of our history until 1974, when they realized they could use that oil to make our lives miserable.

And while you are happy to march working class kids off to war to fight for the One Percent's Oil Rights, I'm the one saying, "Hey, maybe we should try something else!"

you deserved it I’m sure. How could even a nun stand your sanctimonious pontifications about how bad Christians are?
I use it for sodomites because it bothers you

Okay, let's look at that.

I mean, yeah, your bigotry bothers me... just like it would bother me if you said the N-word.

But here's the thing. 37% of straight people have done anal sex. 99% of them have done oral sex (Cunnilingus and Fellatio). So are you really claiming your complaint is "sodomy"?

I ask this sincerely because they've done studies that have shown that homophobic men often have latent homosexual tendencies.

yeah and people who hate spiders latently love spiders.

Does the mind never rebel against this liberal cognitive dissonance?
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