Mob of thugs attacks cop

No, YOU are wrong. I don't give a flip about your PC point of view. I couldn't care any less about your trust.

I don't "hate" anyone that hasn't done me or my people harm. I'm Irish. In discussions of race I am in full support of the Irish. I don't care if you don't like my point of view.

I don't frequent what you might label racist internet sites. Those places are populated with very ignorant and paranoid contributors.

There are several types of blacks just as there are several types of Caucasians.

Most of the countries in Africa and the Caribbean that are populated mainly with people with dark skin are corrupt and run by some of the most evil people running countries anywhere on the planet. A handful of countries run mainly by Caucasians are similarly corrupt but not on the scale of the numbers run by black skinned people. Why do you suppose that is? I believe it is proof of the ignorance of a striking number of black skinned people.

There are some decent black skinned people on the planet. Good for them. Many live in countries run mostly by Caucasians and can credit better examples of how to get along with others as the reason they seem to be better people for the experience.

The thing is that I have lived more than 65 years and traveled to many countries and to many places where Blacks are in charge. Without exception corruption is rampant, fairness of opportunity and equal access to moral legal systems are vacant in countries run by Blacks.

It may not suit your sensibilities to know how the real world operates but it is what it is.

Only recently in the last two hundred years have White run countries developed a stronger sense of what is right or wrong for the most part. There are still pockets of racism no doubt even in the USA.

There is still a significant moral lagging behind by the majority of Blacks even here in this country. Only a fool would suggest it is otherwise.

Blacks in ghettos don't look to their own actions but are too eager to point at "Whitey" for their own immorality.

Am I a racist to point out these indisputable facts? If you believe so then you are a fool and your own worst enemy. This is true much more so than anything Whitey is doing to you.

Why should I give a black skinned person the benefit of the doubt when the likelihood is ten times more that trusting a black skinned person will not turn out to be a good bet?

Sure, occasionally a black skinned person will turn out to be a happy exception but taking such an obviously bad bet is foolish. You probably believe that this attitude is unfair. For who? It is not my responsibility to lift black skinned people up. It is their own responsibility. I realize that it is difficult for a black skinned person to fight the odds and prove to be a worthwhile investment in trust. That is unfortunate for the few that are really good people. Still, no matter how much you protest, it is not white peoples responsibility. The best advice I can offer is live your lives well and take what good comes your way knowing that you would get more if your own kind did not set the patterns that obstruct most of your personal progress and create the difficulty that frustrates you.

Very nice of you to offer black folks your advise and heart felt concern. One question though: Why would black people care what racist trash like you has to say about anything?
:rolleyes-41:.....says the idiot who keeps using Confederate officers in his avi.......
Which has what to do with anything dull wit?
What it has to do with is you looking stupid......and not even knowing it.
You have a very nice avatar, it's your words that always seem to trip you up.
You're projecting......

My words are as honest as the character in my avatar.
Very nice of you to offer black folks your advise and heart felt concern. One question though: Why would black people care what racist trash like you has to say about anything?
:rolleyes-41:.....says the idiot who keeps using Confederate officers in his avi.......
Which has what to do with anything dull wit?
What it has to do with is you looking stupid......and not even knowing it.
You have a very nice avatar, it's your words that always seem to trip you up.
You're projecting......

My words are as honest as the character in my avatar.
Uh huh, your words and your character, both fiction.
I didnt change anything. Answer the question.
The cop was right at the point where he asked for license and registration. But he violated the passengers rights and instigated the scene. If he refused to give his ID the cop cannot force you to give it up unless he can show where a crime was committed. The passenger should had been free to go that is the law if he got out and walked away that would be his right as a citizen of the United states.

Not if the cop suspects them of a crime.
According to your stance the passenger could do a drive by in front of the cop and have immunity because he's a passenger.
In this case i'm sure he suspected a drug deal and rightfully so.
No that's silly, if he is charging them or suspecting them then he has to say that. How do I know that it is all bs? Because if he actually did suspect them of a crime he would have to wait for back up and if no back up came then follow. It's the law dude, and your argument holds no water because of what the cop did was against what they are trained to do. Which tells me he was pulling them over to instigate the scene on a trumped up charge of stoping on a road.

