Mom Of Slain Marine Rylee McCollum Goes Off On Biden: Stupid Dementia Ridden Piece Of Crap

Look at these commie posters attacking a gold star parent.


How are you defending Biden and the absolute CATASROPHE in Afghanistan.

You are so brainwashed. EVEN DEMS ARE BLASTING BIDEN.

No one is attacking her. We acknowledge her grief. Could it be wishful thinking on your part? Hmmmm?
No one is attacking her. We acknowledge her grief. Could it be wishful thinking on your part? Hmmmm?
They're HOPING that "the opposition" will attack this grieving woman...because that's what they would do.


Not happening
I doubt that con-sidering you didn't have a clue about how helicopters are worthless very quickly without con-tinued maintenance and parts.

You're just about the most clueless sonofabitch alive.

I'm quite aware that a helicopter which can't fly is pretty worthless.

I'm able to say that and, at the same time, not know anything about helicopter maintenance.

If you were to do a survey, I'd be willing to bet that most people in America's military don't know anything about helicopter maintenance.

Just like the majority of them don't know how to cook 15,000 meals a day on an aircraft carrier or how to dial in a scope for a half-mile sniper shot...
I wouldn't have have done anything because I am not the Commander in Chief.

However, a competent Commander in Chief like Trump would have

1. Secured the assets

2. Removed the American citizens

3. Removed at risked Afghans

4. Close down the bases

5. Remove American troops

It ain't rocket science but President Potatohead managed to fuck it up just like he fucked up everything else he has ever done in his pathetic life.
You're as retarded as your moron dear leader.
You're just about the most clueless sonofabitch alive.

I'm quite aware that a helicopter which can't fly is pretty worthless.

I'm able to say that and, at the same time, not know anything about helicopter maintenance.

If you were to do a survey, I'd be willing to bet that most people in America's military don't know anything about helicopter maintenance.

Just like the majority of them don't know how to cook 15,000 meals a day on an aircraft carrier or how to dial in a scope for a half-mile sniper shot...
So you realize that the choppers are virtually worthless to the Taliban.

You understand that they were signed over to the Afghan Army long ago and were never coming back...

But you're playing to the perceived ignorance of your fellow trumpers?

I see
Look at these commie posters attacking a gold star parent.


How are you defending Biden and the absolute CATASROPHE in Afghanistan.

You are so brainwashed. EVEN DEMS ARE BLASTING BIDEN.


So you admit Afghanistan was a disaster. And yet you want to stay there?
Look at these communist scum blasting a gold star parent less than a week from her Biden got her son killed because of his incompetence.

Biden is a traitor and should resign.
Obama was told leaving would be messy by bloodthirsty generals and opted for a surge, against Biden's advice at the time. Thank goodness Biden told them to fuck off now. People voted for Obama to get out. You voted against him to stay there forever. That's the difference between our votes. I think Obama's decision to stay was stupid, whereas that was what you hoped would happen with your

Bin Ladin was killed in 2011 why didnt Obama get out after that He was re Elected again by YOU liberals . He continued the war and even started a war in Syria and Libya . He is the reason for Benghazi too. But Liberals are the ones who are anti war . Give me a break
You're just about the most clueless sonofabitch alive.

I'm quite aware that a helicopter which can't fly is pretty worthless.

I'm able to say that and, at the same time, not know anything about helicopter maintenance.

If you were to do a survey, I'd be willing to bet that most people in America's military don't know anything about helicopter maintenance.

Just like the majority of them don't know how to cook 15,000 meals a day on an aircraft carrier or how to dial in a scope for a half-mile sniper shot...
You only admit it now that I've told you. :heehee:
She is right. Xiden has blood on his hands and is a dementia ridden fool. He needs to resign.
When you see the character of Biden voters on display, its obvious they hate the USA and want to see us fail. Thats why the voted for the biggest piece of shit ever for POTUS.
So very tragic…the pain in her voice…i can’t imagine the heartbreak over this needless, but predictable tragic death
Bin Ladin was killed in 2011 why didnt Obama get out after that He was re Elected again by YOU liberals . He continued the war and even started a war in Syria and Libya . He is the reason for Benghazi too. But Liberals are the ones who are anti war . Give me a break
He ran on getting out. The Generals told him this would happen so he opted for a surge instead of listening to Biden who told him not to.

Your comment shows that you understand how stupid the middle east is, yet you want us to remain at war there forever. So stupid.

Benghazi stopped mattering on November 9, 2016. Your thought leaders had no more use for it after that.
Look at these communist scum blasting a gold star parent less than a week from her Biden got her son killed because of his incompetence.

Biden is a traitor and should resign.
No one is blasting her. Why are you lying? Seems that you are the one disrespecting her grief....not us. Trying to use her? That's pretty disgusting.
Bin Ladin was killed in 2011 why didnt Obama get out after that He was re Elected again by YOU liberals . He continued the war and even started a war in Syria and Libya . He is the reason for Benghazi too. But Liberals are the ones who are anti war . Give me a break
Were you calling for us to leave Afghanistan then? Were you? And yet you want to stay now? Are you a war profiteer?

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