Mom of Mauled Boy Says People More Concerned About the Dog

Snoop wasn't a fan of the Batman mask. I took it off him, and the first chance he got, he ate it.

What he does't know is I have a fabric one, with cape attached. It will look cooler anyway.

CaféAuLait;9044824 said:
The dog was protecting it's property from an intruder. It was within its rights.

I enjoy your posts on the matter but I disagree here.

Dogs do not have rights to attack and kill other dogs or people who wander in public areas. This was, a communal park for the apartments. The dog had no right to kill and maim. The owner had no right to chain it there where it could kill after it killed a puppy. If by chance, she was allowed to chain that dog there with permission from the apartments they are at fault as well.

You are correct. The owner is at fault. The property manager or owner is at fault whether they knew or not. The dog is innocent
You are so welcome. :) :) :)

Bizarre that Holly should say she knows nothing about "pets" and yet repeatedly declare that torture is a valid training tool.

Since she also says, with every friggen post, that she's a good Christian, she should also agree with 'an eye for an eye'.

IOW, if she tortures a dog, she should be tortured in return.
If the dog did not make the first move, there wouldn't be a reason for me to make a move of my own. Are you saying that humans are not worth the self defense when they are attacked by an animal or another person?

God bless you two always!!! :) :) :)


Holly, I would have no problem with someone defending themselves or someone else from a dog attack, WHILE it is happening. But after the fact, to go and mutilate the dog in retribution for what it did is just...sick. And it's no longer self-defense. It's like Coyote said...retribution. Or vengeance. And "Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord."
^^^ Not in my opinion.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


A prison van is transporting a mass murderer and a police dog. The van crashes. Who do you save? The killer, who will only be executed by the state anyway, or the police dog, who serves a useful purpose? dog and Holly are in a burning building. I will save my dog first. It's my life I'm risking, so I'll risk it as I see fit.

Don't worry, Holly, I'll try to come back and save you once I get my dog out...maybe. I know I'd risk my life for my dog, but for you I'm not so sure. No offense intended, I'm just stating the facts.
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My dog gets shitty because my dad isn't always around to play ball with him. So he pisses on the sofa. He knows damn well what he has done wrong as he hides under the bed when we discover his pool of piss.

But what do we do? Piss on him to make him understand that its not right to piss on furniture? Or simply tell him that's he done wrong and move on?

A cat will rip your clothes in the closet off the hangar and piss on them when you do wrong. Your dog is trying to train you.
^^^ I saw what you said earlier in this chat about killing or mistreating the dog. What do you suggest be done about it?

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


I think it could be rehabilitated. I've heard that the dogs Mr. Vick abused were eventually rehabilitated and are now owned by other people. If behavior can be taught, I suspect it can be untaught, too.

Not if they bit a person. I wouldn't ever take the chance. Vicks dogs probably only attacked other dogs. People who dog fight wont (or shouldn't) keep a pit that bites humans.
^^^ Try training the dog to go in the appropriate spot. :) :) :)

We have. But dogs get shitty when they don't get enough attention. If you owned dogs, you would know that.

In your situation your dog doesn't recognize your authority as pack leader. He or she is pack leader since no one else has stepped up to the plate. He's actually trying to correct your behavior. He is scenting the spot so you know it's his and he will give permission for you to use it if he gets attention.
KG, you need to stop posting pictures of those vicious pit bulls being typical pit bulls! They are just too cute!
In your situation your dog doesn't recognize your authority as pack leader. He or she is pack leader since no one else has stepped up to the plate. He's actually trying to correct your behavior. He is scenting the spot so you know it's his and he will give permission for you to use it if he gets attention.

Maybe. He's a very dominant dog, but he knows his place. Our female Border Collie has put him in his place more than once. As has our little Jack Russell, which is rather amusing to watch, because all the Jack Russel does is lick the hell out of him until he up and moves.:badgrin:
^^^ Not in my opinion.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


A prison van is transporting a mass murderer and a police dog. The van crashes. Who do you save? The killer, who will only be executed by the state anyway, or the police dog, who serves a useful purpose?

I would save the driver, the dog, then the inmate from a possibly botched execution by closing the door behind me. :evil:
"Dogpiling on Jos"? LOL You haven't even seen dogpiling! This is nothing.

And I never alleged that I was compassionate. But Jos does, with all her "God bless you's" and smiley faces. SHE'S the one misrepresenting herself. But her comments about punishing this dog tell me that she's both cruel AND stupid, a dangerous combination, especially when disguised under the smiley faces.
If you think that what I suggest is worse than what others here have suggested which is putting the dog down, you are the one who is messed up. The dog is not guilty of murder, but it is guilty of life altering damage, therefore I think that something should be done about it and because it is guilty of life altering damage, I don't believe that doggy jail is enough, but I don't believe that killing the dog is appropriate either since it is not guilty of killing its self which would leave only one other option which is what I have suggested. If you do happen to know of another option, feel free to share it at anytime.

