
Moderates - the silent majority. They usually hold the balance of all elections.
They are silent alright, like the dead and just as effective.

Except they vote.
(Thank goodness)
Great, please name all the Moderates they've elected recently?

Rarely are the major party nominees or those who get elected the most extreme in the race. The vast majority of folks who get elected are more centered. Obviously there are local exceptions, but most of the time, the more moderate candidates are the most successful.

That has been true until the last several years. Take a look at the republicans in the house for an example. Things started turning to shit when Gingrich and Tom Delay started the "To hell with facts.....say anything to win" strategy that has been refined and honed by the right wing and fox. The closest thing the right now has to a moderate is still batshit over the edge extreme.

I can agree with you to a point, but the Dems have their fair share of wackos and slimeballs too.
They are silent alright, like the dead and just as effective.

Except they vote.
(Thank goodness)
Great, please name all the Moderates they've elected recently?

Rarely are the major party nominees or those who get elected the most extreme in the race. The vast majority of folks who get elected are more centered. Obviously there are local exceptions, but most of the time, the more moderate candidates are the most successful.

That has been true until the last several years. Take a look at the republicans in the house for an example. Things started turning to shit when Gingrich and Tom Delay started the "To hell with facts.....say anything to win" strategy that has been refined and honed by the right wing and fox. The closest thing the right now has to a moderate is still batshit over the edge extreme.

Are you talking about the far-right or the slightly right of center?

The far-right (and the far left) can be successful in specific geographic locations. But it all comes pretty close to equaling out over the big picture. The pendulum swings one way or the other a bit from time to time. But for the most part, it hovers pretty close to the middle.

The slightly right of center are known as Democrats. There are no moderate republicans. Just extreme and batshit extreme. The pendulum you speak of has been pushed extremely hard to the right and will in time correct it's self, but for now the right wing is as far from moderate as they have ever been. Can you name 5 moderate republicans near the top of the republican party? 4? 3?
They are silent alright, like the dead and just as effective.

Except they vote.
(Thank goodness)
Great, please name all the Moderates they've elected recently?

Rarely are the major party nominees or those who get elected the most extreme in the race. The vast majority of folks who get elected are more centered. Obviously there are local exceptions, but most of the time, the more moderate candidates are the most successful.

That has been true until the last several years. Take a look at the republicans in the house for an example. Things started turning to shit when Gingrich and Tom Delay started the "To hell with facts.....say anything to win" strategy that has been refined and honed by the right wing and fox. The closest thing the right now has to a moderate is still batshit over the edge extreme.

I can agree with you to a point, but the Dems have their fair share of wackos and slimeballs too.

Sure, there are some. There have always been some on both sides, but when the right offered McCain and Palin as their hopefuls, they admitted that was the right cutting all ties with moderation, and Romney just reaffirmed that. Again, check out the new batch of republican house members for verification of that.
The actual voting moderate Dems were the Blue Dogs In a way. What happened to them?

The voting Reps in the Congress and Senate toe the party lines on virtually every issue.

There might be moderates in this country, but they aren't the ones creating and passing the bills.

Moderates are people who don't pay attention to actual politics, or they are liberal Republicans who are afraid to say they are liberals....

We have a lot of threads on USMB by ideologues that are typically based on talking points usually loaded with partisan misrepresentation. That is not paying attention to the issues. It's basically someone self-inflicting themselves with ignorance.
Moderates are usually described as pragmatic. They aren't lured to ideological sites/news/information as their daily habit. They objectively look at the issue. Studying an issue objectively is far superior to looking at it for one side.
Ideologues love to bash moderates and call them fence-sitters, yet ideologues are simply followers of narrow thinkers.
My point was that the moderates are about non existent when you look at the votes. It's party line for nearly every vote that takes place. The Dems fed the moderates/Blue Dogs to the wolves..................With the toe the line or else platform during the short duration of controlling all the fed.
Except they vote.
(Thank goodness)
Great, please name all the Moderates they've elected recently?

