Modern Capitalism Disgust

Im fuckn old enough to be your grandfather you dope. If you want to act like a child and put forth ridicules questions that...i think I dont already know the answers too, well, go ahead. We all know now that your not a lawyer. Ive been an owner and an employee for decades...u you really want to ask me that question? Go ahead...reiterate and Ill make you look like a fool more than you do now already.
Yeah, I wasn't expecting anything. It wouldn't have taken much effort, just some actual knowledge.

I think you don't know what you're talking about, that you're just spouting off simplistic, ignorant, boilerplate talking points like some stoned college kid in a protest march.

Nothing wrong with that, free country.
All right, this person has drank the full commie Bernie aid. Let's go through the text, step by step:

Here is why I am disgusted with capitalism: a person starts a company and hires workers and pays them as little as possible...offers no bennies and only part time hiring.

If starting a successful company is so easy, why are the workers not doing it. Are you saying that the workers are much dumber than the capitalist? But... smart enough to make correct voting decisions?

Then, after the company shits on the workers until no more profit can be squeezed out, how does the company owners thank the workers for making them wealthy? They fire everyone and move to china. You can never have enough money right?

The company owner PAYS for the workers, it's a voluntary contract. If you don't like it leave it, or build your own company. You got one part right, you can never have enough money. That's why you stand fora particularly destructive ideology of greed that would steal the money of other's to yourself.

No benny's is bad for the country. No retirement is bad for the country. Letting illegals in is bad for the country. No tariffs is bad for the country. Trade deals are bad for the country. H1B1 visa's are bad for the country. Printing money recklessly is bad for the country. Voters that do not seek the truth and whats right is very bad for the country.

Erm... what the hell? Fix the word-salad.

Paying the workforce enough so they can spend and acquire credit...THATS what builds a strong economy. Ask any economist. Not capitalism gone criminal.

While paying workforce in accordance to their productivity is admirable. I can say for certain that liberal theft does NOT build the economy, which is for sure where you were going with this.
Windy the owner, (investors) and management establish and build the business, management oversees and directs workers in the execution of the business plan and long range strategic plan. Capitalism is the ability of one to assume risk, establish a business, market, and receive the rewards of their labor unhindered by government and social constraints. Businesses are designed to make a profit, not break even, otherwise there is no reward for the assumption of risk.
For a business to remain competitive, capable of addressing the needs of the market, and profitable, they need to hire and retain qualified hard working employee's. Employee retention requires competitive compensation packages, which may not be fair in the eyes of some, yet in line with skills and qualifications required for the job. Life is not fair, nothing is fair, so whats this fair crap about, and whom is the judge of fairness? Is not the employee the judge of fair, for he (she) has the option to ? Maybe your issue centers on the fact that as an underachiever you covet compensation above and beyond your skill level and fail to understand how capitalism and free choice function in markets. The tenants of Capitalism is simply the extension of freedom, choice, and liberty.

I agree completely with the first paragraph.
By "fair",, you should know this and there ia a reason that you dont, I mean fair to our country. To be set by gov as a min wage.
The second paragraph involves a judgement, by the owner...which is profit driven. The sole duty of the owners, in most cases, is to give the employee as little as possible of anything while working them as much as they will take. Do you know anything about our "industrial revolution"? Do you remember when everyone made money? You dont remember when you could go out any day of the week and get a dont remember when minimum wage would pay for an apartment, car and food....let me tell ya somethin else sonny...FAIR is what this country is supposed to and USED to stand for. Saying tuff, "life aint fair" to simple human rights? Your fucked dude. And unamerican too.
Your a moron speaking b4 you know answers. But ok, here we go again...
A unhappy employee cannot "take their skill sets where they so choose in a free capitalist system" f the "system" is rigged. Jesus Christ! I guess you havent heard about the 45 year stagnant wages and dissapearing benefits?.....your and ones like you, are a cocksucker and the problem. Your beliefs have poured this country into a bowl of shit. And just chicken shit.
No. My "issues" do not revolve or involve "underachievers". I never said or implied that. So your full of it.
So, you dont think I understand how capitalism Fuck me...isnt that exactly what we've been discussing in detail for some time now?
All right, this person has drank the full commie Bernie aid. Let's go through the text, step by step:

Here is why I am disgusted with capitalism: a person starts a company and hires workers and pays them as little as possible...offers no bennies and only part time hiring.

If starting a successful company is so easy, why are the workers not doing it. Are you saying that the workers are much dumber than the capitalist? But... smart enough to make correct voting decisions?

lol...I never said or implied it was easy.

Then, after the company shits on the workers until no more profit can be squeezed out, how does the company owners thank the workers for making them wealthy? They fire everyone and move to china. You can never have enough money right?

The company owner PAYS for the workers, it's a voluntary contract. If you don't like it leave it, or build your own company. You got one part right, you can never have enough money. That's why you

and the company makes the profit. I have no problem with the concept at all. Its the concept that is in your mind that you keep tryin to ram down our throats while pissing down our backs and telling us its raining. "stand fora particularly destructive ideology of greed that would steal the money of other's to yourself" Lmbo...huh? What on earth are you talking about?. Im lol, really...ppl outside can here me.

No benny's is bad for the country. No retirement is bad for the country. Letting illegals in is bad for the country. No tariffs is bad for the country. Trade deals are bad for the country. H1B1 visa's are bad for the country. Printing money recklessly is bad for the country. Voters that do not seek the truth and whats right is very bad for the country.

