MN Woman Brutally Beaten by Metal Police Baton on Jan. 6 Plans to Decline Plea Deal From Fed Prosecutors

The problem you have is you think that the MSM is honest.
They've been gaslighting us for decades and you never question them.
It's textbook brainwashing.
The crazier the truth is, the less you want to believe it.
That's how communist propaganda works on the weak-minded.
No media is 100% honest or objective, right left or center, if center media actually exists. I look at lots of different source, including the people on here, even people that often piss me off, like Nostra, because some (no matter what side of the fence) bring forth facts or perspectives not in the big mainstream of left or right at the time, but might be soon and worth knowing or at least remember. Sorry Mud Dude. You don't react to logic and basically seem like a burn it all down guy. No matter how many court cases are lost, due to lack of evidence, unwillingness to state in open court, or sheer ineptitude of the lawyers involved, you are always going to believe in the big totally unproven lie of the 2020 and therefore you continue to support those poor, poor unfortunates dumb enough to have done their master's bidding on January 6, 2021.
So, you're saying that it is ok to beat the crap out of BLM rioters from now on?
If they are being destructive, sure. You won't here me standing up for their crap and never have. I personally think the BLM is a franchise multilevel marketing pyramid, where the money is transport to the top, kind of like Amway, but nobody has to deliver product door to door, and their only product is violence of the people they recruit, and their recruits self fund most of their violence themselves (in the beginning) for fun and profit. Remember, they don't give a shit about black people being killed if it doesn't involve a cop (a miniscule fraction), of the majority of black lives lost to violence, so the majority simply do not matter to them.
No media is 100% honest or objective, right left or center, if center media actually exists. I look at lots of different source, including the people on here, even people that often piss me off, like Nostra, because some (no matter what side of the fence) bring forth facts or perspectives not in the big mainstream of left or right at the time, but might be soon and worth knowing or at least remember. Sorry Mud Dude. You don't react to logic and basically seem like a burn it all down guy. No matter how many court cases are lost, due to lack of evidence, unwillingness to state in open court, or sheer ineptitude of the lawyers involved, you are always going to believe in the big totally unproven lie of the 2020 and therefore you continue to support those poor, poor unfortunates dumb enough to have done their master's bidding on January 6, 2021.
Dear White 6: Not one court case from the 2020 election has been allowed to get to the point where the evidence is heard. Every single one of them has been dismissed because of merit. The reason this is the case is because of one reason. The SCOTUS refused to hear arguments on election fraud. This was decided by a Bush appointed Chief Justice.

Since not one single statewide audit has been allowed to take place.....every judge in the country can dismiss a case purely on the merits of the case. Even AZ entertained a lawsuit over the 2022 AZ governor election and it was dismissed even though they proved that the hundreds of machines in Maracopa County malfunctioned, and that this only seemed to happen in Republican strongholds. They proved that election officials intentionally changed the settings on the machines on election day so that it would increase ballot rejections. They also proved that thousands of ballots were never counted....enough to change the election results.

So don't tell me there isn't any proof of election fraud. It's everywhere. The simple fact is nobody is willing to do anything about it. And people like you refuse to pay attention enough to realize this.
Dear White 6: Not one court case from the 2020 election has been allowed to get to the point where the evidence is heard. Every single one of them has been dismissed because of merit. The reason this is the case is because of one reason. The SCOTUS refused to hear arguments on election fraud. This was decided by a Bush appointed Chief Justice.

Since not one single statewide audit has been allowed to take place.....every judge in the country can dismiss a case purely on the merits of the case. Even AZ entertained a lawsuit over the 2022 AZ governor election and it was dismissed even though they proved that the hundreds of machines in Maracopa County malfunctioned, and that this only seemed to happen in Republican strongholds. They proved that election officials intentionally changed the settings on the machines on election day so that it would increase ballot rejections. They also proved that thousands of ballots were never counted....enough to change the election results.

