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Modern American Prosperity is only for those who have already prospered.

Of course it is. And it will always be like that until we do away with the progressive income tax in favor of a flat or fair tax. Our tax system is specifically designed to prevent people from obtaining wealth. While it protects, the politicians and so called "elites" who already have it.

And you blindly support them.
Modern American Prosperity is only for those who have already prospered. Such as a time prior to the great deeds of Presidents Teddy and Franklin Roosevelt:

From Theodore Roosevelt > State of the Union 1905
Yet, while not merely admitting, but insisting upon this, it is also true that where there is no governmental restraint or supervision some of the exceptional men use their energies not in ways that are for the common good, but in ways which tell against this common good. The fortunes amassed through corporate organization are now so large, and vest such power in those that wield them, as to make it a matter of necessity to give to the sovereign--that is, to the Government, which represents the people as a whole--some effective power of supervision over their corporate use. In order to insure a healthy social and industrial life, every big corporation should be held responsible by, and be accountable to, some sovereign strong enough to control its conduct. I am in no sense hostile to corporations. This is an age of combination, and any effort to prevent all combination will be not only useless, but in the end vicious, because of the contempt for law which the failure to enforce law inevitably produces. We should, moreover, recognize in cordial and ample fashion the immense good effected by corporate agencies in a country such as ours, and the wealth of intellect, energy, and fidelity devoted to their service, and therefore normally to the service of the public, by their officers and directors. The corporation has come to stay, just as the trade union has come to stay. Each can do and has done great good. Each should be favored so long as it does good. But each should be sharply checked where it acts against law and justice.

Here is the point you conveniently missed. If they are not acting against law and justice, there is no problem.
Instead of trolling here on USMB with your many threads, bitching and complaining like you do ... why don't you get out there and find and make your own prosperity. If you're that unhappy financially, do something to change it!

Why is it that, whenever a progressive makes a post or a thread calling for social justice or criticizing the unfairness of the economy as currently organized, conservatives seem unable to understand this in any way except as a personal complaint?

Are you so fundamentally selfish and self-centered that you can't even imagine or conceive of anyone talking about these issues in any context except complaints about their own personal circumstances?
Instead of trolling here on USMB with your many threads, bitching and complaining like you do ... why don't you get out there and find and make your own prosperity. If you're that unhappy financially, do something to change it!

Like I've said before, if excuses would feed the useless their belly would always be full.

Statements like these come only from people who don't 'Get it.'

What happens when you have 10 nuggets of food in with 10 rats? What happens when you take 5 of those away?

More competition for depleted resources means 1. Everyone has to work harder for less and 2. Mathematically there are more losers regardless of behavior of the participants.

But do keep blaming the victims.


So for the record, you're one of those people who think resources are limited. That there is only one pie and it has to be continually sliced thinner and thinner so everyone can have a piece. Are you really that stoopid. Wealth is not finite. You bake another pie. Jobs baked a pie. Gates baked a pie. Every new little mom and pop start up bakes a new pie. Wealth is created. Moron.
Instead of trolling here on USMB with your many threads, bitching and complaining like you do ... why don't you get out there and find and make your own prosperity. If you're that unhappy financially, do something to change it!

Why is it that, whenever a progressive makes a post or a thread calling for social justice or criticizing the unfairness of the economy as currently organized, conservatives seem unable to understand this in any way except as a personal complaint?

Are you so fundamentally selfish and self-centered that you can't even imagine or conceive of anyone talking about these issues in any context except complaints about their own personal circumstances?

Because an intelligent person understands personal responsibility and how to take advantage of opportunity to better themselves and their lot in life. Morons think they are victims of "social injustice" and the "unfairness" of the economy. They are most likely complaining out of their own victimhood. If they were smarter, they would know the difference. Buck up buttercup! Grab those bootstraps and pull.
Instead of trolling here on USMB with your many threads, bitching and complaining like you do ... why don't you get out there and find and make your own prosperity. If you're that unhappy financially, do something to change it!