Erm... what the hell? Fix the word-salad.

Paying the workforce enough so they can spend and acquire credit...THATS what builds a strong economy. Ask any economist. Not capitalism gone criminal.

While paying workforce in accordance to their productivity is admirable. I can say for certain that liberal theft does NOT build the economy, which is for sure where you were going with this.

OMG!! I cant believe Ive been talking to someone who knows absolutely nothing about economics....lmfao. Read a book...go online and learn. Sonny, corporations, workers being payed well enough to acquire credit and spend is what built our economy and what has built every healthy in history. Unions and corporations.
All right, this person has drank the full commie Bernie aid. Let's go through the text, step by step:

Here is why I am disgusted with capitalism: a person starts a company and hires workers and pays them as little as possible...offers no bennies and only part time hiring.

If starting a successful company is so easy, why are the workers not doing it. Are you saying that the workers are much dumber than the capitalist? But... smart enough to make correct voting decisions?

lol...I never said or implied it was easy.

Then, after the company shits on the workers until no more profit can be squeezed out, how does the company owners thank the workers for making them wealthy? They fire everyone and move to china. You can never have enough money right?

The company owner PAYS for the workers, it's a voluntary contract. If you don't like it leave it, or build your own company. You got one part right, you can never have enough money. That's why you

and the company makes the profit. I have no problem with the concept at all. Its the concept that is in your mind that you keep tryin to ram down our throats while pissing down our backs and telling us its raining. "stand fora particularly destructive ideology of greed that would steal the money of other's to yourself" Lmbo...huh? What on earth are you talking about?. Im lol, really...ppl outside can here me.

No benny's is bad for the country. No retirement is bad for the country. Letting illegals in is bad for the country. No tariffs is bad for the country. Trade deals are bad for the country. H1B1 visa's are bad for the country. Printing money recklessly is bad for the country. Voters that do not seek the truth and whats right is very bad for the country.

Erm... what the hell? Fix the word-salad.

Paying the workforce enough so they can spend and acquire credit...THATS what builds a strong economy. Ask any economist. Not capitalism gone criminal.

While paying workforce in accordance to their productivity is admirable. I can say for certain that liberal theft does NOT build the economy, which is for sure where you were going with this.

OMG!! I cant believe Ive been talking to someone who knows absolutely nothing about economics....lmfao. Read a book...go online and learn. Sonny, corporations, workers being payed well enough to acquire credit and spend is what built our economy and what has built every healthy in history. Unions and corporations.

Currently working on my PHD.

Try again...

Voluntarism, not coercion, is what builds economies.
Im fuckn old enough to be your grandfather you dope. If you want to act like a child and put forth ridicules questions that...i think I dont already know the answers too, well, go ahead. We all know now that your not a lawyer. Ive been an owner and an employee for decades...u you really want to ask me that question? Go ahead...reiterate and Ill make you look like a fool more than you do now already.
Yeah, I wasn't expecting anything. It wouldn't have taken much effort, just some actual knowledge.

I think you don't know what you're talking about, that you're just spouting off simplistic, ignorant, boilerplate talking points like some stoned college kid in a protest march.

Nothing wrong with that, free country.

at least I made a point. Fkn good one too. You cant see it. Pity.
All right, this person has drank the full commie Bernie aid. Let's go through the text, step by step:

Here is why I am disgusted with capitalism: a person starts a company and hires workers and pays them as little as possible...offers no bennies and only part time hiring.

If starting a successful company is so easy, why are the workers not doing it. Are you saying that the workers are much dumber than the capitalist? But... smart enough to make correct voting decisions?

lol...I never said or implied it was easy.

Then, after the company shits on the workers until no more profit can be squeezed out, how does the company owners thank the workers for making them wealthy? They fire everyone and move to china. You can never have enough money right?

The company owner PAYS for the workers, it's a voluntary contract. If you don't like it leave it, or build your own company. You got one part right, you can never have enough money. That's why you

and the company makes the profit. I have no problem with the concept at all. Its the concept that is in your mind that you keep tryin to ram down our throats while pissing down our backs and telling us its raining. "stand fora particularly destructive ideology of greed that would steal the money of other's to yourself" Lmbo...huh? What on earth are you talking about?. Im lol, really...ppl outside can here me.

No benny's is bad for the country. No retirement is bad for the country. Letting illegals in is bad for the country. No tariffs is bad for the country. Trade deals are bad for the country. H1B1 visa's are bad for the country. Printing money recklessly is bad for the country. Voters that do not seek the truth and whats right is very bad for the country.

Erm... what the hell? Fix the word-salad.

Paying the workforce enough so they can spend and acquire credit...THATS what builds a strong economy. Ask any economist. Not capitalism gone criminal.

While paying workforce in accordance to their productivity is admirable. I can say for certain that liberal theft does NOT build the economy, which is for sure where you were going with this.

OMG!! I cant believe Ive been talking to someone who knows absolutely nothing about economics....lmfao. Read a book...go online and learn. Sonny, corporations, workers being payed well enough to acquire credit and spend is what built our economy and what has built every healthy in history. Unions and corporations.

Currently working on my PHD.

Try again...

Voluntarism, not coercion, is what builds economies.

Ok, so, you lose the debate and feel ya throw in a phd....ok. I cant compete with that. Oh! There is all that money from when I had my u dummy.
and wouldnt that make you a college kid?
Your not protesting are you?....nah...thats for the patriots, not you.
I think someone might be on drugs...

Or just a socialist.

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