Rarely are the major party nominees or those who get elected the most extreme in the race. The vast majority of folks who get elected are more centered. Obviously there are local exceptions, but most of the time, the more moderate candidates are the most successful.

That has been true until the last several years. Take a look at the republicans in the house for an example. Things started turning to shit when Gingrich and Tom Delay started the "To hell with facts.....say anything to win" strategy that has been refined and honed by the right wing and fox. The closest thing the right now has to a moderate is still batshit over the edge extreme.

Are you talking about the far-right or the slightly right of center?

The far-right (and the far left) can be successful in specific geographic locations. But it all comes pretty close to equaling out over the big picture. The pendulum swings one way or the other a bit from time to time. But for the most part, it hovers pretty close to the middle.
Right of center are Dems. LOL

You've got to be kidding me.

The slightly right of center are known as Democrats. There are no moderate republicans. Just extreme and batshit extreme. The pendulum you speak of has been pushed extremely hard to the right and will in time correct it's self, but for now the right wing is as far from moderate as they have ever been. Can you name 5 moderate republicans near the top of the republican party? 4? 3?
Whow. There's a lot of us dems who like our concept of a free market economy and we don't want socialism. While we want government to help take care of our citizens who can't take care of themselves due to mental, physical or out of work challenges, we don't want a society where the able bodied do nothing and collect benefits when they should be contributing to society. That's not socialism. That's us taking care of us.
We also don't want government over regulating business anymore than we want them under regulating it as well. We want a balance where companies, workers and government work together so we all win rather than just the few greedy. Again this is not socialism but us taking care of ourselves the way we're supposed to as human beings as well as citizens of our great Nation.
Compromise and working together is what made us great and it's the only true way for us to restore ourselves because no one but us can or ever will.

We're the democrats the world labels as "moderates."

What you just described yourself as, is Conservative.

And there is NOTHING you can do to advance what you have just defined, by compromising with those who intend to crush you. When you compromise with them, you cut your goal short and advance their goals... .
"That's all well and good, only... there is no compromising with the modern GOP the last good republican ever in the history of American Politics was Eisenhower, and he was ONLY good for his day... not ours with our modern perspectives and expectations and culture."

There's no way to show a potential correlation between that nonsense and that of the would be 'Moderate'.

In my experience, the would-be Moderates make the claims which sound OH SO reasonable... but when push comes to shove, they're fuckin' marxists, who simply lack the courage to commit.

In truth there are no moderates on the Ideological Left... there are only those Leftists with lower levels of commitment.
Except they vote.
(Thank goodness)
Great, please name all the Moderates they've elected recently?

Rarely are the major party nominees or those who get elected the most extreme in the race. The vast majority of folks who get elected are more centered. Obviously there are local exceptions, but most of the time, the more moderate candidates are the most successful.

That has been true until the last several years. Take a look at the republicans in the house for an example. Things started turning to shit when Gingrich and Tom Delay started the "To hell with facts.....say anything to win" strategy that has been refined and honed by the right wing and fox. The closest thing the right now has to a moderate is still batshit over the edge extreme.

I can agree with you to a point, but the Dems have their fair share of wackos and slimeballs too.
Sure, there are some. There have always been some on both sides, but when the right offered McCain and Palin as their hopefuls, they admitted that was the right cutting all ties with moderation, and Romney just reaffirmed that. Again, check out the new batch of republican house members for verification of that.
LOL. What a loon. McCain is far right. You obviously have no idea why Palin was added to the ticket then. Then Romney won the next nomination, not exactly a hard liner conservative. So how exactly does that translate into the right being uncompromising?

