MLK weekend in Chicago: 25 shot, 7 killed.

I think it's hard to say what MLK would do and think today.

Nevertheless,there are plenty of Blacks who completely understand the problem. Here are a couple of outstanding academics:

Erec Smith is an associate professor of rhetoric at York College of Pennsylvania. He is also a co-founder of Free Black Thought and a senior fellow for the Foundation Against Intolerance and Racism.
[ Erec Smith, Ph.D. | York College of PA ]
Their website: [ FAIR – Foundation Against Intolerance & Racism ]
And check out these people:
[ Glenn Loury - Wikipedia ]
[ Thomas Sowell - Wikipedia ]
[ Dr. Carol Swain | Author | Speaker | TV Commentator – Holding Politicians Accountable ]
[ Phillis Wheatley - Wikipedia ]

And the dire straits of the Black community were not always so dire:

And for those with the time and inclination to read a book, this is a must:
Woke Racism: How a New Religion Has Betrayed Black America Hardcover – 2021
by John McWhorter (Evidently I can't post a link to Amazon on here, but it's easily found if you go there and search.)

"New York Times bestselling author and acclaimed linguist John McWhorter argues that an illiberal neoracism, disguised as antiracism, is hurting Black communities and weakening the American social fabric."
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I guess "I have a dream" rings hollow in the drug war zones of Chicago.

I suspect that the Dream of many racist Whites that Negroes would all just off themselves has a lot more validity than MLK's dream thanks to incompetent Democrat leadership unwilling to confront Black crime.
I suspect that the Dream of many racist Whites that Negroes would all just off themselves has a lot more validity than MLK's dream thanks to incompetent Democrat leadership unwilling to confront Black crime.
The Mexican drug cartels are moving into Black areas, because they are distribution points for their products. And they may bring order, of a sort. The Black kids who shoot each other every weekend are amateurs, but the cartels are professionals.
Concentrate less on placing blame and more on fixing the problem.

Concentrate on being realistic .. how do you propose mitigating the over-dependency on government with a well established precedent of entitlements? how do you propose traditional families where the father doesn't leave creating a large pool of single-mothers and no father figures? Why is race or racism the problem for everything?

America will never heal because white liberals keep picking off the scab.
Concentrate on being realistic .. how do you propose mitigating the over-dependency on government with a well established precedent of entitlements?
Socially responsible government is exactly the cure. The world's leading democracies, including Canada are the proof.
how do you propose traditional families where the father doesn't leave creating a large pool of single-mothers and no father figures? Why is race or racism the problem for everything?
The huge number of fathers leaving in America is one of the symptoms of the sickness that has been created by racism and greedy style capitalism.
America will never heal because white liberals keep picking off the scab.
I can't suggest any optimism on America ever healing, but on a positive note, future leaders of America can't be worse than Trump!

Or Biden on physical appearance and level of senility alone!
Socially responsible government is exactly the cure. The world's leading democracies, including Canada are the proof.
The United States will never be a socially responsible government .. this is a fantasy.
The huge number of fathers leaving in America is one of the symptoms of the sickness that has been created by racism and greedy style capitalism.
I see .. so racism is causing a single, black males to father multiple children or black females giving birth to several children from several males? This has nothing to do with racism or capitalism.

I can't suggest any optimism on America ever healing, but on a positive note, future leaders of America can't be worse than Trump!

Or Biden on physical appearance and level of senility alone!
Trump and Biden are the executive branch .. you could have the best president ever, and still have a stagnant Congress. Sorry .. this just isn't going to happen with the vast majority of low-information voters.
The Mexican drug cartels are moving into Black areas, because they are distribution points for their products. And they may bring order, of a sort. The Black kids who shoot each other every weekend are amateurs, but the cartels are professionals.
this is why I cant understand why progressives are so pro abortion....we dont need abortion to limit the black population....they are generously killing each other in record numbers
lAmerica's gun violence can be traced directly back to racism, as you are unconsciously suggesting. Black people being held down and held back is the main reason for black crime.

There's nothing to gain by keeping the discussion under wraps for the purpose of not injuring white people's sensibilities.

Trump chose to use racism to promote his political agenda and now the country is set back decades!

Better than half of the topics introduced to this board have racist overtones.

It's blacks doing most shootings....yeah it's racism

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