So don't tell me there isn't any proof of election fraud. It's everywhere. The simple fact is nobody is willing to do anything about it. And people like you refuse to pay attention enough to realize this.
That include the ones where the lawyers were asked point-blank by the judge if they are suggesting fraud or conspiracy, but answered NO. Maybe Republican lawyers used didn't have the courage of real convictions or just aren't worth a sht and care more about their continuing income than supporting the loser. Who knows. I do know, when it is over. It is over. Trust me. It is long since over.
That include the ones where the lawyers were asked point-blank by the judge if they are suggesting fraud or conspiracy, but answered NO. Maybe Republican lawyers used didn't have the courage of real convictions or just aren't worth a sht and care more about their continuing income than supporting the loser. Who knows. I do know, when it is over. It is over. Trust me. It is long since over.
The problem always seems to be that they know it happened but they can't get any cooperation proving it. Since they're under oath in court...they can't say something they can't prove is true. They can only suggest it....which is pretty much what being a lawyer is. Proving your case. The judge could accuse them of perjury if they ever said that they have the evidence...while denying them the opportunity to do so.

In AZ they were lucky to be allowed to look at the ballots. They were given a set number (less than 200) and proved that 70% of them were bogus. The judge didn't give a shit. He ruled against them anyway.
Dear White 6: Not one court case from the 2020 election has been allowed to get to the point where the evidence is heard. Every single one of them has been dismissed because of merit. The reason this is the case is because of one reason. The SCOTUS refused to hear arguments on election fraud. This was decided by a Bush appointed Chief Justice.

Since not one single statewide audit has been allowed to take place.....every judge in the country can dismiss a case purely on the merits of the case. Even AZ entertained a lawsuit over the 2022 AZ governor election and it was dismissed even though they proved that the hundreds of machines in Maracopa County malfunctioned, and that this only seemed to happen in Republican strongholds. They proved that election officials intentionally changed the settings on the machines on election day so that it would increase ballot rejections. They also proved that thousands of ballots were never counted....enough to change the election results.

So don't tell me there isn't any proof of election fraud. It's everywhere. The simple fact is nobody is willing to do anything about it. And people like you refuse to pay attention enough to realize this.

There is a problem with your analysis. It has a fatal flaw that you can’t overcome.

The actions in Maricopa County were explained as ineptitude and incompetence. Not established as a conspiracy to change the outcome.

And that is the basic problem. I have often mentioned the case of Riverside County California. 1,000 tips were submitted alleging multiple votes by the same voter, dead voters, and multiple ballots cast by the same person. The Police and Prosecutors investigated and found one actual case. That one was a man who fraudulently entered incorrect information on a registration to be able to vote twice and he did vote twice. He voted for Trump twice.

Now. For this to be something the courts got a major case about, that fellow would have to be part of a conspiracy. Someone would have had to organize his actions. He claims to have taken the actions on his own.

For your assertions to be true the conspiracy would have to be national. Texas saw more votes for Democrats in 2020 than in in 2016. According to your assertions that is proof of Fraud. Yet Texas, run by Republicans, and who filed a lawsuit challenging the election hasn’t found one iota of proof of it within their own State.

Georgia also run by Republicans didn’t find proof of fraud. You argue this is because there has not been a real investigation.

Why not? Texas had more Democratic Votes in 2020 than in 2016. So did Georgia and Florida. In fact, one of the few states that saw a surge in Republican votes compared to 2016 was California.

So none of the champions of Voter Fraud could find this obvious fraud in their own states.

Heritage, a Conservative group has a database of people convicted for Fraud. And there just isn’t enough to tip the scales in Trump’s favor. Especially when several of them committed Fraud trying to get Trump re-elected.
There is a problem with your analysis. It has a fatal flaw that you can’t overcome.

The actions in Maricopa County were explained as ineptitude and incompetence. Not established as a conspiracy to change the outcome.

And that is the basic problem. I have often mentioned the case of Riverside County California. 1,000 tips were submitted alleging multiple votes by the same voter, dead voters, and multiple ballots cast by the same person. The Police and Prosecutors investigated and found one actual case. That one was a man who fraudulently entered incorrect information on a registration to be able to vote twice and he did vote twice. He voted for Trump twice.

Now. For this to be something the courts got a major case about, that fellow would have to be part of a conspiracy. Someone would have had to organize his actions. He claims to have taken the actions on his own.

For your assertions to be true the conspiracy would have to be national. Texas saw more votes for Democrats in 2020 than in in 2016. According to your assertions that is proof of Fraud. Yet Texas, run by Republicans, and who filed a lawsuit challenging the election hasn’t found one iota of proof of it within their own State.

Georgia also run by Republicans didn’t find proof of fraud. You argue this is because there has not been a real investigation.

Why not? Texas had more Democratic Votes in 2020 than in 2016. So did Georgia and Florida. In fact, one of the few states that saw a surge in Republican votes compared to 2016 was California.

