Mods: Will the "no gloating" rule be in effect on Wednesday?

That's what was wrong all day today.....

No Political phone calls, it's been so quiet........

Is it this big of a deal?

3 options:

1. Ask Gunny to become a mod/admin so you can enforce the rules that fall in the "grey zone" (like the no gloating rule)

2. Go to another board.

3. Accept it and move on. Stop trying to nitpick something thats not really an issue outside of approximately 72 hours every 2 years.

Mods are volunteers? I thought they were handpicked by the Gods! :eek:

It's a rigorous interview process, too. :cool:

Is it this big of a deal?

3 options:

1. Ask Gunny to become a mod/admin so you can enforce the rules that fall in the "grey zone" (like the no gloating rule)

2. Go to another board.

3. Accept it and move on. Stop trying to nitpick something thats not really an issue outside of approximately 72 hours every 2 years.

Mods are volunteers? I thought they were handpicked by the Gods! :eek:

It's a rigorous interview process, too. :cool:

:lol: I'm sure.
You are side stepping my point. Not looking for an argument Dis. Just suggesting gloating and taking a loss hard are typical in the political world. Not sure what the purpose is of creating an artifical environment here.

Creating an artificial environment? It's ALREADY Dodge City. Nothing artificial about it.

No if you want to talk about some sore losers .... how about midterms 2006 when Congress rolled over to the left and/or the 2008 Presidential election? I saw some sore losers on the right who I could SWEAR talked for 6 months about not voting at all. No one to blame for those losses but themselves.

Same goes now.

The bigger point is, we spend to much time changing diapers of petty little personal slights as it is. I don't need 200 new threads saying "Nyah Nyah .. I told You So".

Thanks for responding Gunny.

I'm seeing far too many threads censored due to a few folks that aren't getting your message. The Malkin thread is a good example of a discussion now ended because someone got off track. That person is a repeat offender in the last two days. It seems more appropriate to give them a timeout than ruin some good discussion.

Bottomline, it is a decision to censor threads for gloating. Gloating seems to be a somewhat varying definition. It is censorship. That needs to be a last line of defense not the lead.

Yes it's censorship. I made it clear beforehand. "A few folks" are why we make our laws are they not?

Cater to the aberrant minority?
Thanks for responding Gunny.

I'm seeing far too many threads censored due to a few folks that aren't getting your message. The Malkin thread is a good example of a discussion now ended because someone got off track. That person is a repeat offender in the last two days. It seems more appropriate to give them a timeout than ruin some good discussion.

Bottomline, it is a decision to censor threads for gloating. Gloating seems to be a somewhat varying definition. It is censorship. That needs to be a last line of defense not the lead.

I have 10 moderators. I have approximately 3000+posts a day. We can't get to every one.

Don't try to play semantics with me. You can call ANY rule censorship. Fact is, the inmates ain't going to run this asylum. Now when you want to stack yourself up against the 5 years I spent in journalism and KNOW how to play word games when it suits me, knock yourself out.

The fact is, we go for the happy medium here. That means some rules work your way, some don't but I'm going for the big picture.

If you want a board that swings one way or the other, PM me and I will give you some links.

It isn't semantics its the lack of balance with the no sore loser rule being added.

What is it, if not censorship, when you normally don't have a rule, but institute it for a brief period?

Are you suggesting I leave?

I already said you made a valid point insofar as sore losers are concerned.
No if you want to talk about some sore losers .... how about midterms 2006 when Congress rolled over to the left and/or the 2008 Presidential election? I saw some sore losers on the right who I could SWEAR talked for 6 months about not voting at all. No one to blame for those losses but themselves.

I'd like to say that I will never accept any blame for anything that goes on in politics. I perform my civic duty by voting for whom I feel will do the best job. It's not my fault that they lied to me or that they end up fucking up.

I cannot and will not take any responsibility for their actions.
It isn't semantics its the lack of balance with the no sore loser rule being added.

Are you suggesting I leave?

I think he's merely suggesting that if you're that dissatisfied with the way things are here, there are other boards that would probably be more to your liking...

I merely suggested a different approach to your issue. I called you on censorship. Not planning on going anywhere, of course, that isn't entirely up to me.

You haven't called me nor her on shit. Your argument is disingenuous. We have rules. You agreed to them when you joined. I'm not running the US Constitution or there'd be LOTS of public officials sitting on the curb.

I'm running this board and I have rules. They're simple, and about as free as it gets on an internet message board.

I don't allow gloating. Get over it. I haven't allowed it from either side for as long as I've run message boards. For one, it doesn't mean shit. When you goofs get a clue a figure out that the "Big Two" swap back and forth on a cycle, let me know. Otherwise, who gives a fuck about bragging about Congress changing over when it doesn't mean shit?

Happens mid-term for every President.

Is it this big of a deal?

3 options:

1. Ask Gunny to become a mod/admin so you can enforce the rules that fall in the "grey zone" (like the no gloating rule)

2. Go to another board.

3. Accept it and move on. Stop trying to nitpick something thats not really an issue outside of approximately 72 hours every 2 years.

Mods are volunteers? I thought they were handpicked by the Gods! :eek:

Pretty sure they are picked by Gunny.

Really? I was "hand picked" by the members of the board.
Frankly, I don't know about anyone else, but win/lose/happy/sad/mad, I'm personally finding myself in a very relaxed state of mind--almost giddy--now that this election cycle is finally over. Bring it on, and I might just pos rep you! (I wonder if I'm dying or something. I've heard that's a clue.)

I agree.... I think it's post election relaxation! :lol:

We all have that glow with the messy "just got fucked" hair. :D

Hair? ....:confused:

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