*Moderates: Here Is Why To Vote Republican November*

Will Moderates vote for Socialism?

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Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

  1. Hugest exodest of business and money in the history of mankind.
  2. Big business funding that was set to come back to USA shores will halt.
  3. The Democrat Socialist have already said they will start the harvest of other people money, (rich peoples) so think wisely on how you cast your vote.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Hugest exodest of business and money in the history of mankind.
  2. Big business funding that was set to come back to USA shores will halt.
  3. The Democrat Socialist have already said they will start the harvest of other people money, (rich peoples) so think wisely on how you cast your vote.

Yeah, I mean, when you're fighting stuff that isn't real, it's really easy.

Reasons to vote in November.

1) Stop the space aliens from invading our shores

2) Stop the space aliens steal our women and impregnating them with oranges.

3) Free play stations for all people willing to dress up in pink fucking tootoos.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

  1. Hugest exodest of business and money in the history of mankind.
  2. Big business funding that was set to come back to USA shores will halt.
  3. The Democrat Socialist have already said they will start the harvest of other people money, (rich peoples) so think wisely on how you cast your vote.

Yeah, I mean, when you're fighting stuff that isn't real, it's really easy.

Reasons to vote in November.

1) Stop the space aliens from invading our shores

2) Stop the space aliens steal our women and impregnating them with oranges.

3) Free play stations for all people willing to dress up in pink fucking tootoos.

  1. Thats crazy talk from a floating voter who has no idea about pretty much everything.

Vote as hard as you want, but unless someone ends the Fed, we're socialists, regardless of whether one adops a D or an R in front of their name. Sorry, them's the facts. I feel that intellectual honesty is the most diplomatic approach when met with decisions such as these.

Also, poll needs more options. I, for one, will be voting third party, because I do not consent.
Sorry bout that,

  1. No one here at USMB is anywhere close to being smart enough to dispute this OP.
  2. My work in the thread is done.

Sorry bout that,

Vote as hard as you want, but unless someone ends the Fed, we're socialists, regardless of whether one adops a D or an R in front of their name. Sorry, them's the facts. I feel that intellectual honesty is the most diplomatic approach when met with decisions such as these.

Also, poll needs more options. I, for one, will be voting third party, because I do not consent.

  1. You are an idiot seeing you are a moderate and going to admittingly vote third party, throwing away your vote, just stay home don't waste your gas to vote AT ALL moron.
  2. Just another self righteous happy idiot.
  3. Why waste your time and effort, your vote goes to ruin America?
  1. You are an idiot seeing you are a moderate and going to admittingly vote third party, throwing away your vote, just stay home don't waste your gas to vote AT ALL moron.
  2. Just another self righteous happy idiot.
  3. Why waste your time and effort, your vote goes to ruin America?

Well. Here's what I'll say to that. I voted for a guy who wasn't even running in the 2016 and he managed to receive 1 electoral vote. You can't ever tell me my voted was wasted.

To your point about me being a moron, I'd tread lightly, if I were you. I'm the wrong person to say some silly stuff like that to. I thoroughly enjoy demonstrating the infinite wisdom of such smart people as yourself. It's one of my favorite things to do.

To your point about me being a moderate, I'm afraid you're mistaken.
Sorry bout that,

Vote as hard as you want, but unless someone ends the Fed, we're socialists, regardless of whether one adops a D or an R in front of their name. Sorry, them's the facts. I feel that intellectual honesty is the most diplomatic approach when met with decisions such as these.

Also, poll needs more options. I, for one, will be voting third party, because I do not consent.

  1. You are an idiot seeing you are a moderate and going to admittingly vote third party, throwing away your vote, just stay home don't waste your gas to vote AT ALL moron.
  2. Just another self righteous happy idiot.
  3. Why waste your time and effort, your vote goes to ruin America?
sorry bout that

i cant stand both parties....a bunch of self serving asswipes with many members who have been in congress way to long.....i wont be throwing away my vote like the rest of you party people do.....i will vote for someone who doesnt have their nose stuck up their parties collective asses....

Sir Harry of Dresden....
Sorry bout that,

  1. I think most if not ALL the moderates here will be voting Republican this November.
  2. They are at least smart enough to just barely realise that socialism does not effectively work, because other peoples money always runs out, and whole Nations starve to death, and suffer, soup lines are a drag too.
Sorry bout that,

  1. You are an idiot seeing you are a moderate and going to admittingly vote third party, throwing away your vote, just stay home don't waste your gas to vote AT ALL moron.
  2. Just another self righteous happy idiot.
  3. Why waste your time and effort, your vote goes to ruin America?

Well. Here's what I'll say to that. I voted for a guy who wasn't even running in the 2016 and he managed to receive 1 electoral vote. You can't ever tell me my voted was wasted.

To your point about me being a moron, I'd tread lightly, if I were you. I'm the wrong person to say some silly stuff like that to. I thoroughly enjoy demonstrating the infinite wisdom of such smart people as yourself. It's one of my favorite things to do.

To your point about me being a moderate, I'm afraid you're mistaken.

  1. Listen happy idiot, 1 electoral vote isn't shit, its not even a blip on the radar.
  2. Dismissed idiot!
  3. You better vote for living a normal life idiot!
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

Vote as hard as you want, but unless someone ends the Fed, we're socialists, regardless of whether one adops a D or an R in front of their name. Sorry, them's the facts. I feel that intellectual honesty is the most diplomatic approach when met with decisions such as these.

Also, poll needs more options. I, for one, will be voting third party, because I do not consent.

  1. You are an idiot seeing you are a moderate and going to admittingly vote third party, throwing away your vote, just stay home don't waste your gas to vote AT ALL moron.
  2. Just another self righteous happy idiot.
  3. Why waste your time and effort, your vote goes to ruin America?
sorry bout that

i cant stand both parties....a bunch of self serving asswipes with many members who have been in congress way to long.....i wont be throwing away my vote like the rest of you party people do.....i will vote for someone who doesnt have their nose stuck up their parties collective asses....

Sir Harry of Dresden....

  1. Invest in a bigger soup bowl Harry, fucking pathetic idiot!
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

  1. Hugest exodest of business and money in the history of mankind.
  2. Big business funding that was set to come back to USA shores will halt.
  3. The Democrat Socialist have already said they will start the harvest of other people money, (rich peoples) so think wisely on how you cast your vote.

Yeah, I mean, when you're fighting stuff that isn't real, it's really easy.

Reasons to vote in November.

1) Stop the space aliens from invading our shores

2) Stop the space aliens steal our women and impregnating them with oranges.

3) Free play stations for all people willing to dress up in pink fucking tootoos.

  1. Thats crazy talk from a floating voter who has no idea about pretty much everything.


You mean moderates who you think will vote Republican if you feed them some half boiled crap?
Sorry bout that,

  1. Gosh I know all these complex thoughts may just blow your mind away *frigidweirdo*, but really this is just some basic thoughts man.
  2. A vote cast to the Democrats is a vote for Socialism, they (Democrats), have told you that much, they are speaking it pretty freaking loudly, I'm listening.
  3. What I'm saying isn't shit, neither is it boiled.
  4. Please don't be this fucking stupid, your killing everyone here that thinks that stupid.
  5. Give these morons a break.

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