Mods we have to talk I've been scoping out the enemy & now they are in here

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Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
First let me say I have not a worry at all for a different political view point than mine. But having lived thru it before I don't like when certain boarders come in to take out a board.

You have them now.

I am demanding that the rule be lifted to expose where they are coming from. Please. Or by your very own rules you will meet your demise. I know who they are. And what boards they post on.

Trust me. One is my brother in law. He's a trophy child and a dolt. :lmao:

Need I say it? He's a Democrat. OMG i just admitted I am ONLY BY MARRIAGE related to a Democrat.

Okey dokey back to the original point. Can you lift that rule so I can talk honestly about how you are under attack, who is attacking you and why.

I can't help you unless you remove this rule.And let me and I know so many others battle.

Yours forever,
They will be gone after Hillary is elected. This happens every election cycle. Look at the join date of many of the people. This piece on Full Frontal was interesting. I think too right wing media has created an alternative universe in which lies become truth, that is something much harder to fight against as it is supported by big money. A kind of distraction that works very well as it keeps critical issues out of sight.

The Board is overrun with newcomer paid bloggers from both camps. I noticed 15 or 16 straight Alt Right threads advertised in a row on the new post column. Two or three of them were obviously Russian directed if not Russian posters themselves.

They will be gone next Wednesday because they won't be making anyone money.

However, if the Board is to be a venue for free flow of discussions, you all better do some talking amongst yourselves after the election.
First let me say I have not a worry at all for a different political view point than mine. But having lived thru it before I don't like when certain boarders come in to take out a board.

You have them now.

I am demanding that the rule be lifted to expose where they are coming from. Please. Or by your very own rules you will meet your demise. I know who they are. And what boards they post on.

Trust me. One is my brother in law. He's a trophy child and a dolt. :lmao:

Need I say it? He's a Democrat. OMG i just admitted I am ONLY BY MARRIAGE related to a Democrat.

Okey dokey back to the original point. Can you lift that rule so I can talk honestly about how you are under attack, who is attacking you and why.

I can't help you unless you remove this rule.And let me and I know so many others battle.

Yours forever,

If there is an attack they sent some weak demoquacks
First let me say I have not a worry at all for a different political view point than mine. But having lived thru it before I don't like when certain boarders come in to take out a board.

You have them now.

I am demanding that the rule be lifted to expose where they are coming from. Please. Or by your very own rules you will meet your demise. I know who they are. And what boards they post on.

Trust me. One is my brother in law. He's a trophy child and a dolt. :lmao:

Need I say it? He's a Democrat. OMG i just admitted I am ONLY BY MARRIAGE related to a Democrat.

Okey dokey back to the original point. Can you lift that rule so I can talk honestly about how you are under attack, who is attacking you and why.

I can't help you unless you remove this rule.And let me and I know so many others battle.

Yours forever,

If there is an attack they sent some weak demoquacks

Quick aside. When you allow charges of pedophilia and the moderators take no action on the board you have an Issue on said board I'm getting out of here.
First let me say I have not a worry at all for a different political view point than mine. But having lived thru it before I don't like when certain boarders come in to take out a board.

You have them now.

I am demanding that the rule be lifted to expose where they are coming from. Please. Or by your very own rules you will meet your demise. I know who they are. And what boards they post on.

Trust me. One is my brother in law. He's a trophy child and a dolt. :lmao:

Need I say it? He's a Democrat. OMG i just admitted I am ONLY BY MARRIAGE related to a Democrat.

Okey dokey back to the original point. Can you lift that rule so I can talk honestly about how you are under attack, who is attacking you and why.

I can't help you unless you remove this rule.And let me and I know so many others battle.

Yours forever,

If there is an attack they sent some weak demoquacks

Quick aside. When you allow charges of pedophilia and the moderators take no action on the board you have an Issue on said board I'm getting out of here.

Isn't it one thing to come out and openly accuse someone of pedophilia, and another to provide a source that claims it? If there is court records showing that charges have been filed against Trump, then what is the problem here? Technically there is no charges against Hillary, yet those posts about her are okay? Right now all they have is a story from a woman that never filed charges, a flight log showing her and Bill visited an island, and now some secondhand information that certain stuff was found on a laptop by the NYPD. I'm not defending Hillary, because I think she is probably guilty, but there is a huge difference between a filed court case and rumors.
Tiny doesn't like the charges being leveled aganist Trump, but has been oddly silent when those charges are leveled aganist Bill Clinton. I am sure politics has nothing to do with it. :rolleyes:
OK, I see.

Yeah, such charges against such figures have always been permissible, but posters and family are off limits, has been the general rule, yes?
First let me say I have not a worry at all for a different political view point than mine. But having lived thru it before I don't like when certain boarders come in to take out a board.

You have them now.

I am demanding that the rule be lifted to expose where they are coming from. Please. Or by your very own rules you will meet your demise. I know who they are. And what boards they post on.

Trust me. One is my brother in law. He's a trophy child and a dolt. :lmao:

Need I say it? He's a Democrat. OMG i just admitted I am ONLY BY MARRIAGE related to a Democrat.

Okey dokey back to the original point. Can you lift that rule so I can talk honestly about how you are under attack, who is attacking you and why.

I can't help you unless you remove this rule.And let me and I know so many others battle.

Yours forever,
You never struck me as a bubble girl, Tiny. The election is getting to you, I fear.
td, like most of the Trumpens, now realize the EC structual barrier is almost unbreakable in favor of Clinton.
First let me say I have not a worry at all for a different political view point than mine. But having lived thru it before I don't like when certain boarders come in to take out a board.

You have them now.

I am demanding that the rule be lifted to expose where they are coming from. Please. Or by your very own rules you will meet your demise. I know who they are. And what boards they post on.

Trust me. One is my brother in law. He's a trophy child and a dolt. :lmao:

Need I say it? He's a Democrat. OMG i just admitted I am ONLY BY MARRIAGE related to a Democrat.

Okey dokey back to the original point. Can you lift that rule so I can talk honestly about how you are under attack, who is attacking you and why.

I can't help you unless you remove this rule.And let me and I know so many others battle.

Yours forever,

If there is an attack they sent some weak demoquacks

Quick aside. When you allow charges of pedophilia and the moderators take no action on the board you have an Issue on said board I'm getting out of here.

Several issues here so let me take them one at a time - in regards to this, has a member been accused of pedo either directly or implied? If so, pm me and I'll take a look. If it's accusations levied at political figures, it's not against the rules.
First let me say I have not a worry at all for a different political view point than mine. But having lived thru it before I don't like when certain boarders come in to take out a board.

You have them now.

I am demanding that the rule be lifted to expose where they are coming from. Please. Or by your very own rules you will meet your demise. I know who they are. And what boards they post on.

Trust me. One is my brother in law. He's a trophy child and a dolt. :lmao:

Need I say it? He's a Democrat. OMG i just admitted I am ONLY BY MARRIAGE related to a Democrat.

Okey dokey back to the original point. Can you lift that rule so I can talk honestly about how you are under attack, who is attacking you and why.

I can't help you unless you remove this rule.And let me and I know so many others battle.

Yours forever,

If there is an attack they sent some weak demoquacks

Quick aside. When you allow charges of pedophilia and the moderators take no action on the board you have an Issue on said board I'm getting out of here.

Several issues here so let me take them one at a time - in regards to this, has a member been accused of pedo either directly or implied? If so, pm me and I'll take a look. If it's accusations levied at political figures, it's not against the rules.
thank you
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