Mom of Mauled Boy Says People More Concerned About the Dog

^^^ I saw what you said earlier in this chat about killing or mistreating the dog. What do you suggest be done about it?

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


I think it could be rehabilitated. I've heard that the dogs Mr. Vick abused were eventually rehabilitated and are now owned by other people. If behavior can be taught, I suspect it can be untaught, too.
Not true, unfortunately. Some were too far gone and had to be put down. One was a bait dog and probably will never be normal, it crawled around everywhere. But if it has vicious tendencies those are instinctual at that point and may crop up when something triggers it. It may be something innocent but causes an automatic reaction due to training or association.
Cesar Millan had the dog that wouldn't walk for a while, and I think she might be the first one on that list. She was a small black pit.
If you think that what I suggest is worse than what others here have suggested which is putting the dog down, you are the one who is messed up. The dog is not guilty of murder, but it is guilty of life altering damage, therefore I think that something should be done about it and because it is guilty of life altering damage, I don't believe that doggy jail is enough, but I don't believe that killing the dog is appropriate either since it is not guilty of killing its self which would leave only one other option which is what I have suggested. If you do happen to know of another option, feel free to share it at anytime.

Well the dog would then know how it feels to be the one who is attacked.

God bless you two always!!! :) :) :)


This does not make any sense whatsoever, all it would accomplish would be to commit an act of animal abuse and create an injured and distrustful dog who would now be more dangerous....:doubt:

If [MENTION=37889]JOSweetHeart[/MENTION] did attack and abuse a dog, it would be sweet irony if the dog repaid her vicious need for revenge by doing to her what she did to him.

At the very least, I would hope she got caught and punished.

I just do not understand the logic behind "repaying" the dog with an attack...:confused:
You are so welcome. :) :) :)

Bizarre that Holly should say she knows nothing about "pets" and yet repeatedly declare that torture is a valid training tool.

Since she also says, with every friggen post, that she's a good Christian, she should also agree with 'an eye for an eye'.

IOW, if she tortures a dog, she should be tortured in return.
If the dog did not make the first move, there wouldn't be a reason for me to make a move of my own. Are you saying that humans are not worth the self defense when they are attacked by an animal or another person?

God bless you two always!!! :) :) :)


It could be argued that the child made the "first move" and tried to steal the dog's bone. The dog was merely "standing his ground" and defending his "private property" from theft. ;)
^^^ Yeah, but it wasn't like taking the bone was a physically harmful act towards the dog.

Holly, I would have no problem with someone defending themselves or someone else from a dog attack, WHILE it is happening. But after the fact, to go and mutilate the dog in retribution for what it did is just...sick. And it's no longer self-defense. It's like Coyote said...retribution. Or vengeance. And "Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord."
This is what the authority figures are for. Sadly only they can do such a thing and not have to suffer any legal consequences. :( :( :( dog and Holly are in a burning building. I will save my dog first. It's my life I'm risking, so I'll risk it as I see fit.

Don't worry, Holly, I'll try to come back and save you once I get my dog out...maybe. I know I'd risk my life for my dog, but for you I'm not so sure. No offense intended, I'm just stating the facts.
What makes you think that I would ask you for help or anyone else for that matter?

This does not make any sense whatsoever, all it would accomplish would be to commit an act of animal abuse and create an injured and distrustful dog who would now be more dangerous....:doubt:
That is why doggy jail should be where the dog goes next.

Well, I'll say this much. When I was a little kid, my mom would make me play with this other little kid while she talked to his mom. That little kid was always biting me and I finally bit him back, even though I was a couple of years older. I got into big trouble, but that kid never bit anyone again.
If your mom knew why you did it and she punished you anyways, then to me she is in serious need of an attitude adjustment. A person has to learn how to stand up for themselves at some point because you never know when you won't have anyone to turn to for any kind of back up.

If [MENTION=37889]JOSweetHeart[/MENTION] did attack and abuse a dog, it would be sweet irony if the dog repaid her vicious need for revenge by doing to her what she did to him.

At the very least, I would hope she got caught and punished.
I would only do such a thing if I found the dog having its way with someone else. After all, the best way for evil to triumph is for good to stand there and not do a thing. And if the dog were to try and have its way with me, me and its first victim if they aren't dead would be the only ones left standing when the dust finally settled. :) :) :)

God bless you people always!!! :) :) :)

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don't know the details, but the age of the boy and what the dog went off on him about would be useful to know. regardless, tho, the dog should be dead.
^^^ Yeah, but it wasn't like taking the bone was a physically harmful act towards the dog.

