Mo Brooks runs from reporter when questioned about Moore

Why couldn't Brooks face the reporter and say something like, "I nothing to say about Roy Moore and the molestation issue pertaining to him," and then walk away? Might it be that he lacks the candor and integrity to do that small thing?
Why couldn't Brooks face the reporter and say something like, "I nothing to say about Roy Moore and the molestation issue pertaining to him," and then walk away? Might it be that he lacks the candor and integrity to do that small thing?

He probably did but you know how rabid, desperate and ignorant fake news reporters can be...
Why couldn't Brooks face the reporter and say something like, "I nothing to say about Roy Moore and the molestation issue pertaining to him," and then walk away? Might it be that he lacks the candor and integrity to do that small thing?

He probably did but you know how rabid, desperate and ignorant fake news reporters can be...
I don't know what he probably did or didn't do. What I know is what I saw in the video, not what happened and that was not shown in the video. What I also know is that when public figures have no comment, news organizations generally say the party in question "could not be reached for comment," "said they have no comment on the matter," "was solicited for comment and did not respond," or something similar.

Frankly, I find it rather strange that any House or Senate member from Alabama has nothing to say about the Roy Moore matter. Every damn one of them knows Moore in person and by reputation. Quite simply, one does not rise to the political levels they and Moore have and not be quite well known personally by others at that level, most especially not if one runs for statewide office as Moore currently is.
Why couldn't Brooks face the reporter and say something like, "I nothing to say about Roy Moore and the molestation issue pertaining to him," and then walk away? Might it be that he lacks the candor and integrity to do that small thing?

He probably did but you know how rabid, desperate and ignorant fake news reporters can be...
I don't know what he probably did or didn't do. What I know is what I saw in the video, not what happened and that was not shown in the video. What I also know is that when public figures have no comment, news organizations generally say the party in question "could not be reached for comment," "said they have no comment on the matter," "was solicited for comment and did not respond," or something similar.

Frankly, I find it rather strange that any House or Senate member from Alabama has nothing to say about the Roy Moore matter. Every damn one of them knows Moore in person and by reputation. Quite simply, one does not rise to the political levels they and Moore have and not be quite well known personally by others at that level, most especially not if one runs for statewide office as Moore currently is.

Well okay, I'd hate to be stalked by rabid reporters that can't take an obvious, "Not Interested" for an answer and chase me down stairs in a threatening fashion then add sound effects to fake up the harassment. Maybe Mo knows these clowns and simply wasn't interested in feeding their left wing hate mongering.
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