MN Woman Brutally Beaten by Metal Police Baton on Jan. 6 Plans to Decline Plea Deal From Fed Prosecutors


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2011
There is video of this woman being beaten and abused by police. She is the victim.

"On January 6, 2021, White was present at the U.S. Capitol protests. In surveillance footage from just inside the Capitol building’s west tunnel entrance, White is seen being beaten over the head by a metal police baton, receiving several punches, being grabbed and shaken by the hair, and being sprayed with pepper spray."

J6 is not what the media and criminals want you to believe. It was a peaceful protest challenging the results of an election and demanding answers. Absolutely nothing illegal or unpatriotic about it.

There is video of this woman being beaten and abused by police. She is the victim.

"On January 6, 2021, White was present at the U.S. Capitol protests. In surveillance footage from just inside the Capitol building’s west tunnel entrance, White is seen being beaten over the head by a metal police baton, receiving several punches, being grabbed and shaken by the hair, and being sprayed with pepper spray."

J6 is not what the media and criminals want you to believe. It was a peaceful protest challenging the results of an election and demanding answers. Absolutely nothing illegal or unpatriotic about it.

The woman is a dumbass. It is clear, the Capital Police were defending the entrance. The crazy lady should have gotten a clue and not attempted entry. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Tough Sht. I am happy for her to have her day in court.
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The woman is a dumbass. It is clear, the Capital Police were defending the entrance. The crazy lady should have gotten a clue and not attempted entry. Play stupid games, wind stupid prizes. Tough Sht. I am happy for her to have her day in court.
So hitting an unarmed woman in the head with an iron bar is better than arresting her first? You fucking idiot.
The woman is a dumbass. It is clear, the Capital Police were defending the entrance. The crazy lady should have gotten a clue and not attempted entry. Play stupid games, wind stupid prizes. Tough Sht. I am happy for her to have her day in court.
You're wrong about this.
The cops let people inside and then attacked them.

Witnesses said everything was fine till the cops poured into the Capital and started beating people indiscriminately.
The word went out to the people outside that cops were beating and killing people, so they started pushing in to stop it.
That's when one woman was beaten, kicked, and murdered by Jackbooted Thugs in riot gear.
This woman is another one that they were beating.
This doesn't include the unarmed former Marine they murdered in cold-blood.

Now, if this had happened to a bunch of BLM motherf**kers you'd be screaming racism to high-Heaven
So hitting an unarmed woman in the head with an iron bar is better than arresting her first? You fucking idiot.
With her trying to force her way in past that number of defenders? It doesn't bother me. If battling her way into my house, she wouldn't have gotten 6 feet in before I would have knocked her the Fk out, without a second thought except protecting my home and calling somebody to get her off my floor. Women can be badass when they want to be, all to be taken seriously, many deserve no quarter as the weaker sex, especially when they are in the attack. My viewpoint is dispassionate, based on experience with military women, I was in OCS with, many years ago. I guess you have only met shy, retiring, meek examples of the fairer sex. I knew a female cop in the civilian world that beat the sht out guys, I know, including some reasonably badass bikers. As for the woman in question, I still say "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Let the trials begin, if that is how she thinks her best path lies.
With her trying to force her way in past that number of defenders? It doesn't bother me. If battling her way into my house, she wouldn't have gotten 6 feet in before I would have knocked her the Fk out, without a second thought except protecting my home and calling somebody to get her off my floor. Women can be badass when they want to be, all to be taken seriously, many deserve no quarter as the weaker sex, especially when they are in the attack. My viewpoint is dispassionate, based on experience with military women, I was in OCS with, many years ago. I guess you have only met shy, retiring, meek examples of the fairer sex. I knew a female cop in the civilian world that beat the sht out guys, I know, including some reasonably badass bikers. As for the woman in question, I still say "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Let the trials begin, if that is how she thinks her best path lies.
TLDR I do not listen to idiots.
Like blacks should just comply.... right?
When facing law enforcement while attempting to invade public or private property, Yes. Are you saying, if it was a black person (female or male) was forcing their way into your home, you would be good with it, after all, they are black? I make no distinction, give no quarter for sex, sexual orientation, or race, and see not obligation of law enforcement to take it into account either. This woman should not have counted on the kindness and generosity of strangers defending the Capital where she was attacking. I doubt the courts taking it into account either, as they should not.
You're wrong about this.
The cops let people inside and then attacked them.

Witnesses said everything was fine till the cops poured into the Capital and started beating people indiscriminately.
The word went out to the people outside that cops were beating and killing people, so they started pushing in to stop it.
That's when one woman was beaten, kicked, and murdered by Jackbooted Thugs in riot gear.
This woman is another one that they were beating.
This doesn't include the unarmed former Marine they murdered in cold-blood.

Now, if this had happened to a bunch of BLM motherf**kers you'd be screaming racism to high-Heaven
You will have to see your new narrative in the courts. I am highly swayed more by the videos the attacking idiots posted on the own social media that support the mainstream narrative, espcially as I got to watch it live that day by every network, (left or right leaning), so it became the prevailing narrative, most easily proved in court.
I suspect you of being a "2020 valid election denier", which people of that persuasion failed to prove in the courts for lack of evidence or thinking no evidence would be required if they could sell the narrative outside the courts. Naturally, you side with what the rest of the country view as attackers on the Capital.
She's part of a violent mob that was attempting to force their way into the capitol by becoming a human battering ram against police officers.

