Mixed couple forced to flee country after appearing in ad

Anyone who thinks there shouldn't be inter-racial marriage is a loser


so it’s like a required belief now?

not required.

you can believe that inter-racial marriage is wrong.

you have the right to be ignorant.

But everyone else ALSO has rights to believe what THEY want.

So if you say something that I consider ignorant and wrong (inter-racial marriage is wrong) then I get to say "you are ignorant, racist and completely wrong"
Mixed-race couple forced to flee country after appearing in ad

BAHAHA! Burn the coal,pay the toll! It is so damn refreshing to see Irish folks not completely falling for the cultural marxist propaganda to destroy their beautiful and historic bloodlines!
This is not typical of Ireland. It has become welcoming to multiculturalism.

The british have wanted to rid themselves of the Irish for quite some time.
It is actually the other way around.
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beautiful and historic bloodlines!


If anyone claims Christianity on this thread and believes what this couple did was wrong--that's an outrage and a sin. It doesn't matter that some Christians got it wrong before. It's still wrong now. Christianity is NOT a religion of races; it's a religion of individuals, and thank God for it. We are all, every one of us, made in the image of God. It is sin to look at any creation of God--most especially a human creation--and deride it as lesser.

If you are not Christian---

You can piddle around with "this race is better or that race is better", but what does it matter? It's like a preference for ice cream flavors that you set in the blazing sun. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. What is "better"? You're all headed for destruction at any rate. So have at it, I guess--it's all pointless, so much "Chasing after the wind"
Didn’t think there we’re any coal burners in Ireland.
Unfortunately there is. If its a white nation then it MUST be diversified aka have less white people.
Mixed-race couple forced to flee country after appearing in ad

BAHAHA! Burn the coal,pay the toll! It is so damn refreshing to see Irish folks not completely falling for the cultural marxist propaganda to destroy their beautiful and historic bloodlines!

What is your problem? It's scary that this family felt unsafe in their homeland. They have done nothing wrong. What's this "bloodline" garbage? This comes at a time when Ireland is blossoming into the 21st Century while the U.S. is falling backwards.
It's people like you who make the world sick.
Lol. Its not THEIR homeland,I don't even think she is even Irish and he sure in the hell isn't. They did do something wrong they committed a sin against nature by committing miscegenation, Lol by blossoming into the 21st century you mean erasing the white majority in favor of multicultism DIEversity and destroying a once BEAUTIFUL country on the altar of cultural marxism. Hate to break some news to you but YOUR side will lose this war.
Mixed-race couple forced to flee country after appearing in ad

BAHAHA! Burn the coal,pay the toll! It is so damn refreshing to see Irish folks not completely falling for the cultural marxist propaganda to destroy their beautiful and historic bloodlines!

Odium: board poster most likely to end up with "mixed race" grandchildren
Odium : Man who ALREADY disowned and completely cut off his ex sister who became a disgusting race mixer and will have NO PROBLEM doing it to anyone else including his own children. Fortunately my kids are ALL being raised traditionally and NOT to hate their race and history and heritage. They know the importance of more white babies and they know the consequences.

You are teaching your kids to take an ass whippin. And for each ass whippin they take, they are going to hate you for what you're teaching them. So you go by a ticket, pack your bags and go move Norway, where you can teach your feral subhumans to pray to Odin. I knew a lot of kids who had parents like you and we sent most of them to the doctor for repeating to us what daddy taught. A lot of it was done legally. It's called football. You might want to keep your little feral subhumans off the field when they get older.
If anyone claims Christianity on this thread and believes what this couple did was wrong--that's an outrage and a sin. It doesn't matter that some Christians got it wrong before. It's still wrong now.

I'm sure some religmo will 'get it wrong' before page 12 Sue

Didn’t think there we’re any coal burners in Ireland.
Unfortunately there is. If its a white nation then it MUST be diversified aka have less white people.
Mixed-race couple forced to flee country after appearing in ad

BAHAHA! Burn the coal,pay the toll! It is so damn refreshing to see Irish folks not completely falling for the cultural marxist propaganda to destroy their beautiful and historic bloodlines!

