Modern Democratic ‘Fire-Eaters’


A Rooincarnation
Nov 7, 2012
Declare the NRA a terrorist organization and make membership illegal. Hey! We did it to the Communist Party, and the NRA has led to the deaths of more of us than American Commies ever did. (I would also raze the organization’s headquarters, clear the rubble and salt the earth, but that’s optional.) Make ownership of unlicensed assault rifles a felony. If some people refused to give up their guns, that “prying the guns from their cold, dead hands” thing works for me.

PJ Media » Modern Democratic ?Fire-Eaters?

Civil discourse?
From the same link....

“Then I would tie Mitch McConnell and John Boehner, our esteemed Republican leaders, to the back of a Chevy pickup truck and drag them around a parking lot until they saw the light on gun control.” I remember a few years ago an incident where several criminals in Texas did something like that to a black man; it is obvious who Kaul sees as his role models. Donald Kaul thinks that disagreeing with him about a political matter justifies torturing someone to death.
Declare the NRA a terrorist organization and make membership illegal. Hey! We did it to the Communist Party, and the NRA has led to the deaths of more of us than American Commies ever did. (I would also raze the organization’s headquarters, clear the rubble and salt the earth, but that’s optional.) Make ownership of unlicensed assault rifles a felony. If some people refused to give up their guns, that “prying the guns from their cold, dead hands” thing works for me.

PJ Media » Modern Democratic ?Fire-Eaters?

Civil discourse?

Hey, why not take anyone who objects to government policy and put them in the Gulag? after all, if you object to all the good things that government wants to do for you, you must be a "terrorist."
We could give progressives a state, let them run it just the way they want to. I'd give it a year till they came begging for something to eat.

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