MN Woman Brutally Beaten by Metal Police Baton on Jan. 6 Plans to Decline Plea Deal From Fed Prosecutors

What a load of BS.
There aren't more Democrat voters.
There's just more cheating going on.

The people in AZ said they saw Dominion machines changing the vote totals right before their eyes.
They've found thousand of ballots that were never counted.....and the state of AZ (Katie Hobbs) still hasn't surrendered the Chain of Custody documents that are required by law.
They robbed thousands of Republicans of their votes by rigging voting machines not to be able to count ballots. They disenfranchised thousands more by making them wait all day just to be able to vote on election day.
Wherever the Democrats need a seat...they always seem to be able to get away with stealing it.

They find the votes (talking about Trump wanting Georgia to find votes).

Georgia's Gov. Brian Kemp was recently seen in Davos attending meetings for the World Economic Forum (One World Government) so it's pretty clear he's in on a criminal conspiracy to steal votes and rig elections.

Near the bottom of the page it shows changes from 2016 to 2020 in voter turnout and the way they voted.

For your Explanation of how the election was stolen you need to explain how they had increased Democratic Voter Turnout across the nation, including in Republican states, and nobody was caught as part of the massive nationwide conspiracy.

Near the bottom of the page it shows changes from 2016 to 2020 in voter turnout and the way they voted.

For your Explanation of how the election was stolen you need to explain how they had increased Democratic Voter Turnout across the nation, including in Republican states, and nobody was caught as part of the massive nationwide conspiracy.
Easy....mail-in ballots.
Democraps sent out millions of them to every registered voter, valid or otherwise, and the ones that came back non-delivered because the person moved or didn't exist were counted. This is how some Democrat controlled counties had over 100% participation rates. This is how they were able to go around the fact that only citizens can vote in elections. This is why 162 Democrats voted to let illegals vote in elections this week in the House - Because they're already voting in our elections, thanks to mail-in voting.
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Easy....mail-in ballots.
Democraps sent out millions of them to every registered voter, valid or otherwise, and the ones that came back non-delivered because the person moved or didn't exist were counted. This is how some Democrat controlled counties had over 100% participation rates. This is how they were able to go around the fact that only citizens can vote in elections. This is why 162 Democrats voted to let illegals vote in elections this week in the House - Because they're already voting in our elections, thanks to mail-in voting.
But it doesn't stop there....They threw the kitchen sink of vote manipulation at the vote for that election...

Dominion machines that were most likely tampered with prior to the election.

Batches of votes being fed in the count multiple times.

Thousands of ballots with one top line vote and no down ballot votes at all.

Restricting observation of what was going on inside the count.

Vote harvesting.

Drop box stuffing.

Judge shopping to change voting laws in several states contrary to their Constitution.

Judges refusing to hear cases either by pure cowardice, or application of their own political bias.


It was never just one thing, and our system is corrupted as it stands today...

And we see what the consequences of this absurdity is...Just look at the discourse here....If you have questions about the election, you're an "election denier", "cult member", or worse "traitor".... It is dangerous to continue down this path...

Now, am I defending those who went into the Capitol that day and promoted violent entry, and vandalism? NO! I have from day 1 called them idiots, and dupes...But the tactic to smear the entirety of the population that refuses to follow the leftist progressive dream for America with these labels is just horrible, and will not end well if continued....
Democraps sent out millions of them to every registered voter, valid or otherwise, and the ones that came back non-delivered because the person moved or didn't exist were counted.
Prove it.
Or go.
Batter up, Skippy!

This is how some Democrat controlled counties had over 100% participation rates.
"100% participation rates" ?
Prove it.
Name the the counties.
Name your sources.
Prove it.
Or go.
Batter up, mein freund.

"........illegals vote in elections .......they're already voting in our elections, thanks to mail-in voting.
Prove it.
Or go.
Don't be simply an empty drum, and empty suit.
Show us you know what you are talking about.
That your avatar should be taken seriously as a responsible contributor here.
Or go.

Batches of votes being fed in the count multiple times.
Prove it.
Or go.
Step into the batter's box, and show us that you have the seriousness of purpose to be credible and worthy of the forum's time and attention.
Or go.

Judges refusing to hear cases either by pure cowardice, or application of their own political bias.
Prove it.
Show us your sourcing.
Show the assembled forum that your avatar is worth our time and effort to read what it posts here.
It's Adult Swim here, poster j-mac.
Show us you are worthy.
So prove to us you know what your are talking about with your allegation against the judges.
Or go.
Prove it.
Or go.
Batter up, Skippy!


"100% participation rates" ?
Prove it.
Name the the counties.
Name your sources.
Prove it.
Or go.
Batter up, mein freund.

Prove it.
Or go.
Don't be simply an empty drum, and empty suit.
Show us you know what you are talking about.
That your avatar should be taken seriously as a responsible contributor here.
Or go.


Prove it.
Or go.
Step into the batter's box, and show us that you have the seriousness of purpose to be credible and worthy of the forum's time and attention.
Or go.


Prove it.
Show us your sourcing.
Show the assembled forum that your avatar is worth our time and effort to read what it posts here.
It's Adult Swim here, poster j-mac.
Show us you are worthy.
So prove to us you know what your are talking about with your allegation against the judges.
Or go.
But it doesn't stop there....They threw the kitchen sink of vote manipulation at the vote for that election...

Dominion machines that were most likely tampered with prior to the election.

Batches of votes being fed in the count multiple times.

Thousands of ballots with one top line vote and no down ballot votes at all.

