MOB TACTICS BACKFIRE GOP Voters Now More Angry and Energized after Kavanaugh Attacks & Mob Violence


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Republican Voters Now More Angry and Energized after Kavanaugh Attacks and Liberal Mob Violence

MOB TACTICS BACKFIRE=> Republican Voters Now More Angry and Energized after Kavanaugh Attacks and Liberal Mob Violence
Nice work Democrats! Republican voters are now more angry and energized that Democrat voters after the Kavanaugh attacks and hoaxes and the mob attacks by Democrat protesters.
Rasmussen reported:
"Republicans are madder about the Kavanaugh controversy than Democrats are and more determined to vote in the upcoming elections because of it.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 54% of all Likely U.S. Voters say they are more likely to vote in the upcoming midterm elections because of the controversy surrounding President Trump’s U.S. Supreme Court nominee. Only nine percent (9%) say they are less likely to vote. Thirty-four percent (34%) say the controversy will have no impact on their vote. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
Sixty-two percent (62%) of Republicans are more likely to vote because of the Kavanaugh controversy, compared to 54% of Democrats and 46% of voters not affiliated with either major political party.
Sixty-two percent (62%) of all voters are angry about the U.S. Senate’s treatment of Kavanaugh, with 42% who are Very Angry."​

The difference between being paid to protest, and the actual anger from being labeled all sort of garbage and watching the nonsense this idiots unleashed is going to be seen on election day.
Left wing political violence by Democrats helped elect Richard Nixon in two landslide victories. The Democrats obviously learned nothing from history and thus are doomed to repeat it.
Many Democrats who saw the attempted political lynching of Justice Kavanaugh may not vote for Democrats after viewing the disgusting attacks on the new justice. Instead they will stay home on November 6th....which would be O.K.! The key is Dems not voting at all out of disgrace and embarrassment for their own party, and not wanting to vote republican. Either way it's a win.
We’re less than a month away from seeing another loss for democrats. Those idiots still haven’t learned.
You said "mob"!

You see, Trump altered the GOP Party. Yes, you still have your usual billionaire elites, they are in any system and they will always wield strong influence. However, Trump brings with him the NUMBERS from all demographics. The average Joe, the man and woman pissed that their country had become weak and more socialist. Those Blue Collar guys who wear shit kickers to work and have been waiting for a fighter.

Essentially, he has forced Conservatives to grow a pair. Instead of apologizing, you get mad and you get even. Not since Reagan (and a few flashes from Bush Sr.) has America stuck it's chest out. His voters will follow him, the Independents will lean towards him, many traditional democrats will go to him, or, they will just stay home and not support the Dems, which is almost as good for the GOP.

I have to admit, I didn't think this Supreme Court issue would bode well for the GOP or for Trump, failing to get that guy across he line would have been disasterous even if people would have been mad. Now with the 11th hour allegation and attempts to subvert the Rule of Law, even his Christian support base is determined to vote in the Mid-Terms. They see the possibility of another S.C Justice and they know Trump can deliver if he has the team behind him.
If Trump had not been president, the emasculated GOP would have forced Kavanaugh to withdraw. If one tenth of what his detractors say about Kavanaugh is true, he's a man with a man's spine. There is nothing of the soy-boy about him. He sent Trump a note saying he was ready to fight. Trump is always up for a good scrap.
You see, Trump altered the GOP Party. Yes, you still have your usual billionaire elites, they are in any system and they will always wield strong influence. However, Trump brings with him the NUMBERS from all demographics. The average Joe, the man and woman pissed that their country had become weak and more socialist. Those Blue Collar guys who wear shit kickers to work and have been waiting for a fighter.

Essentially, he has forced Conservatives to grow a pair. Instead of apologizing, you get mad and you get even. Not since Reagan (and a few flashes from Bush Sr.) has America stuck it's chest out. His voters will follow him, the Independents will lean towards him, many traditional democrats will go to him, or, they will just stay home and not support the Dems, which is almost as good for the GOP.

I have to admit, I didn't think this Supreme Court issue would bode well for the GOP or for Trump, failing to get that guy across he line would have been disasterous even if people would have been mad. Now with the 11th hour allegation and attempts to subvert the Rule of Law, even his Christian support base is determined to vote in the Mid-Terms. They see the possibility of another S.C Justice and they know Trump can deliver if he has the team behind him.
You're pretty smart for a Canadian. I couldn't agree more.
Republicans Are Madder and More Likely to Vote Than Dems

The Dims are doing everything they can to debunk this. They want you to know that their people are far more likely to turn out the vote.

I don’t think so.

Sixty-two percent of Republicans are more likely to vote because of the Kavanaugh controversy, compared to 54 percent of Democrats and 46 percent of voters not affiliated with either major political party,” Rasmussen Reports said in making its results public Wednesday.

This even claims that the Dims lead “the generic ballot,” whatever that means.

More of this @ Survey Says Republicans Are Madder and More Likely to Vote Than Dems

After Kavanaugh Win, Midterms Are a Chance To Defeat the Left’s Ugly, Inhuman Philosophy @ After Kavanaugh Win, Midterms Are a Chance To Defeat the Left's Ugly, Inhuman Philosophy

Kick some ass......

Here is wishing Ruth Bader Ginsburg a pleasant departure to the next life (very soon).
Now the idiots on the left are going after white women, calling them racist and “gender traitors” for not wanting to destroy a man’s life with baseless accusations.

I’ve said it many times before, the best political ad for Republicans is to give left wing fanatics a megaphone. People in general don’t like petulant children and dumb c**ts, and that is all the left is now.

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