Why is it that, whenever a progressive makes a post or a thread calling for social justice or criticizing the unfairness of the economy as currently organized, conservatives seem unable to understand this in any way except as a personal complaint?

Are you so fundamentally selfish and self-centered that you can't even imagine or conceive of anyone talking about these issues in any context except complaints about their own personal circumstances?

Progressives are pathological liars and criminally stupid to boot. No sane nation ever takes them seriously and those that do fall from grace in record time
Like I've said before, if excuses would feed the useless their belly would always be full.

Statements like these come only from people who don't 'Get it.'

What happens when you have 10 nuggets of food in with 10 rats? What happens when you take 5 of those away?

More competition for depleted resources means 1. Everyone has to work harder for less and 2. Mathematically there are more losers regardless of behavior of the participants.

But do keep blaming the victims.


So for the record, you're one of those people who think resources are limited. That there is only one pie and it has to be continually sliced thinner and thinner so everyone can have a piece. Are you really that stoopid. Wealth is not finite. You bake another pie. Jobs baked a pie. Gates baked a pie. Every new little mom and pop start up bakes a new pie. Wealth is created. Moron.

They didn't 'bake another pie' genius, they took a little sliver of everyone else's pie. Wealth is created through the banking sector; and in the long run, as we're witnessing now, that wealth is not sustainable or 'Real.' They just got done baking a bazillion pies, and taking half of those pies for themselves before half of them evaporated into thin air. Now they're cozy with their half of the pies, the taxpayer subsidized the pies they did lose, and the little guy is stuck battling for 1/2 of the pies available at the onset.

Like I said, you don't get it - You don't. If you can analyze the current fiscal situation and conclude that people are only suffering because they're lazy and entitled, I damn sure ain't going to be able to change your mind through an internet message board.

But you're duped, you're wrong, and you truly do not get it.
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Banks create wealth??

That's the dumbest comment of the week and it's only Tuesday.

Is it really? :eusa_eh:

So when you deposit $100.00, do you "Have" that $100.00? And when they lend me $90.00 of it, do I not "Have" that $90.00? Is there not now $190.00 of money supply in circulation?

Can you really be that clueless?

Edit: And it's Ok if you are, most Americans don't understand how it works. But it would be a touch ironic if you're that stupid, yet you're here accusing me of making dumb comments.

And shame on you, Claudette for 'thanking' that ridiculous post.
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Because an intelligent person understands personal responsibility and how to take advantage of opportunity to better themselves and their lot in life. Morons think they are victims of "social injustice" and the "unfairness" of the economy. They are most likely complaining out of their own victimhood. If they were smarter, they would know the difference. Buck up buttercup! Grab those bootstraps and pull.

There you go again. You just ASSUME that the OP is talking about himself, and is totally selfish (like you are, apparently) and can't POSSIBLY be advocating from a sense of fairness or civic responsibility or anything else except pure selfish whining. He hasn't said anything about his own circumstances, you don't know jack shit about his circumstances, and you have absolutely no logical basis at all for thinking he has anything to complain about personally.

The point is that just because someone talks about social justice or about the unfairness of the economy does NOT mean that he, personally, thinks he's a victim of it. Yet you assume that's what it's about, when you have no basis for doing so.

All I can think is that you are so completely selfish yourself that you can't imagine anyone else operating on any other basis. But, thankfully, you're wrong.
Like I've said before, if excuses would feed the useless their belly would always be full.

Statements like these come only from people who don't 'Get it.'

What happens when you have 10 nuggets of food in with 10 rats? What happens when you take 5 of those away?

More competition for depleted resources means 1. Everyone has to work harder for less and 2. Mathematically there are more losers regardless of behavior of the participants.

But do keep blaming the victims.


I get it "dick". I've left my family for months at a time to go where the required "nuggets" are to support my family. Sitting around crying in your cereal waiting for uncle Sam to support you won't do fuck alll for ya.

So where did you go for the nuggets? Would there be enough nuggets for everyone, if everyone showed up there?