So none of the champions of Voter Fraud could find this obvious fraud in their own states.

Heritage, a Conservative group has a database of people convicted for Fraud. And there just isn’t enough to tip the scales in Trump’s favor. Especially when several of them committed Fraud trying to get Trump re-elected.
The excuse that was used was the standard "Messy Paper" work excuse.....and because of the narrow parameters that the judge constrained the plaintiffs to....they weren't allowed to spend enough time proving that it wasn't just sloppy screw ups, or incompetence......
It was all intentional malfeasance.
Not to mention the simple fact that the person running for the office in question never should have been allowed to conduct the counting. Blatant conflict of interest and a obvious opportunity to cheat.
And BTW, the judge was hand-picked by the Deep-State to maintain the status quo.
Election officials that didn't agree with the way the election was stolen were threatened with indictments if they didn't certify this tainted election result.

The only reason you're buying all of this hogwash is because it benefits you.
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Judge Threatens J6 Defendant and Police Assault Victim Victoria White After She Spoke with The Gateway Pundit and GOP Lawmakers​

This is America? Anyone who sides with the judge is an anti-American asshole. What are they scared of?

The judge presiding over the trial also stated that Victoria White is not permitted to attend the DC Jail vigil or travel anywhere in DC other than to court and to meet with her attorney. If she wants to meet with Representatives, she can only do so with her Minnesota state representative and only with pre-trial probation approval.

Who are these people?

How can this be legal?

Where are the voices outraged at this abuse of civil rights?
She sure caused enough death and violence of others, hope her soul is at rest. Nobody deserves that.

Wrong thread subject,sorry.
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Lets see, can I just say I got lost and thought I was replying to a different thread? I thought it was about the liberal woman who got hijacked, sorry.
Just asking because the lady caused no one's death. Thanks for the answer.
The excuse that was used was the standard "Messy Paper" work excuse.....and because of the narrow parameters that the judge constrained the plaintiffs to....they weren't allowed to spend enough time proving that it wasn't just sloppy screw ups, or incompetence......
It was all intentional malfeasance.
Not to mention the simple fact that the person running for the office in question never should have been allowed to conduct the counting. Blatant conflict of interest and a obvious opportunity to cheat.
And BTW, the judge was hand-picked by the Deep-State to maintain the status quo.
Election officials that didn't agree with the way the election was stolen were threatened with indictments if they didn't certify this tainted election result.

The only reason you're buying all of this hogwash is because it benefits you.

Dozens of Judges have been assaulted with these claims. But no evidence. Not one of the tens of thousands of conspirators had a pang of conscience. That is improbable beyond description. The existence of Santa at the North Poll is more likely.

As I said. Nearly every State saw an increase in the percentage of votes for Democrats in 2020. There are possible explanations. First and easiest is that more people were motivated to vote for Biden. That is unlikely. Biden is not a man who engenders loyalty or admiration. But then, neither is his opponent, and certainly not his predecessor candidate. Hillary.

Second. People could have been motivated to vote against Trump. This was backed up by polling on Election Day which showed nearly half of the Biden Voters primary motivation was animosity towards Trump.

Third. A grand conspiracy. As I have said many times and not one of the CT experts has addressed. How do you explain the increase in Democratic Votes in nearly every state, including all the Red States?

True Story. Almost thirty years ago a Man was convicted of Bank Robbery in Atlanta. He maintained his innocence, and as he was being processed into Prison one of those Appeals groups got involved. This case took them about two days to investigate. They filed for a new trial, and got the conviction overturned. The evidence available to the police and the Public Defender was certain. The fellow was in Charlotte North Carolina less than two hours after the Robbery making a withdrawal at an ATM.

There were witnesses that placed him in Charlotte definitely.

He was turned loose. The Prosecution must account and explain all the evidence. They couldn’t now.

Not one CT can explain the increase in Democratic Voters. Not one of the Red States has said they investigated and found proof these voters were fraudulent. Not one.

The Conspiracy would have to be enormous. A cast of tens of thousands across dozens of states. And none of them have come forward with evidence. Communications, recordings of conversations. Nothing.

There is always evidence. There is Evidence that Trump told the SOS of Georgia to find 12,000 votes.

