Modern Capitalism Disgust

But don't blame the "capitalist": Blame the stupid motherfuckers inside the DC beltway.

At any rate, don't blame Capitalism blame the culprit FASCISM..[/QUOTE]

....for not keeping regulations and tariffs in place.

These idiots are free to start their own business instead of standing on the sidelines begging for hand outs. Apparently they don't have the stones.[/QUOTE]
And they wouldn't have to work hard. Just open a business, someone else will build it for you, and you're rich.

The worker builds the biz w the owner. The owner make the big bux, the worker makes a fair wage. Whats the fucking problem?

These idiots are free to start their own business instead of standing on the sidelines begging for hand outs. Apparently they don't have the stones.[/QUOTE]
And they wouldn't have to work hard. Just open a business, someone else will build it for you, and you're rich.

The worker builds the biz w the owner. The owner make the big bux, the worker makes a fair wage. Whats the fucking problem?[/QUOTE]

Describe the process, difficulties, costs, risks, failures and pitfalls that owner had to overcome to just hire that first worker and keep them employed.

Go ahead.
Ok, I dont blame capitalism...I blame DC and greed and lack of self control and ethics. Call it want you want. Still same problem. Ppl dont want regulation of any kind and with beliefs such as yours.... this is what you get. Low wages and a depleted tax base. DEPLETED TAX BASE....listening now?
Ill say it again...look at between 1915 and 1970. What practices and laws were in place. What has changed? Now look at 1971 to present...what has changed?

These idiots are free to start their own business instead of standing on the sidelines begging for hand outs. Apparently they don't have the stones.
And they wouldn't have to work hard. Just open a business, someone else will build it for you, and you're rich.


Describe the process, difficulties, costs, risks, failures and pitfalls that owner had to overcome to just hire that first worker and keep them employed.

Go ahead.

These idiots are free to start their own business instead of standing on the sidelines begging for hand outs. Apparently they don't have the stones.[/QUOTE]
And they wouldn't have to work hard. Just open a business, someone else will build it for you, and you're rich.

The worker builds the biz w the owner. The owner make the big bux, the worker makes a fair wage. Whats the fucking problem?[/QUOTE]


Address your grievances to the congresscriters and the prez. Don't look for scapegoats.

But if you love regulations and tariffs then look in the mirror.

"Perchance he for whom this bell tolls may be so ill, as that he knows not it tolls for him
These idiots are free to start their own business instead of standing on the sidelines begging for hand outs. Apparently they don't have the stones.
So, because they are working class, they are ass holes and have no stones? How are you to start a biz with no money? And no credit?
And I have news for you because you dont understand the simplicity of it all...the economy will only support so much business. Ok, ill break it down to your level...not everyone can have a business. Ok? Jeeze!
You'll do better when you start your own company. Let us know how much you pay your workers.

U unbelievable stupid person. I had my own biz and payed my ppl well and took care of them...why?...BECAUSE I WAS GRATEFUL FOR THE PROFIT THEY MADE ME!
I STARTED my ppl... no experience!...but potential...20usd per hr 40+ hrs a week wit over time and bonus and that was 7 yrs ago...I bought them whatever they needede for a job. They were happy and WANTED to do a good job. They did.
Bought them food and beer at the end of the day....Im not a fucking hypocrite like you...
You fool.

U unbelievable stupid person. I had my own biz and payed my ppl well and took care of them...why?...BECAUSE I WAS GRATEFUL FOR THE PROFIT THEY MADE ME!

Why did you stop? You should expand!
Hire thousands. Tens of thousands!!!

Show us how it's done.
What are you waiting for?

These idiots are free to start their own business instead of standing on the sidelines begging for hand outs. Apparently they don't have the stones.
And they wouldn't have to work hard. Just open a business, someone else will build it for you, and you're rich.

The worker builds the biz w the owner. The owner make the big bux, the worker makes a fair wage. Whats the fucking problem?[/QUOTE]


Address your grievances to the congresscriters and the prez. Don't look for scapegoats.

But if you love regulations and tariffs then look in the mirror.

"Perchance he for whom this bell tolls may be so ill, as that he knows not it tolls for him[/QUOTE]

I dont even think YOU know what your talking about..
Regulations, teriffs, capitalism and workers being paid well is what we practiced from 1915 to 1970 and look how we grew and became the no ! world power and economy. Now look at from 1970 to now. I do not know what more proof is needed or how ANYONE but a traitor could disagree.
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You'll do better when you start your own company. Let us know how much you pay your workers.

