Mom in tennis shoesPatty Murray in Wa st

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Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
The dad must have been hard up -thats all I can say

Homely looking.

May be voted out of US Senate - - even though VP Biden, Pres Obama (twice) Bill Clinton and Michelle Obama campagin for her.

18 years is enough. a wet mutt. But popular. Rossi doesn't stand a chance. If you are hopefull Rossi will win you are wasting your time. The democrats in my state are not fickle. Rossi pops up every election cycle trying to take one top office or another...his last fail was a run for governor. He spends a fortune every time and always ends up losing. I am absolutely certain Murray will hold her senate seat. Early on, a couple of months ago, the race was even...but that was Rossi enjoying an early ad blitz. Now that the dems have engaged with the big guns the chickens have come home to roost. Murray by at least ten points. Take it to the bank..or Vegas.:lol:
Rossi got screwed out of the gov race to pretend gov - Christine Gregoire - after he won in the first race and thefirst recount.

Doenst stand a chance - Gregoire and her machines had felons voting and also dead people which eaked her out a win
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The other Wash St US Senator is a beauty queen by comparison - Maria Cantwell

The state is the pits to be honest

My distirct is congressman-for-life Bagdad Jim McDermott - 4 time failure for gov
I remember when Wash st was represnted by Gov Dan Evans -R, Sens Henry Jackson, D, and Warren Magnuson, D.

I voted against all 3 - Gregoire, Cantwell and the dog-in-tennis shoes
Rossi is a piece of shit. He is much like John Boehner. He is not the respectable kind of republican that was adored in Washington like Dwight Eisenhower. He is the phoney christian fundimentalist multinational corporitist lackey type. He opposed the Boeing tanker deal. He is for outsourcing jobs. Yes he nearly won the Governors race but the people of Washington learned much about his character then and we are much the wiser and better off without him. I repeat. He will not be one of our senators.
The other Wash St US Senator is a beauty queen by comparison - Maria Cantwell

The state is the pits to be honest

My distirct is congressman-for-life Bagdad Jim McDermott - 4 time failure for gov

Interesting... One of my residenses is in Magnolia making McDermott my congressman also. I'm registered in Thurston Country though so I can only vote for Olympia/Lacey candidates.

I dissagree about Washington being "The Pits". I was born here much of my early years on Orcas Island. This is one of the most beautiful places on earth.
Rossi still got the gov election stolen from him by the democrap machine.

i won't vote for bitch-in-tennis shoes
Rossi still got the gov election stolen from him by the democrap machine.

i won't vote for bitch-in-tennis shoes

That's why they call them elections. If you support our people now and formerly serving in the armed forces there has not been a better advocate for them than Murray. I respect her for that service to our troops and those that have served and depend on our continued support.
Rossi still got the gov election stolen from him by the democrap machine.

i won't vote for bitch-in-tennis shoes

He lost the recount, get over it.
Then he lost the second time, fair and square. He really should stop running.
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