Of course not. That's the point. You're doing more for less, and no matter how the cards fall, there's going to be more disenfranchised than there used to be.

It's not that complex if you think about it. But you have to be open to the fact that you might be wrong.
Statements like these come only from people who don't 'Get it.'

What happens when you have 10 nuggets of food in with 10 rats? What happens when you take 5 of those away?

More competition for depleted resources means 1. Everyone has to work harder for less and 2. Mathematically there are more losers regardless of behavior of the participants.

But do keep blaming the victims.


So for the record, you're one of those people who think resources are limited. That there is only one pie and it has to be continually sliced thinner and thinner so everyone can have a piece. Are you really that stoopid. Wealth is not finite. You bake another pie. Jobs baked a pie. Gates baked a pie. Every new little mom and pop start up bakes a new pie. Wealth is created. Moron.

They didn't 'bake another pie' genius, they took a little sliver of everyone else's pie. Wealth is created through the banking sector; and in the long run, as we're witnessing now, that wealth is not sustainable or 'Real.' They just got done baking a bazillion pies, and taking half of those pies for themselves before half of them evaporated into thin air. Now they're cozy with their half of the pies, the taxpayer subsidized the pies they did lose, and the little guy is stuck battling for 1/2 of the pies available at the onset.

Like I said, you don't get it - You don't. If you can analyze the current fiscal situation and conclude that people are only suffering because they're lazy and entitled, I damn sure ain't going to be able to change your mind through an internet message board.

But you're duped, you're wrong, and you truly do not get it.

I'm guessing that you are about 18 years old, have dreadlocks and are huddled under some tarp in an "occupied" park typing out your stupidity on an iPad........because no adult with any life experience believes the dumb assed shit you just said.

So you believe in the fairy tale of finite wealth. Tell me genius, is there the same amount of wealth in the world today that there was in 2,000 BC? How about 750 AD, 1776, 1900? Does it just switch hands over the years and all of a sudden these wealthy greedy bastards have changed the rules and are keeping it and not spreading it around like has always happened in your fairy tale?

Grow up.
Statements like these come only from people who don't 'Get it.'

What happens when you have 10 nuggets of food in with 10 rats? What happens when you take 5 of those away?

More competition for depleted resources means 1. Everyone has to work harder for less and 2. Mathematically there are more losers regardless of behavior of the participants.

But do keep blaming the victims.


I get it "dick". I've left my family for months at a time to go where the required "nuggets" are to support my family. Sitting around crying in your cereal waiting for uncle Sam to support you won't do fuck alll for ya.

So where did you go for the nuggets? Would there be enough nuggets for everyone, if everyone showed up there?

Of course not. That's the point. You're doing more for less, and no matter how the cards fall, there's going to be more disenfranchised than there used to be.

It's not that complex if you think about it. But you have to be open to the fact that you might be wrong.

Why yes........yes you do. Good advice you should follow yourself. :eusa_whistle:
Why don't the whole lot of you acknowledge and engage what Roosevelt said, instead of trying to make yourselves feel superior by popping shit about MC?

I did -- back on the first page.. The TR quote is real snooze. No real guidance in there at all. And besides -- I'm fed up with all this bromance with FDR and TR and the New Deal.. Today's economy is NOTHING CLOSE to what we had 70 year or more ago..
Statements like these come only from people who don't 'Get it.'

What happens when you have 10 nuggets of food in with 10 rats? What happens when you take 5 of those away?

More competition for depleted resources means 1. Everyone has to work harder for less and 2. Mathematically there are more losers regardless of behavior of the participants.

But do keep blaming the victims.


I get it "dick". I've left my family for months at a time to go where the required "nuggets" are to support my family. Sitting around crying in your cereal waiting for uncle Sam to support you won't do fuck alll for ya.

So where did you go for the nuggets? Would there be enough nuggets for everyone, if everyone showed up there?

Of course not. That's the point. You're doing more for less, and no matter how the cards fall, there's going to be more disenfranchised than there used to be.

