Mixed couple forced to flee country after appearing in ad

Not true at all.

Allah is the god of the muslims, much like Zeus is god for the ancient Greeks and Ganeesh is god for the Asian Indian people.

For Christians, of course, Almighty God is believed to be God.

To equivalate these various individuals and say they are the same is sort of disrespectful iMHo.

"My Imaginary Sky Pixie can beat up your Imaginary Sky Pixie!!!"

And this shows exactly why Liberalism is getting its ass schlonged in America as well as other nations nowadays.

Disrespect towards people's religious faiths is no way to earn their vote. When Mrs. Clinton declared Christian Americans to be the "Basket of Deplorables clinging to their bibles and firearms", she really didn't earn any votes from them.

Donald J. Trump may be the living prototype of a City Slicker, but he knew enough not to disrespect the common people.
I use it for sodomites because it bothers you

Okay, let's look at that.

I mean, yeah, your bigotry bothers me... just like it would bother me if you said the N-word.

But here's the thing. 37% of straight people have done anal sex. 99% of them have done oral sex (Cunnilingus and Fellatio). So are you really claiming your complaint is "sodomy"?

I ask this sincerely because they've done studies that have shown that homophobic men often have latent homosexual tendencies.

Single lefties are always jealous of married Christians.

Statistics say they should be.

What about married Christians who are "lefties"?
I use it for sodomites because it bothers you

Okay, let's look at that.

I mean, yeah, your bigotry bothers me... just like it would bother me if you said the N-word.

But here's the thing. 37% of straight people have done anal sex. 99% of them have done oral sex (Cunnilingus and Fellatio). So are you really claiming your complaint is "sodomy"?

I ask this sincerely because they've done studies that have shown that homophobic men often have latent homosexual tendencies.

Single lefties are always jealous of married Christians.

Statistics say they should be.

What about married Christians who are "lefties"?

It is very very difficult to be a Christian "Leftist". Not impossible, but difficult

One cannot have the State as an idol, for one thing. Or approve abortion
I use it for sodomites because it bothers you

Okay, let's look at that.

I mean, yeah, your bigotry bothers me... just like it would bother me if you said the N-word.

But here's the thing. 37% of straight people have done anal sex. 99% of them have done oral sex (Cunnilingus and Fellatio). So are you really claiming your complaint is "sodomy"?

I ask this sincerely because they've done studies that have shown that homophobic men often have latent homosexual tendencies.

Single lefties are always jealous of married Christians.

Statistics say they should be.

What about married Christians who are "lefties"?
Depends on how you define "leftist."

The very best I can give you is God may "wink at your ignorance." Acts 17:30
I use it for sodomites because it bothers you

Okay, let's look at that.

I mean, yeah, your bigotry bothers me... just like it would bother me if you said the N-word.

But here's the thing. 37% of straight people have done anal sex. 99% of them have done oral sex (Cunnilingus and Fellatio). So are you really claiming your complaint is "sodomy"?

I ask this sincerely because they've done studies that have shown that homophobic men often have latent homosexual tendencies.

Single lefties are always jealous of married Christians.

Statistics say they should be.

What about married Christians who are "lefties"?
Depends on how you define "leftist."

The very best I can give you is God may "wink at your ignorance." Acts 17:30

A lot of young people have really never read the Bible. They don't realize that Almighty God put Adam and Eve (not Steve) into the Garden. They are unfamiliar with the actions of the Gay Community in Sodom and Almighty God's judgment upon them.

Bringing the Bible back into the schools is something libs really object to as it goes against the civil religion of the Religious Left
I use it for sodomites because it bothers you

Okay, let's look at that.

I mean, yeah, your bigotry bothers me... just like it would bother me if you said the N-word.

But here's the thing. 37% of straight people have done anal sex. 99% of them have done oral sex (Cunnilingus and Fellatio). So are you really claiming your complaint is "sodomy"?

I ask this sincerely because they've done studies that have shown that homophobic men often have latent homosexual tendencies.

Single lefties are always jealous of married Christians.

Statistics say they should be.

What about married Christians who are "lefties"?
Depends on how you define "leftist."

The very best I can give you is God may "wink at your ignorance." Acts 17:30

A lot of young people have really never read the Bible. They don't realize that Almighty God put Adam and Eve (not Steve) into the Garden. They are unfamiliar with the actions of the Gay Community in Sodom and Almighty God's judgment upon them.

Bringing the Bible back into the schools is something libs really object to as it goes against the civil religion of the Religious Left

Why do you believe that all students are Christian? Why do you believe that all Christians believe that the bible is inerrant and infallible? Why to you believe that the fable of Sodom is true?
And this shows exactly why Liberalism is getting its ass schlonged in America as well as other nations nowadays.

Disrespect towards people's religious faiths is no way to earn their vote. When Mrs. Clinton declared Christian Americans to be the "Basket of Deplorables clinging to their bibles and firearms", she really didn't earn any votes from them.

Um, wow, you are mixing an Obama quote with a Hillary quote and not understanding either one of them.

Both quotes have the same problem. The liberal frustration of working class white Christians continuously voting against their own economic interests because people play on their racial, sexual and religious fears.

So question for you.

You can live in one of the following two countries.

1) A country where you are poor, but they totally follows your religious morals.


2) A country where you enjoy a comfortable middle class, but you got to put up with the gays and the darkies.

Mysteriously, the White Working Class picked A for the last 40 years, and they are frustrated they aren't getting anywhere. And when Hillary or Obama point out why, they get angry with them.
A lot of young people have really never read the Bible. They don't realize that Almighty God put Adam and Eve (not Steve) into the Garden. They are unfamiliar with the actions of the Gay Community in Sodom and Almighty God's judgment upon them.

