Mom of Mauled Boy Says People More Concerned About the Dog

Really, really pisses me off. Why are pitbull owners so often such assholes? Not always, but very, very often. Fuck!
You answered your own question. Assholes are attracted to Pitbulls so the dog has asshole training, if any. Carry a side arm for the owner to back up your OC spray use.

While pit bulls seem to be in the news all the time, years ago, I had animal control out to talk to my cub scouts. There had been an attack by a pit bull in the neighborhood and a boy was severely mauled. I thought it would be prudent to get an expert to talk to the boys about protecting themselves. He also talked about the various breed and you'll never guess which one he said was responsible for the most attacks. Nope, not pit bulls.

Cocker Spaniels....he said if you had one of those, you might as well put it down now.

Funny, I haven't heard any calls to ban that breed.

Sounds like that expert was no expert because that's a bunch of bullshit. It's not hard to Google the stats and see for yourself Againsheila. Last time I checked pitbulls were the worst. And responsible for the most fatal attacks as well.

I'm sure he was speaking from personal experience and at that time there were a lot more cocker spaniels around here than pit bulls.
Well, speaking of pitbulls, I had another incident last night. I was walking my four dogs around the neighborhood, all on leashes and under my control, of course. Up ahead I saw a guy playing with his LOOSE pitbull. I stopped and waited to get their attention. His buddy saw me I pointed out to the guy that dogs were approaching. He feebly started to get ahold of his pitbull, but the dog saw us and ran right for us. I had my pepper spray out at that point and yelled, "You need to get your dog NOW!!!!"

Remember I had an incident last summer where a loose...guess what...PITBULL...came charging up to us and grabbed my manchester terrier/minpin mix Cynthia by the back of the neck and shook her, resulting in a $350 vet bill to vet bill to get her stitched up. And do you think the pitbull owner paid the bill? Oh, fuck no. He still walked around the neighborhood with that dog off leash. I reported it to Animal Control and later learned the dog was involved in another attack in another part of town.

Anyway, why is it always the damn pitbulls? And why are their owners always assholes and have them running loose? And why when I check my local Animal Control for adoptable dogs are about 75% of them pitbulls? Hmmm?

Now, I don't think they should be banned, but I wish everyone talking about what wonderful, sweet dogs they are would wake up and smell the coffee and realize they can be dangerous to people and certainly to other dogs. I like dobermans, but I recognize they can be dog aggressive and I manage them accordingly. In the ten years I owned them my dobermans were never running loose and never involved in an attack on another animal or a person.

What really, really got me, was the guys with that pitbull acted like I was a real asshole. They were shaking their heads and acting all disgusted because I might've pepper sprayed their fucking pitbull in order to protect my dogs. I know dogs' body language and expression, and when that pitbull came running up to us he wasn't looking to play. His whole demeanor was challenging.

Really, really pisses me off. Why are pitbull owners so often such assholes? Not always, but very, very often. Fuck!

I think a lot of people get pit bulls because they are suppose to be vicious. Some of them train their dogs to be vicious. My friend adopted a pitbull and he was a sweet wonderful dog. I'm not saying all pit bulls are friendly, I'm just saying they're not all vicious.

And you are right, the vicious ones tend to have the owners that are jerks.
Assholes who do that and have pits want people to be scared of them. It's an insecurity problem. Kinda like the "Look how bad ass I am. I have a pit bull". And anyone with that mentality, you KNOW is going to be a bad trainer of the dog.

Yeah, they're real big men, hassling a 61-year-old woman.

I don't think they like us doberman owners...because dobies are known for their intelligence, courage, loyalty, strength and agility, and they're also freaking beautiful. I'm certainly not walking around with dobermans thinking, "oh, darn...I could've had a pitbull!" LOL

Okay, I would never say this about ALL dobermans but my brother had a doberman once that was the stupidest dog ever, and a coward to boot. Oh he sounded tough all right but you just look at him and say "boo" and he runs. Dumb dog peed all over my grandmothers handmade quilt. Ruined it. And chewed up my $30 shoes (and believe me back then $30 was a lot to spend on shoes) My brother had no sympathy and tried to tell me it was my fault for letting my little terrier sleep on my bed. My terrier BTW bossed that big dog around all the time. My friend came over one day and Zobra (the big doberman) started growling at her. She was scared until I told her he was a fraidy cat. I told her just say "boo" and he'd run. So in a very scared, very small voice she said "boo" and the dog ran. :lol: I don't know, maybe I'd somehow trained him to do that. I did not like that dog and it didn't like me.

Strangely enough, that's one of the few dogs I didn't like. I like most dogs and most dogs like me.

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