MN Woman Brutally Beaten by Metal Police Baton on Jan. 6 Plans to Decline Plea Deal From Fed Prosecutors

The Senior Mod was right about you in post #18. Seek help.
In all seriousness it is you two who need the help. You have everything ass backwards from patriotism to the rule of law. Congress did not investigate because they knew the fraud could not be covered up that fast.. That is more than obvious. The MSM could not cover the evidence uncovered and they censored everything. Why? If there was no fraud?

If it was covered by a real press Trump would still be president. Any fool knows that except for the biggest ones. That is the group you are in.
In all seriousness it is you two who need the help. You have everything ass backwards from patriotism to the rule of law. Congress did not investigate because they knew the fraud could not be covered up that fast.. That is more than obvious. The MSM could not cover the evidence uncovered and they censored everything. Why? If there was no fraud?

If it was covered by a real press Trump would still be president. Any fool knows that except for the biggest ones. That is the group you are in.
Try getting in touch with reality, your life might be calling.
Here is an article brought in by Basque, though the thread killed for plagiarism. Good article, right up your alley, just shitty OP work or lack of work.
I don't think protestors should trample to death other protestors while forcing their way into the Capital, either, but it happened during the J6 attack. Trump should have never turned his mob on the Capital to stop the recording of the vote and to fight for what wasn't right.
Are you sure all of those grandparents were trampling people?
Try getting in touch with reality, your life might be calling.
Here is an article brought in by Basque, though the thread killed for plagiarism. Good article, right up your alley, just shitty OP work or lack of work.
You are not answering what I said. Why was the cover up necessary if fraud did not happen. Why didn't both sides get equal coverage? We know now there were no serious investigations. Why do you believe a lie? Because you are scared to believe any different.
You are not answering what I said. Why was the cover up necessary if fraud did not happen. Why didn't both sides get equal coverage? We know now there were no serious investigations. Why do you believe a lie? Because you are scared to believe any different.
The coverup is usually worse than the crime.....but in this case Pelosi and company will end up in prison for the rest of their lives for what they did to those protesters.
The coverup is usually worse than the crime.....but in this case Pelosi and company will end up in prison for the rest of their lives for what they did to those protesters.
How is that going to happen with criminals running the country?
She got jail time. I bet White 6 and Don't touch my fro are sleeping through the night now because it is safe now.
What's her name, or are you just being delusional again?
The woman is a dumbass. It is clear, the Capital Police were defending the entrance. The crazy lady should have gotten a clue and not attempted entry. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Tough Sht. I am happy for her to have her day in court.
Steal an election, hang by the neck till dead Dead DEAD

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
"They were protesting a fraudulent election. They are the patriots. Period."


Ah, poor poster Lastamender. It is sad. He so frequently, regularly, dependably.....makes his avatar look silly and foolish.

See above for the responsible "patriots" of Lastamender's QAnon-fantasies.

Lastamender should be better.
He could be better.
I am mildly convinced of that.


".... Pelosi and company will end up in prison for the rest of their lives for what they did to those protesters."

See commentary above about poor poster Lastamender. It applies here too.

Now we have his doppleganger....poster "mudwhistle".

Are they really the same guy? --- snowed-in in a basement in Buffalo, NY?
Using two different laptops with two different ISP's?

They seem so very very much alike.
Would Buffalo be proud of these cojoined twins, Me & Mini-Me?
It is sad........x2
There is video of this woman being beaten and abused by police. She is the victim.

"On January 6, 2021, White was present at the U.S. Capitol protests. In surveillance footage from just inside the Capitol building’s west tunnel entrance, White is seen being beaten over the head by a metal police baton, receiving several punches, being grabbed and shaken by the hair, and being sprayed with pepper spray."

J6 is not what the media and criminals want you to believe. It was a peaceful protest challenging the results of an election and demanding answers. Absolutely nothing illegal or unpatriotic about it.

Everyone who didn`t watch a minute of the televised hearings or read a reputable newspaper story about it agrees with you. They don`t know shit either.
Try getting in touch with reality, your life might be calling.
Here is an article brought in by Basque, though the thread killed for plagiarism. Good article, right up your alley, just shitty OP work or lack of work.
The problem you have is you think that the MSM is honest.
They've been gaslighting us for decades and you never question them.
It's textbook brainwashing.
The crazier the truth is, the less you want to believe it.
That's how communist propaganda works on the weak-minded.

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