U unbelievable stupid person. I had my own biz and payed my ppl well and took care of them...why?...BECAUSE I WAS GRATEFUL FOR THE PROFIT THEY MADE ME!
I STARTED my ppl... no experience!...but potential...20usd per hr 40+ hrs a week wit over time and bonus and that was 7 yrs ago...I bought them whatever they needede for a job. They were happy and WANTED to do a good job. They did.
Bought them food and beer at the end of the day....Im not a fucking hypocrite like you...
You fool.

U unbelievable stupid person. I had my own biz and payed my ppl well and took care of them...why?...BECAUSE I WAS GRATEFUL FOR THE PROFIT THEY MADE ME!

Why did you stop? You should expand!
Hire thousands. Tens of thousands!!!

Show us how it's done.
What are you waiting for?

Its just never enough for your type I guess. Ok, here goes you pathetic child moron...lmao.....because....thats...not...what...I...wanted...
You'll do better when you start your own company. Let us know how much you pay your workers.

U unbelievable stupid person. I had my own biz and payed my ppl well and took care of them...why?...BECAUSE I WAS GRATEFUL FOR THE PROFIT THEY MADE ME!
I STARTED my ppl... no experience!...but potential...20usd per hr 40+ hrs a week wit over time and bonus and that was 7 yrs ago...I bought them whatever they needede for a job. They were happy and WANTED to do a good job. They did.
Bought them food and beer at the end of the day....Im not a fucking hypocrite like you...
You fool.

U unbelievable stupid person. I had my own biz and payed my ppl well and took care of them...why?...BECAUSE I WAS GRATEFUL FOR THE PROFIT THEY MADE ME!

Why did you stop? You should expand!
Hire thousands. Tens of thousands!!!

Show us how it's done.
What are you waiting for?

Its just never enough for your type I guess. Ok, here goes you pathetic child moron...lmao.....because....thats...not...what...I...wanted...

You didn't want to hire tens of thousands?

You heartless bastard!
and you know what...Todd....A fucking "thank you" would have been enough.

These idiots are free to start their own business instead of standing on the sidelines begging for hand outs. Apparently they don't have the stones.[/QUOTE]
And they wouldn't have to work hard. Just open a business, someone else will build it for you, and you're rich.

Sad...thats all u got from that. Where did I say that?
At any rate, don't blame Capitalism blame the culprit FASCISM.


Capitalism is dead and left fascism? I agree. Basically
Windy the owner, (investors) and management establish and build the business, management oversees and directs workers in the execution of the business plan and long range strategic plan. Capitalism is the ability of one to assume risk, establish a business, market, and receive the rewards of their labor unhindered by government and social constraints. Businesses are designed to make a profit, not break even, otherwise there is no reward for the assumption of risk.
For a business to remain competitive, capable of addressing the needs of the market, and profitable, they need to hire and retain qualified hard working employee's. Employee retention requires competitive compensation packages, which may not be fair in the eyes of some, yet in line with skills and qualifications required for the job. Life is not fair, nothing is fair, so whats this fair crap about, and whom is the judge of fairness? Is not the employee the judge of fair, for he (she) has the option to take their skill sets where they so choose in a free capitalist system? Maybe your issue centers on the fact that as an underachiever you covet compensation above and beyond your skill level and fail to understand how capitalism and free choice function in markets. The tenants of Capitalism is simply the extension of freedom, choice, and liberty.

These idiots are free to start their own business instead of standing on the sidelines begging for hand outs. Apparently they don't have the stones.
And they wouldn't have to work hard. Just open a business, someone else will build it for you, and you're rich.

The worker builds the biz w the owner. The owner make the big bux, the worker makes a fair wage. Whats the fucking problem?[/QUOTE]

Describe the process, difficulties, costs, risks, failures and pitfalls that owner had to overcome to just hire that first worker and keep them employed.

Go ahead.

Im fuckn old enough to be your grandfather you dope. If you want to act like a child and put forth ridicules questions that...i think I dont already know the answers too, well, go ahead. We all know now that your not a lawyer. Ive been an owner and an employee for decades...u you really want to ask me that question? Go ahead...reiterate and Ill make you look like a fool more than you do now already.

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