Like the ATM in the Bank Robbery case above. The increase in Democratic Votes across the country is evidence you can’t explain. So you must believe those votes were genuine, but others were not. Texas, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and many other had increased in Democratic Votes but Georgia didn’t. Pennsylvania didn’t.

She's part of a violent mob that was attempting to force their way into the capitol by becoming a human battering ram against police officers.

Police were attacked. They were defending themselves.
"People could have been motivated to vote against Trump. This was backed up by polling on Election Day which showed nearly half of the Biden Voters primary motivation was animosity towards Trump."
(underlining by my avatar)

As we have read on this very forum, Don Trump's own hired pollster told him ---and his enablers --- why he lost. Plainly. Clearly. Unambiguously. People don't trust him!

See that Politico explainer of Tony Fabrizio's analysis of the voting trends and totals after the 2020 election.
Get that? It came from Trump's own hired and long used and long depended upon private pollster, Tony Fabrizio!

Folks voted against Trump..... because they thought he was untrustworthy and incompetent.

Geeeeeez!!! Can it get any clearer? Can it be better explained? Dems didn't need to cheat when Don Trump had engendered so much animosity towards himself.

Untrustworthy! Incompetent! Not my words, but Trump's own pollster's findings, analysis, and judgement. And he told Trump that. And Trump still conspired to promote the 'Stolen Election' canard. And still put our America through a corrosive political turmoil.

Geeeez!!! And he still has fanboys on this venue continue to shrill that he is the 'best', and he is a victim. Geeeez!!

"Trump pollster's campaign autopsy paints damning picture of defeat"

"The 27-page report pins Trump's loss on voter perception that he was untrustworthy and disapproval of his pandemic performance."

Dozens of Judges have been assaulted with these claims. But no evidence. Not one of the tens of thousands of conspirators had a pang of conscience. That is improbable beyond description. The existence of Santa at the North Poll is more likely.

As I said. Nearly every State saw an increase in the percentage of votes for Democrats in 2020. There are possible explanations. First and easiest is that more people were motivated to vote for Biden. That is unlikely. Biden is not a man who engenders loyalty or admiration. But then, neither is his opponent, and certainly not his predecessor candidate. Hillary.

Second. People could have been motivated to vote against Trump. This was backed up by polling on Election Day which showed nearly half of the Biden Voters primary motivation was animosity towards Trump.

Third. A grand conspiracy. As I have said many times and not one of the CT experts has addressed. How do you explain the increase in Democratic Votes in nearly every state, including all the Red States?

True Story. Almost thirty years ago a Man was convicted of Bank Robbery in Atlanta. He maintained his innocence, and as he was being processed into Prison one of those Appeals groups got involved. This case took them about two days to investigate. They filed for a new trial, and got the conviction overturned. The evidence available to the police and the Public Defender was certain. The fellow was in Charlotte North Carolina less than two hours after the Robbery making a withdrawal at an ATM.

There were witnesses that placed him in Charlotte definitely.

He was turned loose. The Prosecution must account and explain all the evidence. They couldn’t now.

Not one CT can explain the increase in Democratic Voters. Not one of the Red States has said they investigated and found proof these voters were fraudulent. Not one.

The Conspiracy would have to be enormous. A cast of tens of thousands across dozens of states. And none of them have come forward with evidence. Communications, recordings of conversations. Nothing.

There is always evidence. There is Evidence that Trump told the SOS of Georgia to find 12,000 votes.

Like the ATM in the Bank Robbery case above. The increase in Democratic Votes across the country is evidence you can’t explain. So you must believe those votes were genuine, but others were not. Texas, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and many other had increased in Democratic Votes but Georgia didn’t. Pennsylvania didn’t.

What a load of BS.
There aren't more Democrat voters.
There's just more cheating going on.

The people in AZ said they saw Dominion machines changing the vote totals right before their eyes.
They've found thousand of ballots that were never counted.....and the state of AZ (Katie Hobbs) still hasn't surrendered the Chain of Custody documents that are required by law.
They robbed thousands of Republicans of their votes by rigging voting machines not to be able to count ballots. They disenfranchised thousands more by making them wait all day just to be able to vote on election day.
Wherever the Democrats need a seat...they always seem to be able to get away with stealing it.

They find the votes (talking about Trump wanting Georgia to find votes).

Georgia's Gov. Brian Kemp was recently seen in Davos attending meetings for the World Economic Forum (One World Government) so it's pretty clear he's in on a criminal conspiracy to steal votes and rig elections.

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