Molotov cocktails into Wisconsin Family Action’s (anti-abortion group) Madison office, graffiti writing, “If abortions aren’t safe, you're not either"

America always at time got loud. But Prog invented the perma cackling old biddie agendas. Where events are important for how loud they get. They turn minor things into major world ending catastrophes. If this issue goes to the states, it is not the end of the world. This has been festering for a half century now. It is good for all and and an inconvenience for a little.
I appreciate your noticing my opinion and also appreciate yours.
I see this as a major issue that strips America's women of their rights and freedoms. And I've pointed out several times in the past that those rights and freedoms have already experienced a drastic decline.
If it's not catastropic as you suggest, I wonder why America would want to experience it's repercussions?
and yet you say nothing of the leftwing tactic of attacking people in their own homes,,
Uh...people on the right have been staking out the homes of school board members and bringing firearms to parade at their property protests.
Again, your side invented this. Why are you surprised when the tactic is reciprocated?
Something jumps out at me about this.

The lowest of terrorist groups will kill innocent people, even children, in order to promote their cause.

The pro-abortion movement is lower than that. Killing innocent children is not just a way of advancing their cause. It •IS• their cause. Given that murder itself, of innocents, is their primary cause, we should never be surprised by any lows to which they will sink in pursuit thereof.
Well then maybe you're the extremist I've been trying to smoke out, who will say that all abortions should be banned with no exceptions?
Let the chips fall where they will.

Leftist should read The Art of War.

Or just listen to Noam Chomsky...

“When confrontation shifts to the arena of violence, it’s the toughest and most brutal who win — and we know who that is.”​

Spoiler alert ... it ain't you.
Uh...people on the right have been staking out the homes of school board members and bringing firearms to parade at their property protests.
Again, your side invented this. Why are you surprised when the tactic is reciprocated?
if I challenged you to a contest of which side has been more violent backed up with links who do you think would win???

keep in mind I have two to three yrs of non stop leftist violence,, what do you have?? two or three cases??

not to mention those parents pissed off at the schools are protecting their children from indoctrination and sexual exploitation,,
if I challenged you to a contest of which side has been more violent backed up with links who do you think would win???

keep in mind I have two to three yrs of non stop leftist violence,, what do you have?? two or three cases??

not to mention those parents pissed off at the schools are protecting their children from indoctrination and sexual exploitation,,
Your side would. Not even a close contest.
You can get as faux outraged as you'd like.

The violence began on the right, was fomented by the right, and continues to be a tool of the right.
I'm just amused that you get all just and righteous when your own tactics are used against you.
Your side would. Not even a close contest.
You can get as faux outraged as you'd like.

The violence began on the right, was fomented by the right, and continues to be a tool of the right.
I'm just amused that you get all just and righteous when your own tactics are used against you.
your surrender is accepted,,,
Well then maybe you're the extremist I've been trying to smoke out, who will say that all abortions should be banned with no exceptions?

Abortion is nothing more or less than the cold-blooded killing of an innocent human being.

Yes, I am in favor of it being banned with only very rare and extreme exceptions, covering circumstances comparable to those under which other forms of homicide are regarded as justifiable.

If that makes me an “extremist” then so be it. What what a sad commentary it is on modern society, that it is “extreme” to believe that the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings should be subject to the same legal protection against being murdered, enjoyed by nearly all other human beings in the same society. Even the lives of subhuman criminal filth are better guarded under our system of laws, than the lives of these most innocent and precious of children. How fucked-up is that?
Yes, I am in favor of it being banned with only very rare and extreme exceptions, covering circumstances comparable to those under which other forms of homicide are regarded as justifiable.
Well done Bob, you've finally introduced the exceptions or the qualifications to say that some abortions will be justifiable and right.

Now you're going to have to elaborate the weasel words with something more tangible. Can you do that Bob, or have you attempted to make it clear you need to stick to weaseling?

Let me offer one exception that will be one of your exceptions.
The mother will die unless the fetus is aborted?

Or how about another, for the sake of breaking this topic open?
The inception was due to incest by the father of the girl. Would forced or willingly apply for you?
Other than Eric Rudolf I can't think of any that were not false flags done by the left to incite the pro-choice folks. My bet is this was also such a operation.....On the whole the left is more sneaky-snake violent than the right is.
the report says it is an anti abortion headquarters that was attacked not a pro abortion site ... so it would suggest that it was pro abortionist attacking pro life property .
Well done Bob, you've finally introduced the exceptions or the qualifications to say that some abortions will be justifiable and right.

Now you're going to have to elaborate the weasel words with something more tangible. Can you do that Bob, or have you attempted to make it clear you need to stick to weaseling?

Let me offer one exception that will be one of your exceptions.
The mother will die unless the fetus is aborted?

That one is a given.

I do recognize, in this case, the mother's right to defend her own life, even if that means killing someone else. Compounded by the fact that if she dies, the child will very likely die too. Better to take one life to save another, then let two lives be lost.

Or how about another, for the sake of breaking this topic open?
The inception was due to incest by the father of the girl. Would forced or willingly apply for you?

Absolutely not!

That would amount to putting the innocent child to death for a crime in which he had no willing part. That is absolutely unjustifiable and unacceptable.

If you want to put the piece of shit to death who raped his own daughter, then I am all for it. But absolutely never an innocent child.
I am not a violent person and I am not condoning this, but pro-birthers have been doing this to women’s clinics for years

demafascict terrorist, just got to terrorize.
Democrats love them some terrorism. From Weather Underground starting careers, to burning down dissenters, there is just something about unbridled destruction and lawlessness that liberals can't resist. Bunch of scumbags.
That one is a given.

I do recognize, in this case, the mother's right to defend her own life, even if that means killing someone else. Compounded by the fact that if she dies, the child will very likely die too. Better to take one life to save another, then let two lives be lost.
That's a start!
Absolutely not!

That would amount to putting the innocent child to death for a crime in which he had no willing part. That is absolutely unjustifiable and unacceptable.
And so is that a start. Your ideology, if accepted by the anti-abortionists, is going to have to stand against popular opinion of the majority of Americans.
If you want to put the piece of shit to death who raped his own daughter, then I am all for it. But absolutely never an innocent child.
The daughter could quite likely put herself to death. The mother of the daughter could too, and just as likely, due to the shame.

The issue is Bob, each exception to the abortion ban being chosen to be justifiable by the pro-choice side will have to be clearly denied by your side.

And that leaves very little that can be denied or outlawed..

Even the most wanton cheap slut who deliberately takes no precautions will be able to claim that her daddy or a cousin did it. Or any other lie that will serve her purpose.

The fact is Bob, the anti-abortion side is stuck with having to outlaw all abortion with no exceptions.

Maybe you are going to have to rethink your position on allowing an abortion for the sake of saving a mother's life.

You trapped yourself into the position of playing god with the lives of the fetus and the woman.

Are there any exceptions now, to the rule of banning all abortions?
It's the policy of denying a woman a right to abortion, but never stating the bounds or the limits.
Therefore it has to be assumed that all abortion is illegal and perhaps will become a felony.

Murder is even being contemplated and the anti-abortion side isn't speaking up to defiine the limitations and the boundaries on abortions.

Keep in mind that this my perception as a Canadian. I've been informed that it's none of my business. I'll always abide by a moderator deciding that I'm not permitted to discuss the issue.
Roe being overturned doesnt stop abortuons Moonbat.

The ones protesting and threatening violence live in blue states for the most part that has no laws banning abortions at all.

Enjoy the show of the left wing zombies going postal with no clue in the truth.

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