Holly, I would have no problem with someone defending themselves or someone else from a dog attack, WHILE it is happening. But after the fact, to go and mutilate the dog in retribution for what it did is just...sick. And it's no longer self-defense. It's like Coyote said...retribution. Or vengeance. And "Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord."
This is what the authority figures are for. Sadly only they can do such a thing and not have to suffer any legal consequences. :( :( :( dog and Holly are in a burning building. I will save my dog first. It's my life I'm risking, so I'll risk it as I see fit.

Don't worry, Holly, I'll try to come back and save you once I get my dog out...maybe. I know I'd risk my life for my dog, but for you I'm not so sure. No offense intended, I'm just stating the facts.
What makes you think that I would ask you for help or anyone else for that matter?

That is why doggy jail should be where the dog goes next.

Well, I'll say this much. When I was a little kid, my mom would make me play with this other little kid while she talked to his mom. That little kid was always biting me and I finally bit him back, even though I was a couple of years older. I got into big trouble, but that kid never bit anyone again.
If your mom knew why you did it and she punished you anyways, then to me she is in serious need of an attitude adjustment. A person has to learn how to stand up for themselves at some point because you never know when you won't have anyone to turn to for any kind of back up.

If [MENTION=37889]JOSweetHeart[/MENTION] did attack and abuse a dog, it would be sweet irony if the dog repaid her vicious need for revenge by doing to her what she did to him.

At the very least, I would hope she got caught and punished.
I would only do such a thing if I found the dog having its way with someone else. After all, the best way for evil to triumph is for good to stand there and not do a thing. And if the dog were to try and have its way with me, me and its first victim if they aren't dead would be the only ones left standing when the dust finally settled. :) :) :)

God bless you people always!!! :) :) :)


It is my understanding that is where the dog is going.
If the child hadn't wandered into the dogs yard, the dog would not have felt the need to defend its territory.

You missed the point, it was not the dog's yard, it was the child's yard as well. That's what "common area" means...everybody's yard. The babysitter was at fault for not watching the child more closely. The dog's owner was at fault for not having gotten rid of a vicious animal after it mauled a puppy to death. There is plenty of blame to pass around. Unfortunately, due to genetics and poor handling, the dog has proven itself completely unreliable and capable of killing. The dog is not human and is incapable of understanding reasoning and should simply be put down. The argument I see here is whether "de-fanging" and imprisoning the animal is cruel, or not
I don't believe the dog understand what it did, in regards to the societal standards of humans. It doesn't understand "consequences for its actions," like humans do. Killing the animal or mistreating it because of behaving as it was trained is not reasonable. It is irrationality bourne of emotion, in my own fallible opinion.

While I fully support your suggestion that mistreatment is wholly inhumane, killing the animal is not considering that it is not cognizant of its transgression, nor able to conceive of "consequences". It was behaving as it should have, given its inbred and instinctive tendencies.
You have to understand terriers. Honest no shit.

My parents after losing their german shepherd thought it a swell thing to buy a boston. lolololol.

I understand the nature of terriers. I adore Jack Russels. But I do not have the time they require and I just have no jobs for them. I adore my Pyr. And my mini doxie is the best, she's a better mouser than most of my cats. People need to better understand the dog they want to own before they own it. Too many people get into doggie fads without fully understanding the nature of the animal.
Warning: some of these are pretty graphic.

And the show goes on, and on, and on...I'm quite sure most of these dogs' owners would swear their dogs were the sweetest, kindest, nicest animals, until...

[ame=]Video Pit Bull killing homeless dog very disturbing. - YouTube[/ame]

Cops: Tot attacked & killed by grandma's 8 pit bulls |

Video captures Spokane pit bull attacking and killing small dog | Spokane

Calaveras man killed in pit bull attack | Video |

Police kill pit bull that attacked 5 people - News, Weather and Classifieds for Southern New England

Pit Bulls Inherently Dangerous News and Video - FOX News Topics -

Is it worth the risk?
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While pit bulls seem to be in the news all the time, years ago, I had animal control out to talk to my cub scouts. There had been an attack by a pit bull in the neighborhood and a boy was severely mauled. I thought it would be prudent to get an expert to talk to the boys about protecting themselves. He also talked about the various breed and you'll never guess which one he said was responsible for the most attacks. Nope, not pit bulls.

Cocker Spaniels....he said if you had one of those, you might as well put it down now.

Funny, I haven't heard any calls to ban that breed.

No, it’s not worth the risk but some people simply can’t comprehend that a dog is an animal and will ALWAYS be an animal.

If you don’t understand the breed, its tendencies and its habits then you really are asking for something bad to happen.
and an animal that's PROVEN to have mauled a child should be a dead animal. The owner can get another dog, would HAVE to do so in 15 years or so. but how is the kid to be replaced/fixed, hmm?