What is your problem? It's scary that this family felt unsafe in their homeland. They have done nothing wrong. What's this "bloodline" garbage? This comes at a time when Ireland is blossoming into the 21st Century while the U.S. is falling backwards.
It's people like you who make the world sick.
Lol. Its not THEIR homeland,I don't even think she is even Irish and he sure in the hell isn't. They did do something wrong they committed a sin against nature by committing miscegenation, Lol by blossoming into the 21st century you mean erasing the white majority in favor of multicultism DIEversity and destroying a once BEAUTIFUL country on the altar of cultural marxism. Hate to break some news to you but YOUR side will lose this war.
Mixed-race couple forced to flee country after appearing in ad

BAHAHA! Burn the coal,pay the toll! It is so damn refreshing to see Irish folks not completely falling for the cultural marxist propaganda to destroy their beautiful and historic bloodlines!

Odium: board poster most likely to end up with "mixed race" grandchildren
Odium : Man who ALREADY disowned and completely cut off his ex sister who became a disgusting race mixer and will have NO PROBLEM doing it to anyone else including his own children. Fortunately my kids are ALL being raised traditionally and NOT to hate their race and history and heritage. They know the importance of more white babies and they know the consequences.

You are teaching your kids to take an ass whippin. And for each ass whippin they take, they are going to hate you for what you're teaching them. So you go by a ticket, pack your bags and go move Norway, where you can teach your feral subhumans to pray to Odin. I knew a lot of kids who had parents like you and we sent most of them to the doctor for repeating to us what daddy taught. A lot of it was done legally. It's called football. You might want to keep your little feral subhumans off the field when they get older.

He loves his hate-religion more than he loves his kids. He has said so.
If anyone claims Christianity on this thread and believes what this couple did was wrong--that's an outrage and a sin. It doesn't matter that some Christians got it wrong before. It's still wrong now.

I'm sure some religmo will 'get it wrong' before page 12 Sue


The Bible deals with this at length. Not sure you're aware of this.
If anyone claims Christianity on this thread and believes what this couple did was wrong--that's an outrage and a sin. It doesn't matter that some Christians got it wrong before. It's still wrong now. Christianity is NOT a religion of races; it's a religion of individuals, and thank God for it. We are all, every one of us, made in the image of God. It is sin to look at any creation of God--most especially a human creation--and deride it as lesser.

If you are not Christian---

You can piddle around with "this race is better or that race is better", but what does it matter? It's like a preference for ice cream flavors that you set in the blazing sun. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. What is "better"? You're all headed for destruction at any rate. So have at it, I guess--it's all pointless, so much "Chasing after the wind"

You might want to start teaching that in your church. Because what racism is built upon is whites believing they had to show the rest of us the one and only true God. And of course whites were the only ones who had this knowledge. And you see that same sentiment taught in evangelical churches today pertaining to Muslims.

God has revealed himself to all races. Native Americans call him the great spirit but to whites that came over here that was not the correct name. Muslims call the creator Allah. The number 1 belief is there is no other God but Allah. Evangelicals see 2 different gods in this sentence instead of recognizing that Muslims are say there is but one God.

Fundamentalists in both religions argue about whose god is THE God. So if you go to Mexico and ask for a bottle of water, they'll tell you the agua is in the cooler. If we acted like religious fundamentalists we would stay thirsty because we want water, not agua. And we need to learn that only 1 creator exists and that he is the creator whether you call him god or allah. For if you read what is taught in the texts of the worlds major religions, the basic rules of life are the same. And when we figure that out, race will no longer be an issue.
Didn’t think there we’re any coal burners in Ireland.
Unfortunately there is. If its a white nation then it MUST be diversified aka have less white people.
Mixed-race couple forced to flee country after appearing in ad

BAHAHA! Burn the coal,pay the toll! It is so damn refreshing to see Irish folks not completely falling for the cultural marxist propaganda to destroy their beautiful and historic bloodlines!

