Mixed couple forced to flee country after appearing in ad

You are a cretinous name-calling projecting scumbag who cannot even own up to the fact that Islam also opposes gay marriage.

Which makes you also a coward

So I guess I stated my case. Joe.
You are a cretinous name-calling projecting scumbag who cannot even own up to the fact that Islam also opposes gay marriage.

Which makes you also a coward

So I guess I stated my case. Joe.

Naw, I just realize the obvious. It's not Muslims that are oppressing gays in the US, it's Christians...

What happens outside the US, I really don't care that much about. I'd be an emotional wreck if I did, because most of the world is an awful place.

Homophobia is how the One Percent keeps stupid people like you voting against your own economic interests. Islamophobia is another.

because their greatest fear is you figuring THIS out.

You are a cretinous name-calling projecting scumbag who cannot even own up to the fact that Islam also opposes gay marriage.

Which makes you also a coward

So I guess I stated my case. Joe.

Naw, I just realize the obvious. It's not Muslims that are oppressing gays in the US, it's Christians...

What happens outside the US, I really don't care that much about. I'd be an emotional wreck if I did, because most of the world is an awful place.

Homophobia is how the One Percent keeps stupid people like you voting against your own economic interests. Islamophobia is another.

because their greatest fear is you figuring THIS out.

View attachment 284185

You. Joe.

Your bigotry, your words, your beliefs....YOU

Make the world an awful place. YOU

You call me a TWAT

You call a woman a "mail order bride"

You. You do this.
You are a cretinous name-calling projecting scumbag who cannot even own up to the fact that Islam also opposes gay marriage.

Which makes you also a coward

So I guess I stated my case. Joe.

Naw, I just realize the obvious. It's not Muslims that are oppressing gays in the US, it's Christians...

What happens outside the US, I really don't care that much about. I'd be an emotional wreck if I did, because most of the world is an awful place.

Homophobia is how the One Percent keeps stupid people like you voting against your own economic interests. Islamophobia is another.

because their greatest fear is you figuring THIS out.

View attachment 284185

Your bigotry and small-mindedness makes you a judgmental creep
You are a cretinous name-calling projecting scumbag who cannot even own up to the fact that Islam also opposes gay marriage.

Which makes you also a coward

So I guess I stated my case. Joe.

Naw, I just realize the obvious. It's not Muslims that are oppressing gays in the US, it's Christians...

What happens outside the US, I really don't care that much about. I'd be an emotional wreck if I did, because most of the world is an awful place.

Homophobia is how the One Percent keeps stupid people like you voting against your own economic interests. Islamophobia is another.

because their greatest fear is you figuring THIS out.

View attachment 284185
Fags are "oppressed"? I think you're the only one who believes that
You are a cretinous name-calling projecting scumbag who cannot even own up to the fact that Islam also opposes gay marriage.

Which makes you also a coward

So I guess I stated my case. Joe.

Naw, I just realize the obvious. It's not Muslims that are oppressing gays in the US, it's Christians...

What happens outside the US, I really don't care that much about. I'd be an emotional wreck if I did, because most of the world is an awful place.

Homophobia is how the One Percent keeps stupid people like you voting against your own economic interests. Islamophobia is another.

because their greatest fear is you figuring THIS out.

View attachment 284185

You simply CANNOT own up to what Muslims believe "outside the US" because you're a bigot, Joe, and cannot accept anything outside your bigotry. You're close-minded and have sold yourself a bill of goods so you can keep your hate-on for Christians.

There, have I delivered enough truth this morning?
God has revealed himself to all races. Native Americans call him the great spirit but to whites that came over here that was not the correct name. Muslims call the creator Allah. The number 1 belief is there is no other God but Allah. Evangelicals see 2 different gods in this sentence instead of recognizing that Muslims are say there is but one God

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Now, do you expect me to believe JESUS, or some dumb African who calls Jesus a liar? Sorry, nobody accepts you as a religious leader.
You simply CANNOT own up to what Muslims believe "outside the US" because you're a bigot, Joe, and cannot accept anything outside your bigotry. You're close-minded and have sold yourself a bill of goods so you can keep your hate-on for Christians.