While pit bulls seem to be in the news all the time, years ago, I had animal control out to talk to my cub scouts. There had been an attack by a pit bull in the neighborhood and a boy was severely mauled. I thought it would be prudent to get an expert to talk to the boys about protecting themselves. He also talked about the various breed and you'll never guess which one he said was responsible for the most attacks. Nope, not pit bulls.

Cocker Spaniels....he said if you had one of those, you might as well put it down now.

Funny, I haven't heard any calls to ban that breed.

Sounds like that expert was no expert because that's a bunch of bullshit. It's not hard to Google the stats and see for yourself Againsheila. Last time I checked pitbulls were the worst. And responsible for the most fatal attacks as well.
Well, speaking of pitbulls, I had another incident last night. I was walking my four dogs around the neighborhood, all on leashes and under my control, of course. Up ahead I saw a guy playing with his LOOSE pitbull. I stopped and waited to get their attention. His buddy saw me I pointed out to the guy that dogs were approaching. He feebly started to get ahold of his pitbull, but the dog saw us and ran right for us. I had my pepper spray out at that point and yelled, "You need to get your dog NOW!!!!"

Remember I had an incident last summer where a loose...guess what...PITBULL...came charging up to us and grabbed my manchester terrier/minpin mix Cynthia by the back of the neck and shook her, resulting in a $350 vet bill to vet bill to get her stitched up. And do you think the pitbull owner paid the bill? Oh, fuck no. He still walked around the neighborhood with that dog off leash. I reported it to Animal Control and later learned the dog was involved in another attack in another part of town.

Anyway, why is it always the damn pitbulls? And why are their owners always assholes and have them running loose? And why when I check my local Animal Control for adoptable dogs are about 75% of them pitbulls? Hmmm?

Now, I don't think they should be banned, but I wish everyone talking about what wonderful, sweet dogs they are would wake up and smell the coffee and realize they can be dangerous to people and certainly to other dogs. I like dobermans, but I recognize they can be dog aggressive and I manage them accordingly. In the ten years I owned them my dobermans were never running loose and never involved in an attack on another animal or a person.

What really, really got me, was the guys with that pitbull acted like I was a real asshole. They were shaking their heads and acting all disgusted because I might've pepper sprayed their fucking pitbull in order to protect my dogs. I know dogs' body language and expression, and when that pitbull came running up to us he wasn't looking to play. His whole demeanor was challenging.

Really, really pisses me off. Why are pitbull owners so often such assholes? Not always, but very, very often. Fuck!
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Here was Cynthia after the loose pitbull attacked her while I was walking her on leash last summer. While the owner fluttered around, going "Piddles, Piddles, what's gotten into you Piddles? You're not like this!" Fucking asshole. Pardon my French, I'm pissed. And I'm an asshole because I was ready to prevent it from happening again.

Assholes who do that and have pits want people to be scared of them. It's an insecurity problem. Kinda like the "Look how bad ass I am. I have a pit bull". And anyone with that mentality, you KNOW is going to be a bad trainer of the dog.
Assholes who do that and have pits want people to be scared of them. It's an insecurity problem. Kinda like the "Look how bad ass I am. I have a pit bull". And anyone with that mentality, you KNOW is going to be a bad trainer of the dog.

If they give me any more trouble (I've been walking my dogs past their apartment building for 10 years now - long before they ever lived there) I'm going to look up the owner of the building's name in the municipal property records and give him a call about his tenants.

As a matter of fact, there was yet ANOTHER PITBULL, living in a building right across the street from that one. He came running up at my dogs and I DID pepper spray him, upon which the owner of the pit threatened me to never walk down that street again. Well, I did, the very next day, after having contacted the owner of the building to let him know how his tenant was acting. The building owner said he would have a talk with the guy. I never had any problems after that. The building owner sounded like a pretty tough guy himself! :)

Also these jackasses moving into the neighborhood might want to know that I'm well-known and well-liked in the area, famous for walking five dogs all at once including two dobermans. The Hell's Angels have a club in the area and they like me, too. :)
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Assholes who do that and have pits want people to be scared of them. It's an insecurity problem. Kinda like the "Look how bad ass I am. I have a pit bull". And anyone with that mentality, you KNOW is going to be a bad trainer of the dog.

Yeah, they're real big men, hassling a 61-year-old woman.

I don't think they like us doberman owners...because dobies are known for their intelligence, courage, loyalty, strength and agility, and they're also freaking beautiful. I'm certainly not walking around with dobermans thinking, "oh, darn...I could've had a pitbull!" LOL
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