Moderate House Republican Rep Don Bacon says that after watching Jan 6th DC riot hearings he “will not be supporting” Trump in the 2024 primary

You are clearly afraid of him.

haha, yeah, Jim Jordan gives me nightmares. With a tongue touched by the angles and a gift to reveal absolute truth we need to stop this Jim Jordan from piercing through the lies and deceit that the dems push to save the Biden presidency!!!!

Poor me another cup of that Kool-aid please
His two choices were clowns. I wouldn't expect to McCarthy to let OAC and Maxine Waters on to a committee. I wouldn't say his denial of them was because he was scared of their cross examination. Id say that those two are propagandist idiots that would distract from the mission of the committee... Thats exactly what Jordan and Gates are.

Your fear of them is noted and you side with Pelosi in running a dog and pony show that doesn't allow cross examination of witnesses therefore it is going to fail as due process is being denied a gross violation of the 5th amendment.

Cornell Law

Due Process​



The Constitution states only one command twice. The Fifth Amendment says to the federal government that no one shall be "deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law." The Fourteenth Amendment, ratified in 1868, uses the same eleven words, called the Due Process Clause, to describe a legal obligation of all states. These words have as their central promise an assurance that all levels of American government must operate within the law ("legality") and provide fair procedures. Most of this essay concerns that promise. We should briefly note, however, three other uses that these words have had in American constitutional law.


bolding mine


You make clear that you support a stacked committee who isn't running a fair investigation against their selected targets.
haha, yeah, Jim Jordan gives me nightmares. With a tongue touched by the angles and a gift to reveal absolute truth we need to stop this Jim Jordan from piercing through the lies and deceit that the dems push to save the Biden presidency!!!!

Poor me another cup of that Kool-aid please

Your Stalinist idiocy in full display.
Or McCarthy could have picked others to fill those spots. I wouldn't allow Jordan on any committees if I were in charge. The dude is a joke and all he does is rant and distract. I wouldn't allow Maxine Waters or AOC on committees either. I'm done with the wing nuts. They can go play on Cable news and stir up drama, but responsible and reasonable people should earn spots on committees and promote the change of getting stuff done
none of those asswipes should be doing this.....congress,and that includes people on this panel,have a 20 something percent approval rating.....they dont have what it takes to judge this thing....
Your fear of them is noted and you side with Pelosi in running a dog and pony show that doesn't allow cross examination of witnesses therefore it is going to fail as due process is being denied a gross violation of the 5th amendment.

Cornell Law

Due Process​



The Constitution states only one command twice. The Fifth Amendment says to the federal government that no one shall be "deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law." The Fourteenth Amendment, ratified in 1868, uses the same eleven words, called the Due Process Clause, to describe a legal obligation of all states. These words have as their central promise an assurance that all levels of American government must operate within the law ("legality") and provide fair procedures. Most of this essay concerns that promise. We should briefly note, however, three other uses that these words have had in American constitutional law.


bolding mine


You make clear that you support a stacked committee who isn't running a fair investigation against their selected targets.
Haha, I'm just glad you are taking notes... I hope you've learned something ;-)
none of those asswipes should be doing this.....congress,and that includes people on this panel,have a 20 something percent approval rating.....they dont have what it takes to judge this thing....
Frankly I don't care about their judgements. I think congress does way too many showy "investigations" that are a waste of time. The only good I see from this committee is in the information that gets exposed to the public. The communications that happened and the vetting out of who what responsible for doing/not doing what. Also comparing what people actually knew and what the presented to the public. That helps in judging a persons honesty/transparency.
Frankly I don't care about their judgements. I think congress does way too many showy "investigations" that are a waste of time. The only good I see from this committee is in the information that gets exposed to the public. The communications that happened and the vetting out of who what responsible for doing/not doing what. Also comparing what people actually knew and what the presented to the public. That helps in judging a persons honesty/transparency.
they will do here the same kind of wonderful job that they do in congress.....which is very half-ass....
Where is Pelosi?....Where is Ray Epps?....Where is Wray?....Where is the cross-examination of any witness?

The whole "committee" is a one-sided bullshit festival, and you know it.
Never believe any witness' testimony if there is no cross-examination.

Of course, with Democrats like Pelosi and Schiff there is no 'testimony'.

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