There, have I delivered enough truth this morning?

Hey, I have a pretty good reason to hate Christians... they made my childhood a truly miserable experience with 12 years of Catholic School.

Then there was the nun who said that God had a good reason for my Mom to die.

Yeah... lots of good reasons to not like you people there.

Meanwhile, a Muslim hasn't ever really done anything bad to me. I don't share their beliefs, but what they do in their own parts of the world is their own business.

Now, here's a truth you can't deal with.

The ONLY reason why the One Percenters have you upset about "Islam" is because they are standing on top of a billion metric shit-tons of oil. We didn't care about what they did for most of our history until 1974, when they realized they could use that oil to make our lives miserable.

And while you are happy to march working class kids off to war to fight for the One Percent's Oil Rights, I'm the one saying, "Hey, maybe we should try something else!"
You. Joe.

Your bigotry, your words, your beliefs....YOU

Make the world an awful place. YOU

You call me a TWAT

You call a woman a "mail order bride"

You. You do this.

I make the world an awful place? Wow... I must have a lot of power.

I mean, I make it an awful place for you, but only because you show up here for the punishment.

I doubt you have the intellectual capacity to understand my beliefs...
You simply CANNOT own up to what Muslims believe "outside the US" because you're a bigot, Joe, and cannot accept anything outside your bigotry. You're close-minded and have sold yourself a bill of goods so you can keep your hate-on for Christians.

There, have I delivered enough truth this morning?

Hey, I have a pretty good reason to hate Christians... they made my childhood a truly miserable experience with 12 years of Catholic School.

Then there was the nun who said that God had a good reason for my Mom to die.

Yeah... lots of good reasons to not like you people there.

Meanwhile, a Muslim hasn't ever really done anything bad to me. I don't share their beliefs, but what they do in their own parts of the world is their own business.

Now, here's a truth you can't deal with.

The ONLY reason why the One Percenters have you upset about "Islam" is because they are standing on top of a billion metric shit-tons of oil. We didn't care about what they did for most of our history until 1974, when they realized they could use that oil to make our lives miserable.

And while you are happy to march working class kids off to war to fight for the One Percent's Oil Rights, I'm the one saying, "Hey, maybe we should try something else!"

Hey Joe do you know what grown ups do?

They don't call people Twats because other people made their childhood miserable. Or call people "mail order brides"--a racist slur--because one person said something mean about their mom's death.

If I did that with Muslims you would rightly call me a bigot. You would say I'm judging a whole group of people on the actions of a few.

But it's okay when YOU do it because..... no one knows why.

You give yourself special dispensations. But one cannot argue with a narcissist.
I use it for sodomites because it bothers you

Okay, let's look at that.

I mean, yeah, your bigotry bothers me... just like it would bother me if you said the N-word.

But here's the thing. 37% of straight people have done anal sex. 99% of them have done oral sex (Cunnilingus and Fellatio). So are you really claiming your complaint is "sodomy"?

I ask this sincerely because they've done studies that have shown that homophobic men often have latent homosexual tendencies.
You. Joe.

Your bigotry, your words, your beliefs....YOU

Make the world an awful place. YOU

You call me a TWAT

You call a woman a "mail order bride"

You. You do this.

I make the world an awful place? Wow... I must have a lot of power.

I mean, I make it an awful place for you, but only because you show up here for the punishment.

I doubt you have the intellectual capacity to understand my beliefs...

My life in entirely too wonderful for you to make a dent, sweetheart.

But people like you, yeah. Out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks.
I use it for sodomites because it bothers you

Okay, let's look at that.

I mean, yeah, your bigotry bothers me... just like it would bother me if you said the N-word.

But here's the thing. 37% of straight people have done anal sex. 99% of them have done oral sex (Cunnilingus and Fellatio). So are you really claiming your complaint is "sodomy"?

I ask this sincerely because they've done studies that have shown that homophobic men often have latent homosexual tendencies.

Single lefties are always jealous of married Christians.

Statistics say they should be.
I use it for sodomites because it bothers you

Okay, let's look at that.

I mean, yeah, your bigotry bothers me... just like it would bother me if you said the N-word.

