Mom Of Slain Marine Rylee McCollum Goes Off On Biden: Stupid Dementia Ridden Piece Of Crap

Okay, genius, tell us what strategy he should have followed.

Of course, the tactical decisions were made by military professionals, not Biden himself, but let's look at it.

Securing the Airport. Um. Yup. That's something we had to do. And no, turning over Bagram was stipulated in the withdrawl agreement Trump signed, not that it would have done any good, most of the Americans we needed to get out were in Kabul.

Bagram Air base is 67KM from Kabul... Not easy to get to if you don't have a vehicle.
Try again.
You're really fucking stupid:


I don't see any parents. I see military personnel, a casket, and Donald Trump. I even googled "Trump meeting gold star families at airport" and there was NOTHING.

I guarantee you the military professionals weren't the ones who decided to leave behind the equipment we did. The Taliban now has more Blackhawk helicopters than 85% of all the countries on earth...
How long do you think those helicopters are going to work?
hmmm wasnt Obama there for 8 of those 20 yrs . Funny the two deadliest days were caused by Democrat leaders. The shooting down of Seal team six that Biden outed and now this .. hmmm No deaths in 18 months so we didnt have do what Biden did he could have done it better but Biden is owned by China and China wants Afghanistan wake up
Obama was told leaving would be messy by bloodthirsty generals and opted for a surge, against Biden's advice at the time. Thank goodness Biden told them to fuck off now. People voted for Obama to get out. You voted against him to stay there forever. That's the difference between our votes. I think Obama's decision to stay was stupid, whereas that was what you hoped would happen with your vote.

YOU try again, and don't use a Questionable Source next time:

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I've learned from watching Biden, just as I am learning on this board, that liberal bigots find it impossible to accept responsibility. I guess that makes it easier on them considering how often they screw up.
I wouldn't have have done anything because I am not the Commander in Chief.

However, a competent Commander in Chief like Trump would have

1. Secured the assets

2. Removed the American citizens

3. Removed at risked Afghans

4. Close down the bases

5. Remove American troops

It ain't rocket science but President Potatohead managed to fuck it up just like he fucked up everything else he has ever done in his pathetic life.

Okay, let's look at that.

We removed OUR assets. The assets that are still there were the property of the Afghan Government. We can't do backsies.

We can't compell American citizens to leave if they don't want to. They should have left in May when Biden advised them to, but they didn't

As for the Afghan who are at risk, it was Trump who completely bolloxed the asylum system and put Muslim bans in place.

Closing down the bases... the bases were turned over to the Afghan government...which couldn't hold them.

So, no, it isn't rocket science... but it also wasn't feasible.
hmmm wasnt Obama there for 8 of those 20 yrs . Funny the two deadliest days were caused by Democrat leaders. The shooting down of Seal team six that Biden outed and now this .. hmmm No deaths in 18 months so we didnt have do what Biden did he could have done it better but Biden is owned by China and China wants Afghanistan wake up think President Biden outed Seal Team Six? :heehee: You DO know that the SEALs killed in that helo crash were NOT the ones who got OBL, right?
Try again.

No need to.

Bagram was turned over to the Afghan Government. Except they didn't secure it and it was looted.

Bagram is 67 kilometers from Kabul, where most of the American civilians and diplomats needed to be evacuated from.

Of course, none of this would have been necessary if the American civilians had left in May when they were advised to.

None of this would have been necessary if the Afghan Government hadn't folded like a cheap suit.
Yeah, that's a smart argument. You're a fuckin' idiot...
It's ABSOLUTELY "smart". Those coptors require an enormous amount of maint. to keep them viable. You "should" know that.

The Taliban has neither the spare parts nor the expertise.

And oh yea...those coptors are a threat to WHO?
Yeah, that's a smart argument. You're a fuckin' idiot...
I ask long do you think those helicopters are going to work? You see, I served and know about parts, and logistics and how much maintenance helicopters need even in the best of times. You? Not so much. It will be a very short time and those helicopters will be non-functioning pieces of junk.
Thank you for confirming the suspicion that you're too goddamn fucking stupid to formulate a cogent thought.

You're dumber than a bag of hammers...
So....this post from a poster who has no idea about how much maintenance helicopters need to stay up.
Biden didn't sign the agreement that allowed the Taliban to take over the country, Trump did.

Are you suggesting that Biden is unable to undo things that Trump did?

If the fucked up plan that was carried out was, indeed, Trump's, that doesn't say much for Biden's ability to use critical thinking in identifying it as such and opting for something different...

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