Mixed Emotions


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
In another thread (the one I started about Rush) I allowed as how I don't have cable anymore - I was asked what do I watch? A part of my reply was, I read (books and internet articles)- this is one I read today- it elicits, as the thread title indicates, Mixed Emotions.
I like wolves- wild life in general, actually, but wolves are just cool 4 legged people- while reading this, a line from a Kris Kristofferson song (El Coyote) came to mind. A wolf pack will die, scattered by man-

The Wolf That Discovered California
Nearly a century after the last wolf was eradicated in the state, a lone female arrived and established a pack. Not everyone is cheering

At a steady trot, wolves can go 20 miles without breaking stride and cover 50 miles in a day. Their long thin legs move with the inevitability of bicycle wheels, with the rear foot landing in the exact spot just vacated by the front foot and the rest of the wolf flowing along. They travel with a look of intense purpose—ears pricked up, eyes keen, nostrils sifting the air for information—yet their movement over the land appears effortless.

The female gray wolf that biologists would call LAS01F was born somewhere in the Northern Rockies in 2014, possibly in Wyoming. In her second year of life, coursing with hormones, she left her natal pack to find a mate and a territory of her own, and kept going for another 800 miles or more.

I understand the emotional arguments presented and the intellectual arguments as well- but, in this instance, the wild life lover in me, (emotion) is a few points ahead- what say you?
I say that people can educate themselves on the dangers of wolves while allowing them to flourish in their chosen and natural habitat.

It should be taught early and often that when you step outside the confines of civilization to enjoy "nature", understand that there is risk involved and that should some ill fate befall you, no one is to blame.

I would be far more concerned with California's lack of wild land management with regard to forestation and fire.
My message to Ms Wolf....."You go girl!"

And "watch your back, missy, cuz there are assholes who want to kill you. I'm rooting for ya to go forth and prosper".
We have a breeding pair who have been known to roam the eastern part of the county ... prey should be plenty in the hills and mountains ... the mule deer populations are way way overloaded ... AFAIK, these wolves enjoy the full protection of the Endangered Wildlife Act here west of the US-395 urban corridor ... and so far they've not been attacking livestock in the valley bottoms ... but it's just a matter of time ... hungry wolves are also well known to eat children ...

Will humans change their lifestyles and husbandry practices? ... this would cost money, will the future generations think it's worth it to have wolves around? ... gone are the days we can just range our cows and expect all the calves to survive ... if we want to help the wolves, we need to cut our meat consumption in half, or more ...
We have a breeding pair who have been known to roam the eastern part of the county ... prey should be plenty in the hills and mountains ... the mule deer populations are way way overloaded ... AFAIK, these wolves enjoy the full protection of the Endangered Wildlife Act here west of the US-395 urban corridor ... and so far they've not been attacking livestock in the valley bottoms ... but it's just a matter of time ... hungry wolves are also well known to eat children ...

Will humans change their lifestyles and husbandry practices? ... this would cost money, will the future generations think it's worth it to have wolves around? ... gone are the days we can just range our cows and expect all the calves to survive ... if we want to help the wolves, we need to cut our meat consumption in half, or more ...

I think reducing population is a far better cause because there are now too many of us consuming resources that are depleting in large areas of the world.
I think reducing population is a far better cause because there are now too many of us consuming resources that are depleting in large areas of the world.

Much of this deprivation is due to meat production ... but go ahead and start the shooting if that's what you think we need ...
I think reducing population is a far better cause because there are now too many of us consuming resources that are depleting in large areas of the world.

Much of this deprivation is due to meat production ... but go ahead and start the shooting if that's what you think we need ...

Another silly post you make since I wasn't advocating genocide at all, never have.

Better family planning, contraceptives, after sex abortion pills and a better economy would go far in reducing FUTURE population growth.

Meanwhile what makes YOU think people are going to reduce their meat consumption by 50%?
Another silly post you make since I wasn't advocating genocide at all, never have.

Ah ... my mistake ... you're advocating a draconian "One Child Only" policy like your buddies, the Commies ...
Better family planning, contraceptives, after sex abortion pills and a better economy would go far in reducing FUTURE population growth.

Family planning is fine throughout the world ... have 12 kids so eight will survive until adulthood ... so they can take care of us when we're too old to work ourselves ... or are you just another stupid American who thinks the whole world has Social Security and Pension Plans ...

We can harvest stem cells from the murdered babies ...

Meanwhile what makes YOU think people are going to reduce their meat consumption by 50%?

I don't think people will until the land stops being productive enough ... when soils are spent, meat prices will go up ... about the time fossil fuels run out ...
Not sure about the OP's article ... I was referring to the one we affectionately named OR-7 ... the seventh wolf with a radio collar in Oregon ...

OR-7 - Wikipedia

"Meanwhile, other wolves have migrated into the mountainous cross-border region, and relatives of OR–7 have formed two packs in northern California." ...

Yeah, wolves have been reported in California for some years now ... hardly news today ...
ReinyDays descent continues:
Ah ... my mistake ... you're advocating a draconian "One Child Only" policy like your buddies, the Commies ...


I already wrote the basics of birth control, here reminding you what I wrote, bolding to words:

"Better family planning, contraceptives, after sex abortion pills and a better economy would go far in reducing FUTURE population growth."

As you can see no mention of one child policy at all, not a even a hint of a number......., maybe you stop with your self defeating churlish replies instead?

Then you go on with some more hostility in reply, UNPROVOKED too:

Family planning is fine throughout the world ... have 12 kids so eight will survive until adulthood ... so they can take care of us when we're too old to work ourselves ... or are you just another stupid American who thinks the whole world has Social Security and Pension Plans ...

Again I repeat my words with bolding added:

"family planning, contraceptives, after sex abortion pills and a better economy would go far in reducing FUTURE population growth."

Better economies generally reduce family size...., reduced dependence of the old and greater disposable wealth to use and develop, a reality seen over and over......

Your last section was interesting if somewhat overly pessimistic:

I don't think people will until the land stops being productive enough ... when soils are spent, meat prices will go up ... about the time fossil fuels run out .

You are already out of date, meat are increasingly being made without soil at all, may be marketable in a few years. The technology is already well set up and viable, the main hurdles are cost which has dropped a lot already and the reluctance to eat it, being not sure what it is and how it taste (taste like the real thing with same nutrition levels) as the grass fed animals.

The truth about lab-grown meat

Year later,

No-kill, lab-grown meat to go on sale for first time

There is even plans in the works to grow meat similar to growing plants in a hydroponics set up.

I posted before you became a member showing that at current consumption rate, we have around 200 years of oil left to extract and refine based on current numbers which will increase over time with more exploration and improvements in extraction and refining the products.

But if the public stop being so irrational about non breeder nuclear power and Thorium production then the use of Coal and Oil would decline significantly.

You are not as smart as you think fella.....
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