It's not that complex if you think about it. But you have to be open to the fact that you might be wrong.

I've gone to almost every state at one time or another, and Canada a couple times for the "nuggets". Whatever it takes to suppot mine and not be a burden to society.
Anyway I'm not wrong, there is work out there for the individual ready and willing to do what it takes. I've observed that it's the same folks with their hands out making excuses, and the same folks working hard to survive. I suppose those who are willing to go the extra mile are just "lucky" but I don't subscribe to that, you make your own luck.
Instead of trolling here on USMB with your many threads, bitching and complaining like you do ... why don't you get out there and find and make your own prosperity. If you're that unhappy financially, do something to change it!

Like I've said before, if excuses would feed the useless their belly would always be full.

Statements like these come only from people who don't 'Get it.'

What happens when you have 10 nuggets of food in with 10 rats? What happens when you take 5 of those away?

More competition for depleted resources means 1. Everyone has to work harder for less and 2. Mathematically there are more losers regardless of behavior of the participants.

But do keep blaming the victims.


I actually blame the absolute lack of leadership on the economic problems that this country faces. Instead of looking out the window at our new place in the WORLD economy and pointing at ways to make America more COMPETITIVE and increase our worker skill sets and opportunities -- YOU and your leftist leadership want to go burn the furniture and start a class war over the remaining "nuggets".

And I wonder why WE as a society aren't looking at the money we wasted on colleges that we couldn't afford because our parents wanted the prestige of Stanford. Or the homes that we refinanced over and over again to suck the equity out of them to buy a new Bimmer. YEAH -- in a LOT of cases --- we ALL ran amuck for awhile while the WORLD TOOK OUR JOBS and leadership in innovation.. Keep pushing the class war --- nothing important will get fixed..
Instead of trolling here on USMB with your many threads, bitching and complaining like you do ... why don't you get out there and find and make your own prosperity. If you're that unhappy financially, do something to change it!

Good suggestion,,trouble is,,,,,,

No jobs for 4 of 5 job seekers

"U.S. employers are hiring again – a net 63,000 jobs in January – but not nearly enough to keep up with the number of unemployed, reports the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
In January, there were 2.76 million job openings, down slightly from the 2.92 million in December. But there were 13.9 million out of work. That means there were no jobs for four out of five job seekers.
It was the 23rd month in a row that the job seeker ratio was at or above 5-to-1, notes the Economic Policy Institute.
In comparison, after the 2001-02 recession, which also saw employers slow to start hiring, the highest the ratio got was 2.8 job seekers per job opening."

No jobs for 4 of 5 job seekers - Handling Hard Times : The Orange County Register

So, MiddleClass has an "attitude" and maybe because of this:

Workers’ share of national income plummets to record low

And this:

Income Slides to 1996 Levels
Household Income Falls, Poverty Rate Rises - WSJ.com

So, there are no jobs and wages are have been going down for quite awhile and MiddleClass and Main Street America is supposed to buckle up while economic inequality expands across America.
True, government and the American taxpayer can't afford to spend more on creating jobs, but the job creators can! They are sitting in trillions of dollars of capital and the hiring they are doing is in countries with Third World wages. Since the Capital Gains taxes have been lowered to the record levels in modern history, there hardly has been a bump in the amount of jobs versus the National Labor Force.
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So for the record, you're one of those people who think resources are limited. That there is only one pie and it has to be continually sliced thinner and thinner so everyone can have a piece. Are you really that stoopid. Wealth is not finite. You bake another pie. Jobs baked a pie. Gates baked a pie. Every new little mom and pop start up bakes a new pie. Wealth is created. Moron.

They didn't 'bake another pie' genius, they took a little sliver of everyone else's pie. Wealth is created through the banking sector; and in the long run, as we're witnessing now, that wealth is not sustainable or 'Real.' They just got done baking a bazillion pies, and taking half of those pies for themselves before half of them evaporated into thin air. Now they're cozy with their half of the pies, the taxpayer subsidized the pies they did lose, and the little guy is stuck battling for 1/2 of the pies available at the onset.