Care to show me what law your speaking of that allows a criminal to commit crimes with impunity as long as he's a passenger?
What crime? He was a passenger, he did not illegally park the car ~20 inches too far from the curb, the driver did. The passenger had nothing to do with the parking violation.

The pedestrian was leaning into his side of the vehicle.
And you'll have to explain why he was so intent on avoiding identification.
Do you have a good explanation for it?
The cop was right at the point where he asked for license and registration. But he violated the passengers rights and instigated the scene. If he refused to give his ID the cop cannot force you to give it up unless he can show where a crime was committed. The passenger should had been free to go that is the law if he got out and walked away that would be his right as a citizen of the United states.

Not if the cop suspects them of a crime.
According to your stance the passenger could do a drive by in front of the cop and have immunity because he's a passenger.
In this case i'm sure he suspected a drug deal and rightfully so.
No that's silly, if he is charging them or suspecting them then he has to say that. How do I know that it is all bs? Because if he actually did suspect them of a crime he would have to wait for back up and if no back up came then follow. It's the law dude, and your argument holds no water because of what the cop did was against what they are trained to do. Which tells me he was pulling them over to instigate the scene on a trumped up charge of stoping on a road.

Care to show me what law your speaking of that allows a criminal to commit crimes with impunity as long as he's a passenger?
What crime? He was a passenger, he did not illegally park the car ~20 inches too far from the curb, the driver did. The passenger had nothing to do with the parking violation.

The pedestrian was leaning into his side of the vehicle.
And you'll have to explain why he was so intent on avoiding identification.
Do you have a good explanation for it?
It's the pedestrian who was jaywalking, not the passenger in the vehicle.

And it was the driver who committed the minor parking infraction, not the passenger.

At what point in the videeo do you see any drugs or suspected drugs?

There isn't any on the video, and I think that you are simply a typical piece of shit left-wing tottalitarian psychopath.
:rolleyes-41:.....says the idiot who keeps using Confederate officers in his avi.......
Which has what to do with anything dull wit?
What it has to do with is you looking stupid......and not even knowing it.
You have a very nice avatar, it's your words that always seem to trip you up.
You're projecting......

My words are as honest as the character in my avatar.
Uh huh, your words and your character, both fiction.
Nope.....the actor made the character real......more real than that empty suit you admire in the White House.
But wait! It gets' better.....

The mob you see in this video?....THOSE are the people who will be selecting our leaders going forward....Think 2008 & 2012....2016.....2020.....etc

Bright future ahead folks/
And ironically, those of us who saw it coming sat by and did...........squat
But wait! It gets' better.....

The mob you see in this video?....THOSE are the people who will be selecting our leaders going forward....Think 2008 & 2012....2016.....2020.....etc

Bright future ahead folks/
And ironically, those of us who saw it coming sat by and did...........squat

Those hoodlums in the video are obviously not acting responsibly. Only responsible citizens vote. Your suggestion that these are typical blacks that show up at the voting booth is laughable.
How exactly does a cop go about doing his job without "instigating" contact?

You had to add a word to change his meaning and make your straw man fit......right?

I didnt change anything. Answer the question.
The cop was right at the point where he asked for license and registration. But he violated the passengers rights and instigated the scene. If he refused to give his ID the cop cannot force you to give it up unless he can show where a crime was committed. The passenger should had been free to go that is the law if he got out and walked away that would be his right as a citizen of the United states.

Not if the cop suspects them of a crime.
According to your stance the passenger could do a drive by in front of the cop and have immunity because he's a passenger.
In this case i'm sure he suspected a drug deal and rightfully so.
Bullshit! At what point in the video do you see any evidence of drug trafficking?

It was a car full of people stopped in the middle of the street. It looked like a drug deal to me.

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