Restricting observation of what was going on inside the count.

Vote harvesting.

Drop box stuffing.

Judge shopping to change voting laws in several states contrary to their Constitution.

Judges refusing to hear cases either by pure cowardice, or application of their own political bias.


It was never just one thing, and our system is corrupted as it stands today...

And we see what the consequences of this absurdity is...Just look at the discourse here....If you have questions about the election, you're an "election denier", "cult member", or worse "traitor".... It is dangerous to continue down this path...

Now, am I defending those who went into the Capitol that day and promoted violent entry, and vandalism? NO! I have from day 1 called them idiots, and dupes...But the tactic to smear the entirety of the population that refuses to follow the leftist progressive dream for America with these labels is just horrible, and will not end well if continued....

Oh yeah. She is a violent person. Fedsurrection.
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Easy....mail-in ballots.
Democraps sent out millions of them to every registered voter, valid or otherwise, and the ones that came back non-delivered because the person moved or didn't exist were counted. This is how some Democrat controlled counties had over 100% participation rates. This is how they were able to go around the fact that only citizens can vote in elections. This is why 162 Democrats voted to let illegals vote in elections this week in the House - Because they're already voting in our elections, thanks to mail-in voting.

That is hilarious. Absolutely hilarious. And somehow the Republicans who control the States of Georgia, Florida, Texas, and so on couldn’t use this to prove fraud.

That is hilarious. Absolutely hilarious. And somehow the Republicans who control the States of Georgia, Florida, Texas, and so on couldn’t use this to prove fraud.

Fuck USAToday.

Look Dumbass, it doesn't matter which party controls the state if the people controlling the counting are bought by the Global Elitists in Davos.
Stupid asshole.
When are you going to wake the fuck up???

FULTON COUNTY, Ga. — There is new confusion over the belated primary election results in Fulton County.

Voters went to the polls on July 31, but one week later, Channel 2's Lori Geary is looking at the unusual numbers Fulton County certified on Monday.

One precinct reported a 3,300 percent voter turnout. Fulton County said it is aware of the strange numbers and have reached out to the Center for Election Systems at Kennesaw State. The Secretary of State's Office said they are also looking into why some of the turnout numbers are so far off.

"Somebody give me an explanation as to why these numbers keep changing," sheriff candidate Richard Lankford told Geary.

Lankford said he is 37 votes shy of a run-off against incumbent. He showed Geary printouts from Fulton County's Board of Elections showing the vote totals continued to change, even though 100 percent of the precincts had reported.

The totals ranged from 56,000 to 62,000, and then from 70,000 to 71,000.

In addition, four of Fulton County's precincts had a voter turnout greater than 100 percent, including the one with a 3,300 percent turnout.


"Fulton election results show more than 100% turnout in 4 precincts"​

(dated August 7, 2012)
Fuck USAToday. Look Dumbass,...... bought by the Global Elitists in Davos. Stupid asshole......wake the fuck up???
You know, poster 'mudwhistle' the more I read of your contributions here the less I think you are qualified to contribute. I mean no disrespect.

But there is a certain hint of crackpottism & nutjobbery in too much of your stuff.
E.g., ---- 'millions of ballots sent out to every voter'
Georgia is controlled by Global Elitist.
Offering us 11yr old newspaper clippings as your 'proof' of anything.
And your seeming inability to construct a coherent argument without using the f-bomb and other vulgarisms.

What's up with that?

Here, lemme give you some direction: You may be much better suited, and much more happy (you seem angry all the time here).....but, maybe try these two sites where you can contribute your, ummm, thoughtful thoughts.

Good luck. We all here hope you find happiness. And don't go postal somewhere.
Just sayin'.
Didn't see the video -- but if there was a way to just arrest her without having to beat her over and over again with batons, it should have been done...whether she was there to try to overthrow the govt or not....

However, it isn't lost on me that this fake ass complaint is coming from the same folks who love seeing this and worse done to unarmed black folks for sitting on their own porch or listening to music in their own garage....

Fuck USAToday.

Look Dumbass, it doesn't matter which party controls the state if the people controlling the counting are bought by the Global Elitists in Davos.
Stupid asshole.
When are you going to wake the fuck up???

FULTON COUNTY, Ga. — There is new confusion over the belated primary election results in Fulton County.

Voters went to the polls on July 31, but one week later, Channel 2's Lori Geary is looking at the unusual numbers Fulton County certified on Monday.

One precinct reported a 3,300 percent voter turnout. Fulton County said it is aware of the strange numbers and have reached out to the Center for Election Systems at Kennesaw State. The Secretary of State's Office said they are also looking into why some of the turnout numbers are so far off.

"Somebody give me an explanation as to why these numbers keep changing," sheriff candidate Richard Lankford told Geary.

Lankford said he is 37 votes shy of a run-off against incumbent. He showed Geary printouts from Fulton County's Board of Elections showing the vote totals continued to change, even though 100 percent of the precincts had reported.

The totals ranged from 56,000 to 62,000, and then from 70,000 to 71,000.

In addition, four of Fulton County's precincts had a voter turnout greater than 100 percent, including the one with a 3,300 percent turnout.

As explained in the link the greater than 100% was a result of mistaking older numbers for current registered voters.

But let’s see. The Republican Governor, Republican Secretary of State, and Republican Attorney General conspired to defeat Republicans in the State in favor of Democrats for the White House and Senate.

Why didn’t the Democrats take the Governors Mansion two years later? Why not get rid of Marjorie Tyler Green and her idiocy?

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