Modest Mouse Drummer Jeremiah Green Dead At 45 Shortly After Cancer Diagnosis...the jab?

Hurry up and get some rope and hang self, rather than waiting for Trump's covid drugs to kill you.
This serum was created in the lab in North Carolina under Fauci/Obama. Obama unbanned gain of function and sent it off to Wuhan to gain functions along with $3 million of our hard earned money, and had it released 17 days before Trump took office.
By all means, do not do your homework. Act like a Democrat and just blame Trump. And be sure to fill up on those booster shots!
Trump got the vaccine approved but the Biden team mandated it to government employees, health professionals and to our military service men and women.
Cpaciba Comrad Blaster for the finer points of presidential stuff.
This serum was created in the lab in North Carolina under Fauci/Obama. Obama unbanned gain of function and sent it off to Wuhan to gain functions along with $3 million of our hard earned money, and had it released 17 days before Trump took office.
By all means, do not do your homework. Act like a Democrat and just blame Trump. And be sure to fill up on those booster shots!
President Trump is not innocent in the matter. He was still bragging about His covid accomplishments months after leaving His President job.
Memphis rapper Gangsta Boo, of Three 6 Mafia, has passed away at the age of 43.

They found her dead on her porch
This serum was created in the lab in North Carolina under Fauci/Obama. Obama unbanned gain of function and sent it off to Wuhan to gain functions along with $3 million of our hard earned money, and had it released 17 days before Trump took office.
By all means, do not do your homework. Act like a Democrat and just blame Trump. And be sure to fill up on those booster shots!
Lol, evidently tou forget Operation warp speed. The vaccine was developed under Trump ans funded by Trump.
The Trump administration didn't mandate the vaccine dumb-ass.
The Trump administration developed and rolled out the vaccine. As far as mandating it kinda funny no one showed up at my door telling me I had to take it. What law mandated you had to take it there you ducking retard?
Trump listened to medical experts and gave us a variety of different approaches that were having positive effects. Biden banned them and gave us no choice but the Gates serum...
Lol, OK retard what law banned any other medicines there retard. You were free to eat your de worm medicines.
Many people have suffered and died from President Trump's wonderful covid drugs, and many more destined to likewise perish. The foolish took His covid stuff, not much different than those who bought into His January 6 set up scam.
Every word of that is bullshit. Lots and lots have died from the clot shot. No one died from Ivermectin. It is one the the safest, and effective drugs used world wide.

Trump had nothing to do with Jan. 6. Pelosi set that up. You can watch the video of the cops opening the LOCKED FROM THE INSIDE doors letting people in. It is about to be addressed in the new House shortly. The bitch actually wanted manned machine guns set up to mow the citizens down pnce they were let in. Where many more would have been destined to perish...
Lol, evidently tou forget Operation warp speed. The vaccine was developed under Trump ans funded by Trump.

The Trump administration developed and rolled out the vaccine. As far as mandating it kinda funny no one showed up at my door telling me I had to take it. What law mandated you had to take it there you ducking retard?
The vaccine was already to go before Obama gave the go ahead to release the virus on us. 17 days before Trump took office. Fauci and scientists from Wuhan had been cooking it up in NC before Trump even decided to run. When the virus was ready to be honed for maximum effect, it was sent to Wuhan to gain it's deadly functions. And there was enough serum available to inject the whole freaking world all from a few specific drug companies. (< Co-incidentally, they were also 2 of the top 5 stock held companies of Congress BTW)
Trump worked with haste to try to combat the pandemic they released on us and gave us alternatives that drs were having success with. Biden banned them from use!
Fauci showed up on your TV to tell you not to leave your house. They made the serum mandatory if you wanted to keep your teaching job, nursing job, go on a ship, serve your country, deliver the mail... Soon you will require a vaccine passport because they have more bioweapons for us and more Bill Gate serums for you...
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President Trump is not innocent in the matter. He was still bragging about His covid accomplishments months after leaving His President job.
Site that, please.
He was right by the way not to limit our accessibility to various options that were available and were having positive effects. Fauci did the opposite of what he had told us was the best thing to combat a virus. < Natural immunity.
The clot shot lowers natural immunity. < gain of function.

Out of Fauci's own mouth:
Host Peter Slen asked Fauci: “She’s had the flu for 14 days. Should she get a flu shot?”

Fauci: “Well, no, if she got the flu for 14 days, she’s as protected as anybody can be, because the best vaccination is to get infected yourself.
“If she really has the flu, if she really has the flu, she definitely doesn’t need a flu vaccine. If she really has the flu.”

Slen: “She should not get it again this year?”

Fauci: “She doesn’t need it, because the most potent vaccination is getting infected yourself.”
Lol, OK retard what law banned any other medicines there retard. You were free to eat your de worm medicines.
No, we were not. And if a dr. gave it to you for covid, he would lose his license. Same thing with monoclonal antibodies. Simply not available to covid victims.
Ivermectin is a drug made for humans that also works in animals, retard. We use it for it's ability to kill parasites, stop viral reproduction, and cure skin outbreaks.
You're an idiot...
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President Trump is not innocent in the matter. He was still bragging about His covid accomplishments months after leaving His President job.

Didn't Biden tell America if they got jabbed they wouldn't get Covid,? That was obvious BS
The vaccine was already to go before Obama gave the go ahead to release the virus on us. 17 days before Trump took office. Fauci and scientists from Wuhan had been cooking it up in NC before Trump even decided to run. When the virus was ready to be honed for maximum effect, it was sent to Wuhan to gain it's deadly functions. And there was enough serum available to inject the whole freaking world all from a few specific drug companies. (< Co-incidentally, they were also 2 of the top 5 stock held companies of Congress BTW)
Trump worked with haste to try to combat the pandemic they released on us and gave us alternatives that drs were having success with. Biden banned them from use!
Fauci showed up on your TV to tell you not to leave your house. They made the serum mandatory if you wanted to keep your teaching job, nursing job, go on a ship, serve your country, deliver the mail... Soon you will require a vaccine passport because they have more bioweapons for us and more Bill Gate serums for you...
Lol, OK tin hat retard look up operation was speed dumb fuck. Hilarious. You hiding from giant Jewish space lasers, and vampire lizard people also? Lol ya just can't write this stuff. Lol by the way I have had the vax still here. Lol, when am I dying ya retard. Lol, didn't you retards say it effected birth rates also? Yet my daughter about to pop out second child since having the vax. You q retards make me laugh pretty hard.
No, we were not. And if a dr. gave it to you for covid, he would lose his license. Same thing with monoclonal antibodies. Simply not available to covid victims.
Ivermectin is a drug made for humans that also works in animals, retard. We use it for it's ability to kill parasites, stop viral reproduction, and cure skin outbreaks.
You're an idiot...
Lol, well at least your retarded ass don't have worms! Hilarious
Lol, OK tin hat retard look up operation was speed dumb fuck. Hilarious. You hiding from giant Jewish space lasers, and vampire lizard people also? Lol ya just can't write this stuff.
And you can't stop with the stupid retorts long enough to have a decent debate. That, and you lack facts. You're idiotic.
I remember warp speed. The quicker the better when facing a worldwide pandemic. And, wisely, Trump gave us various avenues to pursue. Biden took those away and gave us the Bill Gates depopulation serum. Bill Gates can be your doctor. He's not mine.

Be sure to get your booster. Biden said it will make you smarter...

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