Police were attacked. They were defending themselves.

She made a huge mistake by going there. Any rational person would have never been a part of that.
Because there are no consequences for you being a traitor. I am hardly surprised by your statement.
They were the traitors and misguided fools, so it is their problem, naturally.
Okay, so let's see. She was definitely there, was charged with a laundry list but was found Not Guilty on all counts. She seems pretty defiant but at one point was seen pulling others away from breaking in, so I'm sure that worked in her favor.

White allegedly posted on Jan. 7 "A friend said Delete FB stuff. ... I stated I’m not scared i was in the capitol DETAINED and they took my social security # name address they are coming for me. I am not afraid of them or anyone!! There I said it Come get me, You don’t know the story, it’s not what you think," court documents state.
[Source: Info Forum (The Forum of Fargo-Moorhead), Right-Center Bias, High Factual Reporting.)

Security footage shows a person who appears to be White making her way up to the terrace of the building, to a group of officers holding riot shields, according to the affidavit. "As the video progresses, the [Metropolitan] officers attempt to push White back with their riot shields and fend her off with a baton," the affidavit states. "White is seen in a red sweater, and it appears that she is attempting to grab a shield and uses her hand to block the baton."
[Source: (Minnesota) Star Tribune, Left-Center Bias, High Factual Reporting.)

She cheered others on and helped some climb the walls and stuff, and soon was inside the tunnel entrance, where she was swarmed by cops. Her lawyer said she thought the tunnel was a way up a level, and she was only inside because she was swept in by others. Then she got on social media:

"But this doorway, there's police there and they're spraying mace. … As I get closer my shoes fall off and my coat was like around my waist and came off and my coat had my cell phone. It had my driver's license. … And I'm getting beat in the head with a metal baton by the police and I'm getting massively sprayed with pepper spray by the police. And next thing I know, I'm in the police being like pushed backwards like ping pong of sorts and the next thing I know I'm in the State [sic] Capitol." White was detained Jan. 6, but released with no immediate charges, according to the affidavit.
(Same source.)

The other thing I noticed was that coverage of her countersuit is, as far as I can tell, being covered exclusively by highly suspect, partisan pseudo-news sites such as The Gateway Pundit, something called "American Gulag," and probably the worst of them all, The Epoch Times. That tells me that it isn't much of a story except to the wackadoo fringe.

So I think she probably, yeah, got the shit beaten out of her by riot cops, but I wouldn't expect her lawsuit to get far.
You will have to see your new narrative in the courts. I am highly swayed more by the videos the attacking idiots posted on the own social media that support the mainstream narrative, espcially as I got to watch it live that day by every network, (left or right leaning), so it became the prevailing narrative, most easily proved in court.
I suspect you of being a "2020 valid election denier", which people of that persuasion failed to prove in the courts for lack of evidence or thinking no evidence would be required if they could sell the narrative outside the courts. Naturally, you side with what the rest of the country view as attackers on the Capital.
I'm not siding with any rioter. I just don't think the government has the right to murder protesters in cold-blood.

If any of what they're saying is true then why are they only allowing what they want us to see to be out in the open?
I'll tell you why.
Because it tells a completely different story than what they're telling us.
Before they started arresting people after Jan 6th there were people saying exactly what I've been saying.
Then they started arresting them and silencing them.

I knew something smelled fishy the moment they claimed 5 cops died on Jan 6th.
We now know that was bogus crapola.
The only person that officially died on Jan 6th was an unarmed female ex-Marine.
Another woman possibly died from being beaten to death....but we can't get any proof of it other than the videos that showed her being beaten and stomped into unconsciousness.
It was a peaceful protest challenging the results of an election and demanding answers. Absolutely nothing illegal or unpatriotic about it.
No, it wasn't. It was a violent riot by your cult who engaged in vandalism, assaulted law enforcement, and resulted in several people dead.

You're a liar and you're mentally ill.
I'm not siding with any rioter. I just don't think the government has the right to murder protesters in cold-blood.

If any of what they're saying is true then why are they only allowing what they want us to see to be out in the open?
I'll tell you why.
Because it tells a completely different story than what they're telling us.
Before they started arresting people after Jan 6th there were people saying exactly what I've been saying.
Then they started arresting them and silencing them.

I knew something smelled fishy the moment they claimed 5 cops died on Jan 6th.
We now know that was bogus crapola.
The only person that officially died on Jan 6th was an unarmed female ex-Marine.
Another woman possibly died from being beaten to death....but we can't get any proof of it other than the videos that showed her being beaten and stomped into unconsciousness.
I don't think protestors should trample to death other protestors while forcing their way into the Capital, either, but it happened during the J6 attack. Trump should have never turned his mob on the Capital to stop the recording of the vote and to fight for what wasn't right.
Like blacks should just comply.... right?
So if a black person doesn't comply and they get the hell beat out of them, to the right wing racist that is Justice. Now flip that and a white person shows their ass and the police put a beat down on them, to the right wing racist that is Injustice.

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