Mom Of Slain Marine Rylee McCollum Goes Off On Biden: Stupid Dementia Ridden Piece Of Crap

It's ABSOLUTELY "smart". Those coptors require an enormous amount of maint. to keep them viable. You "should" know that.

The Taliban has neither the spare parts nor the expertise.

And oh yea...those coptors are a threat to WHO?
He's about as smart as the poster I saw the other day who complained about how the Taliban now had all of "our AK-47s"..... :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
So....this post from a poster who has no idea about how much maintenance helicopters need to stay up.

Yeah, see, unlike idiot libs like you, I don't lie about what I know.

Whether they stay up for an hour or a year, each one represents a $5.9 million helicopter which now must be replaced...
So....this post from a poster who has no idea about how much maintenance helicopters need to stay up.
Well...he's "Cannon shooter"...supposedly a former artilleryman who SHOULD understand the kind of maint. that military equipment requires.

He probably does...but hey...bitchin is what he does best.
I ask long do you think those helicopters are going to work? You see, I served and know about parts, and logistics and how much maintenance helicopters need even in the best of times. You? Not so much. It will be a very short time and those helicopters will be non-functioning pieces of junk.

I'd be shocked if you made it through basic.

Again, each on of the helicopters left behind now needs to be replaced. Each one costs right around $5.9 million dollars.

It was a stupid decision, made be a senile old fuck, to leave them behind...
Well...he's "Cannon shooter"...supposedly a former artilleryman who SHOULD understand the kind of maint. that military equipment requires.

He probably does...but hey...bitchin is what he does best.


You're an idiot. Find me a single post, anywhere on the internet, in which I claim to be a former artilleryman and I'll buy you a house.

You're just too fucking stupid to converse with...
Yeah, see, unlike idiot libs like you, I don't lie about what I know.

Whether they stay up for an hour or a year, each one represents a $5.9 million helicopter which now must be replaced...
Virtually ALL of the Blackhawks "left behind" had been signed over to the Afghan Army. That cost is history. That was money down the toilet long ago

You're an idiot. Find me a single post, anywhere on the internet, in which I claim to be a former artilleryman and I'll buy you a house.

You're just too fucking stupid to converse with...
I see. I gave you too much credit. I assumed your nic actually meant something

So you have no military experience?

You are totally talking out your ass?

I ask long do you think those helicopters are going to work? You see, I served and know about parts, and logistics and how much maintenance helicopters need even in the best of times. You? Not so much. It will be a very short time and those helicopters will be non-functioning pieces of junk.

I got into a long discussion with Spooge Shooter (before I put him on ignore) where he apparently didn't think those of us who worked in military logistics were that important.

The reality is, the Taliban has those blackhawks, but they don't have the expertise to use them or maintain them.
I see. I gave you too much credit. I assumed your nic actually meant something

So you have no military experience?

You are totally talking out your ass?

The name does mean something, you ignorant simp.

And I'm retired military, you fucking dumbass, so go fuck yourself...
Are you suggesting that Biden is unable to undo things that Trump did?

If the fucked up plan that was carried out was, indeed, Trump's, that doesn't say much for Biden's ability to use critical thinking in identifying it as such and opting for something different...
I got into a long discussion with Spooge Shooter (before I put him on ignore) where he apparently didn't think those of us who worked in military logistics were that important.

The reality is, the Taliban has those blackhawks, but they don't have the expertise to use them or maintain them.
Yeah, Joe had his widdle feewings hurt in one of our exchanges and, instead of simply admitting he was wrong, he put me on ignore.

He has zero integrity and not even a passing relationship with honesty...

You're an idiot. Find me a single post, anywhere on the internet, in which I claim to be a former artilleryman and I'll buy you a house.

You're just too fucking stupid to converse with...
So, you're a poser. Gotcha!
The name does mean something, you ignorant simp.

And I'm retired military, you fucking dumbass, so go fuck yourself...
So you SHOULD understand the importance of maint. for equipment...and yet you pretend not to.

My original post stands. You're just "saying shit" that you know is bullshit
Look at these commie posters attacking a gold star parent.


How are you defending Biden and the absolute CATASROPHE in Afghanistan.

You are so brainwashed. EVEN DEMS ARE BLASTING BIDEN.

I've learned from watching Biden, just as I am learning on this board, that liberal bigots find it impossible to accept responsibility. I guess that makes it easier on them considering how often they screw up.
It is so easy to be Pontious Pilate. And Liberals are just that. They wash their hands of every failure.

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