But here's the thing. 37% of straight people have done anal sex. 99% of them have done oral sex (Cunnilingus and Fellatio). So are you really claiming your complaint is "sodomy"?

I ask this sincerely because they've done studies that have shown that homophobic men often have latent homosexual tendencies.
Humans are into all kinds of perversions. You seem to need excuses and have no standards except violating traditional boundries
Hey Joe do you know what grown ups do?

They don't call people Twats because other people made their childhood miserable. Or call people "mail order brides"--a racist slur--because one person said something mean about their mom's death.

PC never said anything mean about my mom's death.

As for that nun, I don't think she was being "mean". I think she really sincerely believed her imaginary sky pixie goes around killing people in painful ways for... um, reasons.

And sorry, you really are an Islamophobic Twat... that you lie about them because you lack the intellectual capacity to understand what their beliefs are shows that.

If I did that with Muslims you would rightly call me a bigot. You would say I'm judging a whole group of people on the actions of a few.

You do that to Muslims, and gays.. and Mexicans... and I rightfully call you a bigot.

but here's the thing. I call you that because you say awful racist things.

I call PC Names because she is self-important and doesn't get that the only reason she enjoys the same rights I enjoy as a white man is because progressives fought for that right for her.

Thing is, I'd do fine under conservative rule... I'm male, straight and white. The system is already massively rigged in my favor. But because I'm a decent human being, I think that those things should be extended to gays, minorities, women and Muslims.

So, yeah, when I see a self-loathing minority like PC spewing whatever she heard on Hate Radio like she had an original thought... MOCKERY WILL FOLLOW.

But it's okay when YOU do it because..... no one knows why.

I just explained to you why... I've done so many times... you just aren't capable of understanding it.
If anyone claims Christianity on this thread and believes what this couple did was wrong--that's an outrage and a sin. It doesn't matter that some Christians got it wrong before. It's still wrong now. Christianity is NOT a religion of races; it's a religion of individuals, and thank God for it. We are all, every one of us, made in the image of God. It is sin to look at any creation of God--most especially a human creation--and deride it as lesser.

If you are not Christian---

You can piddle around with "this race is better or that race is better", but what does it matter? It's like a preference for ice cream flavors that you set in the blazing sun. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. What is "better"? You're all headed for destruction at any rate. So have at it, I guess--it's all pointless, so much "Chasing after the wind"

You might want to start teaching that in your church. Because what racism is built upon is whites believing they had to show the rest of us the one and only true God. And of course whites were the only ones who had this knowledge. And you see that same sentiment taught in evangelical churches today pertaining to Muslims.

God has revealed himself to all races. Native Americans call him the great spirit but to whites that came over here that was not the correct name. Muslims call the creator Allah. The number 1 belief is there is no other God but Allah. Evangelicals see 2 different gods in this sentence instead of recognizing that Muslims are say there is but one God.

Fundamentalists in both religions argue about whose god is THE God. So if you go to Mexico and ask for a bottle of water, they'll tell you the agua is in the cooler. If we acted like religious fundamentalists we would stay thirsty because we want water, not agua. And we need to learn that only 1 creator exists and that he is the creator whether you call him god or allah. For if you read what is taught in the texts of the worlds major religions, the basic rules of life are the same. And when we figure that out, race will no longer be an issue.

Hmmm. Funny thing. Jesus Christ wasn't white.

No Jesus wasn't white. But whites in Europe made him white. And whites used Christianity as an excuse to enslave and colonize. Your rejection doesn't change this fact.

How Christian Slaveholders Used the Bible to Justify Slavery

Out of the more than three quarters of a million words in the Bible, Christian slaveholders—and, if asked, most slaveholders would have defined themselves as Christian—had two favorites texts, one from the beginning of the Old Testament and the other from the end of the New Testament. In the words of the King James Bible, which was the version then current, these were, first, Genesis IX, 18–27:

“And the sons of Noah that went forth from the ark were Shem, Ham, and Japheth: and Ham is the father of Canaan. These are the three sons of Noah: and of them was the whole world overspread. And Noah began to be an husbandman, and he planted a vineyard: and he drank of the wine, and was drunken; and he was uncovered within his tent. And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without. And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were backward, and they saw not their father’s nakedness. And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him. And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren. And he said, Blessed be the Lord God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant. God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant. And Noah lived after the flood three hundred and fifty years.”

