MN Woman Brutally Beaten by Metal Police Baton on Jan. 6 Plans to Decline Plea Deal From Fed Prosecutors

With her trying to force her way in past that number of defenders? It doesn't bother me. If battling her way into my house, she wouldn't have gotten 6 feet in before I would have knocked her the Fk out, without a second thought except protecting my home and calling somebody to get her off my floor. Women can be badass when they want to be, all to be taken seriously, many deserve no quarter as the weaker sex, especially when they are in the attack. My viewpoint is dispassionate, based on experience with military women, I was in OCS with, many years ago. I guess you have only met shy, retiring, meek examples of the fairer sex. I knew a female cop in the civilian world that beat the sht out guys, I know, including some reasonably badass bikers. As for the woman in question, I still say "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Let the trials begin, if that is how she thinks her best path lies.
She didn't lay a finger on that cop.
He targeted her and assassinated her....probably on orders.
Word was going around that snipers were given orders to shoot-to-kill.

I watched the original video.
It was clearly staged.
A BLM member is the one who broke the window.
Several cops were blocking the door on the protester's side, and they all just turned and left with no explanation.
It was like some B grade movie rehearsal....only they shot her in cold-blood and killed her in real life.
She didn't lay a finger on that cop.
He targeted her and assassinated her....probably on orders.
Word was going around that snipers were given orders to shoot-to-kill.

I watched the original video.
It was clearly staged.
A BLM member is the one who broke the window.
Several cops were blocking the door on the protester's side, and they all just turned and left with no explanation.
It was like some B grade movie rehearsal....only they shot her in cold-blood and killed her in real life.
He told her to stay out. She was backed by the ones that had just beaten through the tempered security glass of the doors and was coming in. I do not expect any cop to be found beat down or beat to death with a fully loaded weapon. Maybe next time she will listen in her next life. Nobody else tried to come through. There is no telling how many lives she saved by being stupid enough to see if she could lead the way in. May she rest in peace.
Yes. Any who attempted to break in. Mozambique for everyone! Fucking traitors.'s treason that seems to be the sticking point.

What if the whole mess was the Deep-State conspiring to rig the election thru various means?
What if the FBI conspired with Twitter to mislead the public before an election by censoring the Hunter Biden laptop story?
What if Nancy Pelosi intentionally set up Trump supporters by letting them in and then bushwacking them once they were stupid enough to enter the Capital?

Isn't that a criminal conspiracy to commit treason, espionage, and fraud which falls under the organized crime RICO predicates?

You betcha!!!
He told her to stay out. She was backed by the ones that had just beaten through the tempered security glass of the doors and was coming in. I do not expect any cop to be found beat down or beat to death with a fully loaded weapon. Maybe next time she will listen in her next life. Nobody else tried to come through. There is no telling how many lives she saved by being stupid enough to see if she could lead the way in. May she rest in peace.
So she didn't listen...or somebody encouraged her to go thru a window.
So of course she had to die.

Yep...the death penalty is automatic for anyone who trespasses or breaks stuff.
No, it wasn't. It was a violent riot by your cult who engaged in vandalism, assaulted law enforcement, and resulted in several people dead.

You're a liar and you're mentally ill.
But the only people that were getting killed were the unarmed people who were trespassing.

Next they need to post snipers, or ED-209, for any scumbag jaywalkers......those violent fucks.


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So she didn't listen...or somebody encouraged her to go thru a window.
So of course she had to die.

Yep...the death penalty is automatic for anyone who trespasses or breaks stuff.
Somebody breaks into my house when I am telling them to stay out, the would undoubtedly get the same and I keep a loaded weapon handy, if Lexie didn't get them first.
Somebody breaks into my house when I am telling them to stay out, the would undoubtedly get the same and I keep a loaded weapon handy, if Lexie didn't get them first.
Hate to spell this out to you, but they didn't break in. They were invited in.

That is a fact that will become painfully obvious in the next couple of months.
"J6 ........was a peaceful protest challenging the results of an election and demanding answers. Absolutely nothing illegal or unpatriotic about it."

Poor avatar Lastamender.
His operator makes him look so uninformed and foolish.
It's a sad thing to witness.
So often.


WHINE 1: This doesn't include the unarmed former Marine they murdered in cold-blood.
WHINE 2: He targeted her and assassinated her....probably on orders.
ANSWER v.1.0 & v.1.2: Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

WHINE 3: That's when one woman was beaten, kicked, and murdered by Jackbooted Thugs in riot gear

ANSWER v.1.3: With her trying to force her way in past that number of defenders? Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Hate to spell this out to you, but they didn't break in. They were invited in.

That is a fact that will become painfully obvious in the next couple of months.
BS. They knew they weren't wanted. If I tell ya to get out, ya better be beatin feet out my double pane, Low E, IG security glazed front door, or the next thing you here will be a growl from me and the HIT command, as Lexie takes over while I get one of my guns to deal with what's left.
Like blacks should just comply.... right?
Maybe they should stop looting ,burning ,murdering ,raping ,beating old people ,and shootin' Dope. Prison is an equal opportunity Employer. There are more blacks in prison because they commit more crimes. Nature of the Beast.
Maybe they should stop looting ,burning ,murdering ,raping ,beating old people ,and shootin' Dope. Prison is an equal opportunity Employer. There are more blacks in prison because they commit more crimes. Nature of the Beast.
Sounds good ta me! :cool:
BS. They knew they weren't wanted. If I tell ya to get out, ya better be beatin feet out my double pane, Low E, IG security glazed front door, or the next thing you here will be a growl from me and the HIT command, as Lexie takes over while I get one of my guns to deal with what's left.

Well....we're not talking about a home invasion here. We're talking about trespassing on government property.

The woman is a dumbass. It is clear, the Capital Police were defending the entrance. The crazy lady should have gotten a clue and not attempted entry. Play stupid games, wind stupid prizes. Tough Sht. I am happy for her to have her day in court.
The same with Flyod?

Poor avatar Lastamender.
His operator makes him look so uninformed and foolish.
It's a sad thing to witness.
So often.


WHINE 3: That's when one woman was beaten, kicked, and murdered by Jackbooted Thugs in riot gear

ANSWER v.1.3: With her trying to force her way in past that number of defenders? Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Identify all those men. Can you? Were they arrested? They look like Anti Fa to me. Get to work on that. When you identify them get back to us.

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