Meanwhile the left nominates the most liberal senator and elects him twice, even with dismal results. Most conservatives want the same thing in the OP. it's the left that mischaracterizes and demonize all those who would oppose a far left agenda. But it wasn't the far right that swept the nation into the Republican corner on November 4th, it was every day folks that got tired of the constant bullshit and insults from the left. You can only play that hand for so long, working people will eventually figure out that you can't run a country on hope and change.
Great, please name all the Moderates they've elected recently?

Rarely are the major party nominees or those who get elected the most extreme in the race. The vast majority of folks who get elected are more centered. Obviously there are local exceptions, but most of the time, the more moderate candidates are the most successful.

That has been true until the last several years. Take a look at the republicans in the house for an example. Things started turning to shit when Gingrich and Tom Delay started the "To hell with facts.....say anything to win" strategy that has been refined and honed by the right wing and fox. The closest thing the right now has to a moderate is still batshit over the edge extreme.

I can agree with you to a point, but the Dems have their fair share of wackos and slimeballs too.
Sure, there are some. There have always been some on both sides, but when the right offered McCain and Palin as their hopefuls, they admitted that was the right cutting all ties with moderation, and Romney just reaffirmed that. Again, check out the new batch of republican house members for verification of that.
LOL. What a loon. McCain is far right. You obviously have no idea why Palin was added to the ticket then. Then Romney won the next nomination, not exactly a hard liner conservative. So how exactly does that translate into the right being uncompromising?

Meanwhile the left nominates the most liberal senator and elects him twice, even with dismal results. Most conservatives want the same thing in the OP. it's the left that mischaracterizes and demonize all those who would oppose a far left agenda. But it wasn't the far right that swept the nation into the Republican corner on November 4th, it was every day folks that got tired of the constant bullshit and insults from the left. You can only play that hand for so long, working people will eventually figure out that you can't run a country on hope and change.

So you're another teabagger who thinks that little midterm election which followed historical patterns exactly somehow means more Americans support the right wing crazies........How cute.
So you're another teabagger who thinks that little midterm election which followed historical patterns exactly somehow means more Americans support the right wing crazies........How cute.

Oh goodness... THAT is such a relief.

I was afraid that the Left would actually see the recent election as some sort of harbinger that their ideas were being rejected, due to the calamitous effects of the policy they advanced, having beset the culture upon chronic hardship and pain.

At least now we know that they recognize such as merely the natural occurrence, wherein people just vote out the party in power... during the obligatory mid-term.

Apparently "Mid-term" now means "Every Election", given that roughly the same has occurred every election since 2010 and that's only three in a row... so don't sweat it. Everything is perfectly fine.

There are plenty of people in both parties who are more than happy to rationally and reasonably discuss the issues and come to mature agreements.

Unfortunately, their voices are now completely drowned out by the hardcore partisan ideologues who put ideology and perceived political advantage over country.

Not sure how this gets fixed. It would take some real leadership by some very brave and well-known people to put these narcissists in their place.

It would take some real leadership

and that is the key.....and i dont see any REAL leaders out you?....

There are plenty of people in both parties who are more than happy to rationally and reasonably discuss the issues and come to mature agreements.

Unfortunately, their voices are now completely drowned out by the hardcore partisan ideologues who put ideology and perceived political advantage over country.

Not sure how this gets fixed. It would take some real leadership by some very brave and well-known people to put these narcissists in their place.

It would take some real leadership

and that is the key.....and i dont see any REAL leaders out you?....

I absolutely do not.

Moderates - the silent majority. They usually hold the balance of all elections.
They are silent alright, like the dead and just as effective.

Except they vote.
(Thank goodness)
Great, please name all the Moderates they've elected recently?