What is your problem? It's scary that this family felt unsafe in their homeland. They have done nothing wrong. What's this "bloodline" garbage? This comes at a time when Ireland is blossoming into the 21st Century while the U.S. is falling backwards.
It's people like you who make the world sick.
Lol. Its not THEIR homeland,I don't even think she is even Irish and he sure in the hell isn't. They did do something wrong they committed a sin against nature by committing miscegenation, Lol by blossoming into the 21st century you mean erasing the white majority in favor of multicultism DIEversity and destroying a once BEAUTIFUL country on the altar of cultural marxism. Hate to break some news to you but YOUR side will lose this war.
Mixed-race couple forced to flee country after appearing in ad

BAHAHA! Burn the coal,pay the toll! It is so damn refreshing to see Irish folks not completely falling for the cultural marxist propaganda to destroy their beautiful and historic bloodlines!

Odium: board poster most likely to end up with "mixed race" grandchildren
Odium : Man who ALREADY disowned and completely cut off his ex sister who became a disgusting race mixer and will have NO PROBLEM doing it to anyone else including his own children. Fortunately my kids are ALL being raised traditionally and NOT to hate their race and history and heritage. They know the importance of more white babies and they know the consequences.

You are teaching your kids to take an ass whippin. And for each ass whippin they take, they are going to hate you for what you're teaching them. So you go by a ticket, pack your bags and go move Norway, where you can teach your feral subhumans to pray to Odin. I knew a lot of kids who had parents like you and we sent most of them to the doctor for repeating to us what daddy taught. A lot of it was done legally. It's called football. You might want to keep your little feral subhumans off the field when they get older.

He loves his hate-religion more than he loves his kids. He has said so.

That's sad. Satan really has him in his grips.
If anyone claims Christianity on this thread and believes what this couple did was wrong--that's an outrage and a sin. It doesn't matter that some Christians got it wrong before. It's still wrong now. Christianity is NOT a religion of races; it's a religion of individuals, and thank God for it. We are all, every one of us, made in the image of God. It is sin to look at any creation of God--most especially a human creation--and deride it as lesser.

If you are not Christian---

You can piddle around with "this race is better or that race is better", but what does it matter? It's like a preference for ice cream flavors that you set in the blazing sun. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. What is "better"? You're all headed for destruction at any rate. So have at it, I guess--it's all pointless, so much "Chasing after the wind"

You might want to start teaching that in your church. Because what racism is built upon is whites believing they had to show the rest of us the one and only true God. And of course whites were the only ones who had this knowledge. And you see that same sentiment taught in evangelical churches today pertaining to Muslims.

God has revealed himself to all races. Native Americans call him the great spirit but to whites that came over here that was not the correct name. Muslims call the creator Allah. The number 1 belief is there is no other God but Allah. Evangelicals see 2 different gods in this sentence instead of recognizing that Muslims are say there is but one God.

Fundamentalists in both religions argue about whose god is THE God. So if you go to Mexico and ask for a bottle of water, they'll tell you the agua is in the cooler. If we acted like religious fundamentalists we would stay thirsty because we want water, not agua. And we need to learn that only 1 creator exists and that he is the creator whether you call him god or allah. For if you read what is taught in the texts of the worlds major religions, the basic rules of life are the same. And when we figure that out, race will no longer be an issue.

Hmmm. Funny thing. Jesus Christ wasn't white.

You are one sick racist. Who in the hell are YOU to say that Ireland is not the homeland of either one? You don't have that right. People of different racial backgrounds having relationships does not involve anything that could be classified as "sin." The current Taoiseach of the Republic, is a Catholic born in Dublin to a Catholic mother and a Hindu father. Where did you get the notion that accepting other people equates to hating one's own race, history, and heritage? You sound like you are raising your kids to be as sick as yourself.

I think Odium is a troll pretending to be a racist just to see if he can get a rise out of people.
You are one sick racist. Who in the hell are YOU to say that Ireland is not the homeland of either one? You don't have that right. People of different racial backgrounds having relationships does not involve anything that could be classified as "sin." The current Taoiseach of the Republic, is a Catholic born in Dublin to a Catholic mother and a Hindu father. Where did you get the notion that accepting other people equates to hating one's own race, history, and heritage? You sound like you are raising your kids to be as sick as yourself.

I think Odium is a troll pretending to be a racist just to see if he can get a rise out of people.

Whereas you are an actual racist misogynist who does not need to pretend

We know this, Joe

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