Mom Of Slain Marine Rylee McCollum Goes Off On Biden: Stupid Dementia Ridden Piece Of Crap

Biden voters get to live the rest of their lives knowing they voted for BIDEN. :auiqs.jpg:

How many of these morally challenged fucks will lie about voting for Biden?
Biden voters get to live the rest of their lives knowing they voted for BIDEN. :auiqs.jpg:

How many of these morally challenged fucks will lie about voting for Biden?
I am proud to vote for Biden. He's getting us out of Afghanistan. It looks like YOU want forever war there. Are you a war profiteer?
Interesting....the one President with the fewest KIAs WHILE he is getting out of apparently prefer more service members be killed in a neverending war there.
Congrats. You’re one of two people who think the withdrawal is a successful operation. The other is his wife.
I am proud to vote for Biden. He's getting us out of Afghanistan. It looks like YOU want forever war there. Are you a war profiteer?
9-11 Joe.
There are 0 veterans in the Trump family line.

“The top people in the Pentagon probably aren’t, because they want to do nothing but fight wars so that all of those wonderful companies that make the bombs and make the planes and make everything else stay happy. But we’re getting out of the endless wars, you know how we’re doing.” - Trump's stance on Afghanistan until he saw a new fundraising angle a couple weeks ago.

Well why don't you tell us about Biden's "hero" son that served as a fucking JAG officer in Iraq? Every time Potatohead speaks he mentions that shithead's non combat service as if it was relevant. Of course Potatohead forgets to mention that he was a draft dodger during Vietnam or that his other son was kicked out of the Navy for being a filthy ass cokehead.
Milestones were in place, what a joke. Tell me Weatherman where is the Afghan Army we have been training and equipping for the last 20yrs?
Good point! Violation 1.
Violation 2 - no terrorist groups in Afghanistan.
Violation 3 - peace agreement between the Taliban and Afghanistan government.
No need to.

Bagram was turned over to the Afghan Government. Except they didn't secure it and it was looted.

Bagram is 67 kilometers from Kabul, where most of the American civilians and diplomats needed to be evacuated from.

Of course, none of this would have been necessary if the American civilians had left in May when they were advised to.

None of this would have been necessary if the Afghan Government hadn't folded like a cheap suit.
Bagram wasn't "turned over". Biden had our troops bug out in the middle of the night and didn't even inform the base commander they were turning it over to. The Afghan army didn't fold until Biden pulled their air support. Biden made this mess. Play the blame game if you want, but the simple truth is that Biden didn't care what the ground situation was, he just wanted out. If the Taliban wasn't abiding by agreed terms, he should have changed his damned course.

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