Modest Mouse Drummer Jeremiah Green Dead At 45 Shortly After Cancer Diagnosis...the jab?

One of the Obama/Fauci's gains of function is a serum that was designed to bind the cells that seek out and destroy cancer cells in the human body. There is no natural defense now against cancer for those who have been vaccinated. As a depopulation serum, is it succeeding?

Trust the government. Hurry and get your boosters...:stir:
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One of the Obama/Fauci's gains of function is a serum that was designed to bind the cells that seek out and destroy cancer cells in the human body. There is no defense now against cancer for those who have been vaccinated. As a depopulation serum, is it succeeding?

Trust the government. Hurry and get your boosters...:stir:
Yeah, the government is that smart, ahem...
Many people have suffered and died from President Trump's wonderful covid drugs, and many more destined to likewise perish. The foolish took His covid stuff, not much different than those who bought into His January 6 set up scam.
You do understand that each person reacts differently to cancer and cures for cancer?
I understand cancer very well, too well, in fact. I also understand spikes. Cancer is exploding after covid shots. As is myocarditis, and blood clots. As a depopulation drug, it is effective...
Doctors are reporting an uptick in cancers that develope into stage 4 very quickly. I think it is different for every covid clot shot's gonna depend on how many shots you've taken and your general health.
Probably the best thing I've ever seen you post.
"A Union that can only be maintained by swords and bayonets has no charm for me. If the Union is dissolved and government disrupted, I shall return to my native state and share the miseries of my people, and save in defense will draw my sword on none" - Robert E. Lee .... hot air con artist talk from the lone Confederate General that most effectively caused the South to lose.
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"A Union that can only be maintained by swords and bayonets has no charm for me. If the Union is dissolved and government disrupted, I shall return to my native state and share the miseries of my people, and save in defense will draw my sword on none" - Robert E. Lee .... hot air con artist talk from the lone Confederate General that mos effectively caused the South to lose.

Doctors are reporting an uptick in cancers that develope into stage 4 very quickly. I think it is different for every covid clot shot's gonna depend on how many shots you've taken and your general health.

I have seen this happen to two people of my immediate acquaintance, and one who is a "friend of a friend".

ETA: they are calling this "turbo cancer"
One of the Obama/Fauci's gains of function is a serum that was designed to bind the cells that seek out and destroy cancer cells in the human body. There is no natural defense now against cancer for those who have been vaccinated. As a depopulation serum, is it succeeding?

Trust the government. Hurry and get your boosters...:stir:
Hurry up and get some rope and hang self, rather than waiting for Trump's covid drugs to kill you.
Many people have suffered and died from President Trump's wonderful covid drugs, and many more destined to likewise perish. The foolish took His covid stuff, not much different than those who bought into His January 6 set up scam.
The Biden administration pushed this vaccine to the American people just for political gain.
That is a proper question regarding Robert E. Lee.
When He was leading a Southern Army to capture the most important Yankee supply depot, He wasted his army's strength by repeatedly attacking a small contingent of Yankee soldiers on a well fortified hill, and did so against the advice of all his generals. He caused so much death and wasted supply among his soldiers that the attempt to take that supply depot was competely abandoned.
It was not stupidity, it was deliberate betrayal.
Glad you noticed that Trump & Biden were agreed about covid, and probably still are.
Trump got the vaccine approved but the Biden team mandated it to government employees, health professionals and to our military service men and women.
That is a proper question regarding Robert E. Lee.
When He was leading a Southern Army to capture the most important Yankee supply depot, He wasted his army's strength by repeatedly attacking a small contingent of Yankee soldiers on a well fortified hill, and did so against the advice of all his generals. He caused so much death and wasted supply among his soldiers that the attempt to take that supply depot was competely abandoned.
It was not stupidity, it was deliberate betrayal.

That's your opinion, I don't care if you feel that way.

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