That is doggone justice for ya.

What exactly would you hope to accomplish by giving the dog the same "treatment"
Well the dog would then know how it feels to be the one who is attacked.

God bless you two always!!! :) :) :)


This does not make any sense whatsoever, all it would accomplish would be to commit an act of animal abuse and create an injured and distrustful dog who would now be more dangerous....:doubt:
If a dog attacks a child it should be put down.

That is the long and short of it.

Most dogs would never harm a child, no matter what. Maybe a quick nip if the kid gets out of hand. You wouldn't believe how much my autistic boy mauled our dog and our dog did nothing to her short of a little growl and a sharp bark. When my brother wanted to discipline his girls, he'd have to put his dog outside Any dog that does this to a child is missing something important. He needs to be put down. Pulling all his teeth? What kind of idiot thought that up? Who pays for it? Why does the dog deserve the pain? It's more humane to just put the dog down. Sometimes I think our society has completely lost it's common sense.

That's something else I can't stand...people who let their children "maul" their dog. Children should be taught how to treat other living creatures with kindness. Including the family dog. Even autistic kids...can't they be taught anything? Or do people just not bother trying? The old "it's just a dog" mentality.

All children "maul" dogs and cats and siblings. It's part of growing up. Dogs put up with it. If they don't, they aren't family dogs and shouldn't be around children. And yes, all children can be taught. They learn by doing. You catch them leaning on the dog, or trying to ride the dog, or hugging the dog too tight and you stop them. Dogs have an incredible amount of patience towards children, as do most adults.

What is justice to you?

Should it be an eye for an eye? Isn't that lacking in compassion?

If a child pokes the eye of another child with a stick, does justice demand that we then poke the eye of the offending child so he knows "what it feels like"?

There is justice and there is retribution. What you are describing is retribution.

Well, I'll say this much. When I was a little kid, my mom would make me play with this other little kid while she talked to his mom. That little kid was always biting me and I finally bit him back, even though I was a couple of years older. I got into big trouble, but that kid never bit anyone again.
"Dogpiling on Jos"? LOL You haven't even seen dogpiling! This is nothing.

And I never alleged that I was compassionate. But Jos does, with all her "God bless you's" and smiley faces. SHE'S the one misrepresenting herself. But her comments about punishing this dog tell me that she's both cruel AND stupid, a dangerous combination, especially when disguised under the smiley faces.
If you think that what I suggest is worse than what others here have suggested which is putting the dog down, you are the one who is messed up. The dog is not guilty of murder, but it is guilty of life altering damage, therefore I think that something should be done about it and because it is guilty of life altering damage, I don't believe that doggy jail is enough, but I don't believe that killing the dog is appropriate either since it is not guilty of killing its self which would leave only one other option which is what I have suggested. If you do happen to know of another option, feel free to share it at anytime.

That is doggone justice for ya.

What exactly would you hope to accomplish by giving the dog the same "treatment"
Well the dog would then know how it feels to be the one who is attacked.

God bless you two always!!! :) :) :)


This does not make any sense whatsoever, all it would accomplish would be to commit an act of animal abuse and create an injured and distrustful dog who would now be more dangerous....:doubt:

If [MENTION=37889]JOSweetHeart[/MENTION] did attack and abuse a dog, it would be sweet irony if the dog repaid her vicious need for revenge by doing to her what she did to him.

At the very least, I would hope she got caught and punished.
CaféAuLait;9044733 said:
The owner and the apartment complex are at fault for allowing the dog to live there on that 18 foot chain in a common area where children and people play. The dog was a vicious dog that just ripped a puppy apart as well for wandering into its 18 foot radius.

Yes, they are at fault. That doesn't change the fact that the dog is vicious and needs to be put down.
I don't believe the dog understand what it did, in regards to the societal standards of humans. It doesn't understand "consequences for its actions," like humans do. Killing the animal or mistreating it because of behaving as it was trained is not reasonable. It is irrationality bourne of emotion, in my own fallible opinion.

Killing it is very reasonable, it won't be able to hurt anyone else. It can't be socialized. And they aren't pulling the teeth as I originally read, they are filing down his canines. This dog will still be a danger.
For the best of me I do not understand the the hate on for pits. I love them to death.

Some pits are great animals, some are not. Any dog that has killed another dog should be put down. Ditto for any dog that has attacked a child. There is no reason to take the chance that the dog will attack again. As has been pointed out, they don't understand. Putting them down is the most humane thing to do and necessary for the safety of the public.
For the best of me I do not understand the the hate on for pits. I love them to death.

Same. I don't have one but if I had a dog, I'd be looking for a pit. Gorgeous animals.

They have a heart of gold. I do what I can on donations.And I try my best on education. But its about the best you can do_One day this old girl is going to take it on though,

One day.

I'm partial to shepherds and golden retrievers. Our last dog was a shepherd mix we picked up at the pound. She was a self trained service animal for our low functioning autistic child.

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