Mogherini called the 12 priorities of the EU in 2018: Ukraine not mentioned


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
No Ukraine, too sad.

The restart of the European Union, primarily the defense dimension; · Work with migrants from Africa; · Integration of the Balkans into the EU space; · Europe Day at the UN; · A deal with Iran; · Jerusalem as the capital of both Israel and Palestine; Patrolling the Libyan coast; · Syria; · "Eastern Partnership"; · Work with youth; · Support for the refugees of Rohinja; · Colombia.

MEGA NEWS | Latest news | Mogherini called the 12 priorities of the EU in 2018: Ukraine not mentioned

No Free European Galushkas for Khokhol anymore

Somebody asked if there were any white sh*thole countries? Yes, there is Ukraine. And only due to external control from Washington which intentionally turned it into a sh*thole. There are only two roads for future Ukraine: a road to nowhere and a road back to Russia begging Russian brothers to help to restore the country and to clean it form Nazis (like they cleaned Syria from ISIS also financed, trained and weaponed by Washington).
Somebody asked if there were any white sh*thole countries? Yes, there is Ukraine. And only due to external control from Washington which intentionally turned it into a sh*thole. There are only two roads for future Ukraine: a road to nowhere and a road back to Russia begging Russian brothers to help to restore the country and to clean it form Nazis (like they cleaned Syria from ISIS also financed, trained and weaponed by Washington).

All countries with imported 'democracy' from Washington are sh.tholes

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