Like I said, you don't get it - You don't. If you can analyze the current fiscal situation and conclude that people are only suffering because they're lazy and entitled, I damn sure ain't going to be able to change your mind through an internet message board.

But you're duped, you're wrong, and you truly do not get it.

I'm guessing that you are about 18 years old, have dreadlocks and are huddled under some tarp in an "occupied" park typing out your stupidity on an iPad........because no adult with any life experience believes the dumb assed shit you just said.

So you believe in the fairy tale of finite wealth. Tell me genius, is there the same amount of wealth in the world today that there was in 2,000 BC? How about 750 AD, 1776, 1900? Does it just switch hands over the years and all of a sudden these wealthy greedy bastards have changed the rules and are keeping it and not spreading it around like has always happened in your fairy tale?

Grow up.

Actually, what I said is exactly right and not mutually exclusive with a growing economy as you insinuate.

I don't even know what you're trying to prove at this point. I think you just like to hear yourself talk.

But you are incorrect when you say Jobs et al baked more pies. That happens in the banking sector.
Instead of trolling here on USMB with your many threads, bitching and complaining like you do ... why don't you get out there and find and make your own prosperity. If you're that unhappy financially, do something to change it!

Good suggestion,,trouble is,,,,,,

No jobs for 4 of 5 job seekers

"U.S. employers are hiring again – a net 63,000 jobs in January – but not nearly enough to keep up with the number of unemployed, reports the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
In January, there were 2.76 million job openings, down slightly from the 2.92 million in December. But there were 13.9 million out of work. That means there were no jobs for four out of five job seekers.
It was the 23rd month in a row that the job seeker ratio was at or above 5-to-1, notes the Economic Policy Institute.
In comparison, after the 2001-02 recession, which also saw employers slow to start hiring, the highest the ratio got was 2.8 job seekers per job opening."

No jobs for 4 of 5 job seekers - Handling Hard Times : The Orange County Register

So, MiddleClass has an "attitude" and maybe because of this:

Workers’ share of national income plummets to record low

And this:

Income Slides to 1996 Levels
Household Income Falls, Poverty Rate Rises - WSJ.com

So, there are no jobs and wages are have been going down for quite awhile and MiddleClass and Main Street America is supposed to buckle up while economic inequality expands across America.
True, government and the American taxpayer can't afford to spend more on creating jobs, but the job creators can! They are sitting in trillions of dollars of capital and the hiring they are doing is in countries with Third World wages. Since the Capital Gains taxes have been lowered to the record levels in modern history, there hardly has been a bump in the amount of jobs versus the National Labor Force.

Maybe if our political leadership wasn't so focused on class warfare -- we could fix that.

America's science job conundrum - Fortune Management

((STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math))

Job growth expectations of any kind are certainly encouraging, but will the U.S. have enough qualified workers to fill these jobs? Perhaps not, as it looks like the U.S. education system is falling behind in the very fields that show the most job growth potential.

An uptick in STEM jobs bodes well for wages: employees in these fields made, in 2010, an average of $25 per hour, $9 more per hour than people working in non-STEM fields.

But even as the number of jobs in the STEM sector increases, there's a possibility that Americans could struggle to meet the demand. According to a report published last year by the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, less than one-third of eighth graders in the U.S. are considered proficient in math and science. That's the population that would need to be prepared to fill the new STEM jobs that are expected.

Nevertheless, the 2010 White House report on STEM education highlights some pretty dire setbacks, including systemic problems at many schools and a lack of teachers who can effectively teach STEM subjects, even at schools that are otherwise successful. The result is a student population that is not only unprepared for STEM education, but uninterested in the subjects.

Pretty embarrasing if we can't graduate enough AMERICA kids to fill THOSE jobs eh??

We can become a nation of beggars and whiners, all marching on Wash for "fairness".. Or we can actually ADDRESS what America NEEDS TO DO to maintain their standard of living and survive in a world economy -- Your choice Kiwi...

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