Despite some problems with this story—What was so terrible about seeing Noah drunk? Why curse Canaan rather than Ham? How long was the servitude to last? Surely Ham would have been the same color as his brothers?—it eventually became the foundational text for those who wanted to justify slavery on Biblical grounds. In its boiled-down, popular version, known as “The Curse of Ham,” Canaan was dropped from the story, Ham was made black, and his descendants were made Africans.

How Christian Slaveholders Used the Bible to Justify Slavery
BBC - Religions - Christianity: Atlantic slave trade and abolition
Reunion Black Family.
Christianity and Black Slavery - Christian Research Institute

From the time Europeans arrived on American shores, the frontier—the edge territory between white man’s civilization and the untamed natural world—became a shared space of vast, clashing differences that led the U.S. government to authorize over 1,500 wars, attacks and raids on Indians, the most of any country in the world against its indigenous people. By the close of the Indian Wars in the late 19th century, fewer than 238,000 indigenous people remained, a sharp decline from the estimated 5 million to 15 million living in North America when Columbus arrived in 1492.

The reasons for this racial genocide were multi-layered. Settlers, most of whom had been barred from inheriting property in Europe, arrived on American shores hungry for Indian land—and the abundant natural resources that came with it. Indians’ collusion with the British during the American Revolution and the War of 1812 exacerbated American hostility and suspicion toward them.

Even more fundamentally, indigenous people were just too different: Their skin was dark. Their languages were foreign. And their world views and spiritual beliefs were beyond most white men’s comprehension. To settlers fearful that a loved one might become the next Mary Campbell, all this stoked racial hatred and paranoia, making it easy to paint indigenous peoples as pagan savages who must be killed in the name of civilization and Christianity.


It is past time for evangelicals to express remorse and regret to Native Americans for the mistreatment they experienced at the hands of Christians throughout the history of the nation. Although President Obama signed a resolution of apology in 2009 on behalf of the nation, evangelical groups should also follow suit.

It is a sad fact of American history that Christianity, at times, conspired with the government to colonize and nearly eradicate a proud and free people. Sadly, in the present, those wounds have been reopened by a representative of that same belief system, in effect, blaming the native people for their demise. In February, Bryan Fischer, Issues Analyst for the American Family Association wrote on the AFA website that Native Americans were "morally disqualified from sovereign control of American soil" because of "superstition, savagery and sexual immorality."

Should Evangelicals Apologize to Native Americans?
A "Christian" Defense of Genocide? David Barton's Justification of the Devastation of Native Americans – Red Letter Christians

When the Europeans came to colonize Africa, they did not just do that with the force they meted on Africans. Colonization was expedited by the use of religion, and in particular, Christianity. As of now, most Africans identify themselves as Christians, and many as Muslims. It seems Christianity has done the most in affecting the conscience of the black person in Africa. African traditional religions have been washed away, and especially with Christianity, they are viewed as pagan and heathen in nature.

While everyone is entitled to their religion, it is the same religion which has shaped Africa's history especially with the advent of imperialism and colonialism upon which it was built. Christianity achieved a major thing in Africa: to teach the black Africans to forsake all their traditions and to facilitate colonialism. The African was taught to abhor everything African and to accept a new way of living, a new way of life, a new order that alienated them from who they originally were.

Christianity was subtly intertwined with the agenda of the West. They viewed Africans as backward, barbaric and uncivilized. So their mission was to "civilize" the African. Something which they achieved with a great degree of success. Christianity was the religion of the Westerners. And it is obvious the missionaries had Western values embedded in them. So what happened was a situation where the Africans were taught to hate everything African and to accept the European way of living.

The early Christian missionaries and missionaries worked hand in hand with the colonizers. At most times, the missionaries were sent to negotiate treaties that would put the Africans under subjugation. The Bible followed the gun. And thus, the influence of Christianity in the colonization process had a devastating effect on the Africans.

Christianity and colonialism - Wikipedia
Role of Missionaries in Colonization of Africans - Global Black History

You cannot reject the truth.

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