Bringing the Bible back into the schools is something libs really object to as it goes against the civil religion of the Religious Left

You know what's kind of fucked up. God killed all the "gays" in Sodom, but the guy he saved was Lot, who offered his two virgin daughters up for Gang Rape at the hands of the mob.

He then got Drunk and had sex with both of them.

This is the kind of morality you want taught in schools?
Why to you believe that the fable of Sodom is true?

The history of Sodom is documented elsewhere other than the Bible, you know.

If you walk down the streets of Sodom today, they are all gone. Almighty God did a number on the original Gayborhood.
I use it for sodomites because it bothers you

Okay, let's look at that.

I mean, yeah, your bigotry bothers me... just like it would bother me if you said the N-word.

But here's the thing. 37% of straight people have done anal sex. 99% of them have done oral sex (Cunnilingus and Fellatio). So are you really claiming your complaint is "sodomy"?

I ask this sincerely because they've done studies that have shown that homophobic men often have latent homosexual tendencies.

Single lefties are always jealous of married Christians.

Statistics say they should be.

What about married Christians who are "lefties"?

You simply cannot be a left-winger and a Christian. Married or otherwise, doesn't matter. Christianity and left-wing ideology are diametrically opposed. That's like the owner of the largest coal mines in the country, joining the Sierra Club, or some other anti-coal group.

You can't be a left-winger and a Christian. You have to compromise your ideals with on or the other. You are either not really a left-winger, or you are not really a Christian.
One cannot have the State as an idol, for one thing. Or approve abortion

Please point out the bible verse that specifically prohibits abortion.


I already know there isn't one.

Psalm 139:13
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.

Exodus 21:22-23
if people are fighting and hit a pregnant woman and she gives birth prematurely but there is no serious injury, the offender must be fined whatever the woman's husband demands and the court allows. But if there is serious injury, you are to take life for life.

I can think of quite a few verses that deal with the concept that a Baby is precious before birth.
I use it for sodomites because it bothers you

Okay, let's look at that.

I mean, yeah, your bigotry bothers me... just like it would bother me if you said the N-word.

But here's the thing. 37% of straight people have done anal sex. 99% of them have done oral sex (Cunnilingus and Fellatio). So are you really claiming your complaint is "sodomy"?

I ask this sincerely because they've done studies that have shown that homophobic men often have latent homosexual tendencies.

Single lefties are always jealous of married Christians.

Statistics say they should be.

What about married Christians who are "lefties"?

You simply cannot be a left-winger and a Christian. Married or otherwise, doesn't matter. Christianity and left-wing ideology are diametrically opposed. That's like the owner of the largest coal mines in the country, joining the Sierra Club, or some other anti-coal group.

You can't be a left-winger and a Christian. You have to compromise your ideals with on or the other. You are either not really a left-winger, or you are not really a Christian.

Bullshit. You cannot be a conservative/right-winger and be a Christian, since you are turning your back on the teachings of the Sermon on the Mount. Must you follow prostitutes like graham and jeffress and falwell and glory in the elevation of the orange whore? They don't have any recognition of Jesus or any faith in his teachings. Talk about compromising one's ideals.

For example, look at the baboons on USMB who are so wrapped up on their unjustified hatred of LGBTQs, based on some cherry-picked verses from the OT (while ignoring the rest) that they are deaf to Jesus' teachings.
I use it for sodomites because it bothers you

Okay, let's look at that.

I mean, yeah, your bigotry bothers me... just like it would bother me if you said the N-word.

But here's the thing. 37% of straight people have done anal sex. 99% of them have done oral sex (Cunnilingus and Fellatio). So are you really claiming your complaint is "sodomy"?

I ask this sincerely because they've done studies that have shown that homophobic men often have latent homosexual tendencies.

Single lefties are always jealous of married Christians.

Statistics say they should be.

What about married Christians who are "lefties"?

You simply cannot be a left-winger and a Christian. Married or otherwise, doesn't matter. Christianity and left-wing ideology are diametrically opposed. That's like the owner of the largest coal mines in the country, joining the Sierra Club, or some other anti-coal group.

You can't be a left-winger and a Christian. You have to compromise your ideals with on or the other. You are either not really a left-winger, or you are not really a Christian.

Bullshit. You cannot be a conservative/right-winger and be a Christian, since you are turning your back on the teachings of the Sermon on the Mount. Must you follow prostitutes like graham and jeffress and falwell and glory in the elevation of the orange whore? They don't have any recognition of Jesus or any faith in his teachings. Talk about compromising one's ideals.

For example, look at the baboons on USMB who are so wrapped up on their unjustified hatred of LGBTQs, based on some cherry-picked verses from the OT (while ignoring the rest) that they are deaf to Jesus' teachings.

Nothing was said during the Sermon of the Mount advocating socialized medicine or government charity.

Jesus didn't tell His followers to protest against their government in Rome and insisting that a Tiberiuscare program be established.
For example, look at the baboons on USMB who are so wrapped up on their unjustified hatred of LGBTQs, based on some cherry-picked verses from the OT (while ignoring the rest) that they are deaf to Jesus' teachings
Jesus said MARRIAGE was between a man and a woman
Mixed-race couple forced to flee country after appearing in ad

BAHAHA! Burn the coal,pay the toll! It is so damn refreshing to see Irish folks not completely falling for the cultural marxist propaganda to destroy their beautiful and historic bloodlines!

What is your problem? It's scary that this family felt unsafe in their homeland. They have done nothing wrong. What's this "bloodline" garbage? This comes at a time when Ireland is blossoming into the 21st Century while the U.S. is falling backwards.
It's people like you who make the world sick.
If I don't like the races mixing, am I racist or a product of my environment and upbringing?

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