Rarely are the major party nominees or those who get elected the most extreme in the race. The vast majority of folks who get elected are more centered. Obviously there are local exceptions, but most of the time, the more moderate candidates are the most successful.
and then when they get elected they do what the party wants.....and the people and the Country go from the head of the line to behind the party and rich donors....
Moderates are people who don't pay attention to actual politics, or they are liberal Republicans who are afraid to say they are liberals....
the die hard Republicans only pay attention to THEIR one else matters.....if you aint like them,tough fucking shit....
Considering our two party system and who they put up for office is dominated by "the base" of each party that is typically controlled my die-hard ideologues, it's tough to get moderates on the general election ballot.
It was good to see the GOP establishment offer up some moderate blood to differentiate itself from the more radical Tea Party. It worked.
Considering most people are closer to the center, moving to the center was a wise move.
Now we'll see exactly how moderate these newly elected Republican moderates are. Was it a snow job or was it the real thing?

Was it a snow job or was it the real thing?......
no doubt a.....

Whow. There's a lot of us dems who like our concept of a free market economy and we don't want socialism. While we want government to help take care of our citizens who can't take care of themselves due to mental, physical or out of work challenges, we don't want a society where the able bodied do nothing and collect benefits when they should be contributing to society. That's not socialism. That's us taking care of us.
We also don't want government over regulating business anymore than we want them under regulating it as well. We want a balance where companies, workers and government work together so we all win rather than just the few greedy. Again this is not socialism but us taking care of ourselves the way we're supposed to as human beings as well as citizens of our great Nation.
Compromise and working together is what made us great and it's the only true way for us to restore ourselves because no one but us can or ever will.

We're the democrats the world labels as "moderates."

What you just described yourself as, is Conservative.

And there is NOTHING you can do to advance what you have just defined, by compromising with those who intend to crush you. When you compromise with them, you cut your goal short and advance their goals... .
are they not doing the same thing by compromising with you?....thats what compromise give a little i give a little.....we both lose a little....but in the end we both can get by with what we agreed upon.....
"That's all well and good, only... there is no compromising with the modern GOP the last good republican ever in the history of American Politics was Eisenhower, and he was ONLY good for his day... not ours with our modern perspectives and expectations and culture."

There's no way to show a potential correlation between that nonsense and that of the would be 'Moderate'.

In my experience, the would-be Moderates make the claims which sound OH SO reasonable... but when push comes to shove, they're fuckin' marxists, who simply lack the courage to commit.

In truth there are no moderates on the Ideological Left... there are only those Leftists with lower levels of commitment.
you must be to far to the right to see them then....but then its all a matter of how one perceives the other side isnt it? someone in the middle i see moderates here on both sides....
Great, please name all the Moderates they've elected recently?

Rarely are the major party nominees or those who get elected the most extreme in the race. The vast majority of folks who get elected are more centered. Obviously there are local exceptions, but most of the time, the more moderate candidates are the most successful.

That has been true until the last several years. Take a look at the republicans in the house for an example. Things started turning to shit when Gingrich and Tom Delay started the "To hell with facts.....say anything to win" strategy that has been refined and honed by the right wing and fox. The closest thing the right now has to a moderate is still batshit over the edge extreme.

I can agree with you to a point, but the Dems have their fair share of wackos and slimeballs too.
Sure, there are some. There have always been some on both sides, but when the right offered McCain and Palin as their hopefuls, they admitted that was the right cutting all ties with moderation, and Romney just reaffirmed that. Again, check out the new batch of republican house members for verification of that.
LOL. What a loon. McCain is far right. You obviously have no idea why Palin was added to the ticket then. Then Romney won the next nomination, not exactly a hard liner conservative. So how exactly does that translate into the right being uncompromising?

Meanwhile the left nominates the most liberal senator and elects him twice, even with dismal results. Most conservatives want the same thing in the OP. it's the left that mischaracterizes and demonize all those who would oppose a far left agenda. But it wasn't the far right that swept the nation into the Republican corner on November 4th, it was every day folks that got tired of the constant bullshit and insults from the left. You can only play that hand for so long, working people will eventually figure out that you can't run a country on hope and change.
it's the left that mischaracterizes and demonize all those who would oppose a far left agenda.
the right does the same thing to those who oppose their agenda see that every day here....

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