Mom Of Slain Marine Rylee McCollum Goes Off On Biden: Stupid Dementia Ridden Piece Of Crap

Sure General. Tell us how you would have done this better

I wouldn't have have done anything because I am not the Commander in Chief.

However, a competent Commander in Chief like Trump would have

1. Secured the assets

2. Removed the American citizens

3. Removed at risked Afghans

4. Close down the bases

5. Remove American troops

It ain't rocket science but President Potatohead managed to fuck it up just like he fucked up everything else he has ever done in his pathetic life.
He is meeting the parents at Dover to those flag draped coffins. I hope all parents turn their backs on him.

I remember Donald Trump phoning the grieving families and he couldn't even remember the name of the soldier who was killed. The families were disgusted by the way he talked to them.

The only grieving parents Trump ever met with were those whose children were killed by illegal immigrants. He didn't care about the Gold Star Families in the slightest.
She should have tried harder to keep her son from joining the military if she had such a problem with her son potentially dying.

She should have tried harder to keep her son from joining the military if she had such a problem with her son potentially dying.
wow are you heartless. Maybe if Biden didnt pretty much give them a death sentence the way he did the mission. The BUCK stops at him . I am sure the parents knew what their kids signed up for but they didnt think their president would cause their death
wow are you heartless. Maybe if Biden didnt pretty much give them a death sentence the way he did the mission. The BUCK stops at him . I am sure the parents knew what their kids signed up for but they didnt think their president would cause their death
You voted to kill soldiers for 20 years. Nobody believes you suddenly started caring. Go fuck yourself.
I wouldn't have have done anything because I am not the Commander in Chief.

However, a competent Commander in Chief like Trump would have

1. Secured the assets

2. Removed the American citizens

3. Removed at risked Afghans

4. Close down the bases

5. Remove American troops

It ain't rocket science but President Potatohead managed to fuck it up just like he fucked up everything else he has ever done in his pathetic life.
And how would you have done that?

Those things take specific actions.

Tell us more general
It was an UNNECESSARY death due to tour incompetent jackass

Every soldier's death in Iraq and Afghanistan in the past 20 years has been an unnecessary death due to the corruption and incompetence of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and a whole slew of administration officials from both parties who continued these useless wars.

Stop pretending these deaths are any different from the more than 5000 deaths of American service personnel since this all started.
Fuck you Moon Bat.

The Marine was killed because of the incompetency of the Commander in Chief.

President Potatohead fucked up the withdrawal putting the Marine there in a bad situation and the idiot trusted the Taliban to provide security and he is responsible.

The mother knows it. At least two of the other parents of the slain knows it because they said the same thing about Potatohead and the American people know it .

You stupid uneducated Moon Bats are the only ones that are confused about it.
That marine may very well have gone to Afghanistan to replace some Kowardly Keyboard Kommando such as..............................yourself?
Fuck you Moon Bat.

The Marine was killed because of the incompetency of the Commander in Chief.

President Potatohead fucked up the withdrawal putting the Marine there in a bad situation and the idiot trusted the Taliban to provide security and he is responsible.

The mother knows it. At least two of the other parents of the slain knows it because they said the same thing about Potatohead and the American people know it .

You stupid uneducated Moon Bats are the only ones that are confused about it.

Okay, genius, tell us what strategy he should have followed.

Of course, the tactical decisions were made by military professionals, not Biden himself, but let's look at it.

Securing the Airport. Um. Yup. That's something we had to do. And no, turning over Bagram was stipulated in the withdrawl agreement Trump signed, not that it would have done any good, most of the Americans we needed to get out were in Kabul.

Bagram Air base is 67KM from Kabul... Not easy to get to if you don't have a vehicle.
You mean he is doing something that the fat former guy didn't do?

You're really fucking stupid:

I wouldn't have have done anything because I am not the Commander in Chief.

However, a competent Commander in Chief like Trump would have

1. Secured the assets

2. Removed the American citizens

3. Removed at risked Afghans

4. Close down the bases

5. Remove American troops

It ain't rocket science but President Potatohead managed to fuck it up just like he fucked up everything else he has ever done in his pathetic life.

There is literally ZERO evidence of Trump's competence on managing anything. Especially given that every military operation Trump attempted over 4 years was a total clusterfuck and resulted in American deaths for no good reason at all.
wow are you heartless. Maybe if Biden didnt pretty much give them a death sentence the way he did the mission. The BUCK stops at him . I am sure the parents knew what their kids signed up for but they didnt think their president would cause their death
So how exactly do you evacuate 100,000 plus people from a place like that without some element of danger?

She's grieving. Greif can make you bitter

What's your excuse?
“That feckless, dementia-ridden piece of crap just sent my son to die,” McCollum said. She then blamed Biden’s supporters for her loss, saying, “So my son is gone, and I just want all you Democrats who cheated in the election or who voted for him illegitimately, you just killed my son with a dementia-ridden piece of crap who doesn’t even know he’s in the White House. He still thinks he’s a senator.”

So true lady, so true. All of them are pieces of shit.
She's grieving....that doesn't make her any less a delusional person about the election.
Okay, genius, tell us what strategy he should have followed.

Of course, the tactical decisions were made by military professionals, not Biden himself, but let's look at it.

Securing the Airport. Um. Yup. That's something we had to do. And no, turning over Bagram was stipulated in the withdrawl agreement Trump signed, not that it would have done any good, most of the Americans we needed to get out were in Kabul.

Bagram Air base is 67KM from Kabul... Not easy to get to if you don't have a vehicle.

I guarantee you the military professionals weren't the ones who decided to leave behind the equipment we did. The Taliban now has more Blackhawk helicopters than 85% of all the countries on earth...
You voted to kill soldiers for 20 years. Nobody believes you suddenly started caring. Go fuck yourself.
hmmm wasnt Obama there for 8 of those 20 yrs . Funny the two deadliest days were caused by Democrat leaders. The shooting down of Seal team six that Biden outed and now this .. hmmm No deaths in 18 months so we didnt have do what Biden did he could have done it better but Biden is owned by China and China wants Afghanistan wake up
Everyone to blame but your bloody cheated for vote

You got blood all over you now. Death and destruction is all you knew

Uh, guy, 2500 Americans died in Afghanistan trying to prop up a government they didn't want and 5000 died in Iraq looking for weapons that didn't exist.

All of this was because even though the majority voted against George W. Bush, the worst idea of Dead Slave Rapists put him in there anyway.

You guys bitching about these 13 marines is a little disingenuous. Where were you for the last 20 years when all these other people died?

My guess, mocking Gold Star Mothers like Cindy Sheehan and Ghazala Khan.
You're really fucking stupid:

There are 0 veterans in the Trump family line.

“The top people in the Pentagon probably aren’t, because they want to do nothing but fight wars so that all of those wonderful companies that make the bombs and make the planes and make everything else stay happy. But we’re getting out of the endless wars, you know how we’re doing.” - Trump's stance on Afghanistan until he saw a new fundraising angle a couple weeks ago.
I guarantee you the military professionals weren't the ones who decided to leave behind the equipment we did. The Taliban now has more Blackhawk helicopters than 85% of all the countries on earth...
They had JETS when we invaded in 2001. Did em a lot of good huh?

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