MN Woman Brutally Beaten by Metal Police Baton on Jan. 6 Plans to Decline Plea Deal From Fed Prosecutors

Anybody can make one mistake. She compounded it by not following police orders to back down.

This guy just killed 10 people, but he cooperated

He dropped to his knees. "He ripped off his helmet, dropped his gun, and was tackled by the police.
She made many mistakes and continued making mistakes because she felt empowered by the mob.

It's dramatically different when it's one person and 5 cops as compared to 20 cops and thousands of violent rioters.


Poor poor poster Lastamender.
He just can't help himself.
It's so sad.
He makes his avatar look so foolish and silly., so unpatriotic.
The line is Floyd needed only comply from the very start, that the die was already cast when he didn't immediately comply.
This is nonsense. The use of the phrase "die was already cast" is meaningless. He did nothing to harm any officers and was not a threat to them as he lay cuffed face down on the pavement.
that the die was already cast when he didn't immediately comply.

Yes, that is plausible. Would not disagree.
It's a retribution-thingy, a 'teach-a-lesson' thingy.

However, the jury (and me too) thought that 9 minutes was quite enough of that lesson application.

In fact, enough to slip over into the 'murder' category.

And so decided.
That's not her in the photos. Should I post them side by side to show you how wrong you are?
Is the lady a grandmother? Why would you send a grandmother with cancer to jail for trespassing? Intimidation is the reason. A child could see that. Find one and ask him or her to help.

Ah, poor (but un-patriotic ;) ) poster Lastamender's formal education in our English language comes to the fore, once again.
It is so sad.

He seems to have potential, sometimes.
And I think the forum member's are sort of entertained by him in some respects. Bemused, it seems.
He tries so hard. He is here so much. He is such a prolific poster.
So, the folks here know him.

And know his limitations. It is so sad.
He seems to have potential, sometimes.

Ah, poor (but un-patriotic ;) ) poster Lastamender's formal education in our English language comes to the fore, once again.
It is so sad.

He seems to have potential, sometimes.
And I think the forum member's are sort of entertained by him in some respects. Bemused, it seems.
He tries so hard. He is here so much. He is such a prolific poster.
So, the folks here know him.

And know his limitations. It is so sad.
He seems to have potential, sometimes.
It is all you deserve. Get used to it.
Is the lady a grandmother? Why would you send a grandmother with cancer to jail for trespassing? Intimidation is the reason. A child could see that. Find one and ask him or her to help.
After reading her full statement of offense, yes. She deserved 60 days in jail.

She's the one that wanted to intimidate people. She also bragged about storming the Idaho state Capitol too. She doesn't deserve sympathy. She knew exactly what she was doing but thought she was too privileged to suffer any consequences.

The photo used in the other post is not the lady you referenced. I'd wager a guess the lady in the photo had nothing to do with the capitol riot and the post is a lie which you choose to perpetuate.
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Is the lady a grandmother? Why would you send a grandmother with cancer to jail for trespassing? Intimidation is the reason. A child could see that. Find one and ask him or her to help.
Criminals are criminals. There medical condition should have no effect on their guilt or punishment.

Who knows, she could have been thinking about her cancer, and wanting to go out in a blaze of glory.
After reading her full statement of offense, yes. She deserved 60 days in jail.

She's the one that wanted to intimidate people. She also bragged about storming the Idaho state Capitol too. She doesn't deserve sympathy. She knew exactly what she was doing but thought she was too privileged to suffer any consequences.

She thought being a sympathetic figure would shield her.

She was wrong. This is the federal system, where judges have little discretion over the federal sentencing guidelines.
Criminals are criminals. There medical condition should have no effect on their guilt or punishment.

Who knows, she could have been thinking about her cancer, and wanting to go out in a blaze of glory.
Patriots are patriots, not criminals.
Patriots do not attack their own country for the purpose of overthrowing the duly elected government.
They were there protesting fraud. Patriots protest fraudulent elections. The FBI instigated the violence. It will all come out.

Poor avatar Lastamender.
His operator makes him look so uninformed and foolish.
It's a sad thing to witness.
So often.


WHINE 3: That's when one woman was beaten, kicked, and murdered by Jackbooted Thugs in riot gear

ANSWER v.1.3: With her trying to force her way in past that number of defenders? Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Mostly peaceful protests we heard nothing about on the MSM:

Patriots protest fraudulent elections.
They were protesting a fraudulent election. They are the patriots. Period.

Let's not let go of poor poster Lastamender yet.
His idea of what a patriot is and is not.....seems ripe for examination.
He has stated on this venue that the attackers and seditionists at the Capitol on January 6th were "patriots"
has been insistent on that. Consistently so. Frequently so.

However, not all subscribe to that rather individualized version of patriotism.

For example this week the U.S. District Court Judge, Trevor McFadden, a Trump nominated judge, had this to say about one of Lastamender's "patriots", the bloke who carried the Confederate flag and used the pole to stab at a Capitol officer:

"Sir, I hope you understand how deeply offensive, how troubling it is that you used a Confederate flag as a weapon against Officer Goodman," ....calling Seefried's conduct on Jan. 6 "appalling."

So he sentenced this Lastamender-type Patriot to 3 years in Federal prison.

(Kevin Seefried, of Delaware, was 51 years old when he followed his son Hunter through a broken window and into the U.S. Capitol Building. )

Kevin Seefried

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