Mom Upset After Finding Nazi Symbol Burned Into Her Chicken Sandwich Bun At McDonalds

Some 17 year old pimple faced dumbass burger flipper got bored and decided to write stupid crap on the buns. Kids are not that bright as this demonstration shows.

Oh my lands sakes alive! What size bra does that guy wear?

I'm gonna say a C cup. I've never seen such womanly breasts on a man before. Mind you HE can go shirtless and I can't, and my boobs look better. lol
People are such pussies today. Oh my God, someone played a tasteless prank on me! It's not enough that I brought it to the store manager's attention and got my money back, I need to go to the news now and make sure everyone sees my outrage on television!

"Tasteless prank." When 'pranks' lead to the murders of millions they're not pranks anymore. And alerting the press to people using symbology linked to the perpetrators of those murders is not overreacting.

It was probably a kid and he didn't think that far ahead about what he was doing.

In Example:

Junior gets a Job. He'd rather be out with his bud's but he has to make some money. He's just schlepping along doing a half assed job when his boss says something about his crappy work. Junior gets pissed and calls his boss a burger Nazi under his breath and draws the swastika on the bun of the burger he's working on because he's a thoughtless kid.

Now if it was a 30 year old skin head it wouldn't be a joke. However a 30 year old skin head is old enough to know better and most likely wouldn't do it in the first place.

Regardless the person was fired so he won't be making any more nazi burgers anytime soon.
A long journey begins with a single step.
- Chinese proverb

When 6 million of your people gets murdered by some guy fond of drawing swaztikas we'll talk as equals.
Some 17 year old pimple faced dumbass burger flipper got bored and decided to write stupid crap on the buns. Kids are not that bright as this demonstration shows.

Oh my lands sakes alive! What size bra does that guy wear?

I'm gonna say a C cup. I've never seen such womanly breasts on a man before. Mind you HE can go shirtless and I can't, and my boobs look better. lol

Good Grief! I'm nearly 70, WELL endowed and I don't hang like that guy! He needed a training bra back about 20 yrs. ago or more!!!!!!!!!!!
A long journey begins with a single step.
- Chinese proverb

When 6 million of your people gets murdered by some guy fond of drawing swaztikas we'll talk as equals.

The burger boy was obviously a Buddist who was wishing auspishiousness on whoever eats it. The Swastika is not some evil symbol, it only becomes that when you let it offend you. It stands for peace, prosperous, good fortune, hope, order, fertility, persecution against evil, and harmony.

We need to take back what is ours. Don't let a villain of 60 years ago take away such a beautiful and divine symbol. It's time stop being pussies by allowing Hitler to scare you cowards 5 decades after his death.

VIVA le Swastika.
People are such pussies today. Oh my God, someone played a tasteless prank on me! It's not enough that I brought it to the store manager's attention and got my money back, I need to go to the news now and make sure everyone sees my outrage on television!

"Tasteless prank." When 'pranks' lead to the murders of millions they're not pranks anymore. And alerting the press to people using symbology linked to the perpetrators of those murders is not overreacting.

How the fuck is a buttered bun going to lead to the murders of millions?
Talk about making a mountain out of a mole hill. Give it a rest.

Either that or the burger flipper was a magician.
Not only did he know that this woman who ordered that burger was a Jew.
And after that he somehow managed to make a mayo-swastika on the sandwich which was in a closed take-out box without getting even a spec of mayo on the meat.
Reverse engineering that incidence we have a "traumatized" Jewish women who was handed a sandwich in a closed take-out box. She opened the box then took off the top of the sandwich and took a picture.
Mac Donalds`s does not hand their customers a sandwich like this in an open box, with the top half of the sandwich in the lid and the bottom half exposed in a wide open box.
But it doesn`t really matter there were enough people who were dumb enough to fall for it,like ta number of news outlets and the manager who fired some poor sucker for it.
After all you can`t call any Jew a liar else you are anti-semitic and a holocaust denier....and one poster here is already connecting this phoney baloney swastika sandwich to the "death of 6 million Jews".

She did the right thing. McDonald's had some jerk messing around with the food. Some crude person who thinks it is OK to use the food as a prank. That person does not belong in a restaurant preparing food. She did the right thing and so did McDonald's by firing the employee.
People are such pussies today. Oh my God, someone played a tasteless prank on me! It's not enough that I brought it to the store manager's attention and got my money back, I need to go to the news now and make sure everyone sees my outrage on television!

"Tasteless prank." When 'pranks' lead to the murders of millions they're not pranks anymore. And alerting the press to people using symbology linked to the perpetrators of those murders is not overreacting.

How the fuck is a buttered bun going to lead to the murders of millions?
Talk about making a mountain out of a mole hill. Give it a rest.

Heart disease? :dunno:

Either that or the burger flipper was a magician.
Not only did he know that this woman who ordered that burger was a Jew.
And after that he somehow managed to make a mayo-swastika on the sandwich which was in a closed take-out box without getting even a spec of mayo on the meat.
Reverse engineering that incidence we have a "traumatized" Jewish women who was handed a sandwich in a closed take-out box. She opened the box then took off the top of the sandwich and took a picture.
Mac Donalds`s does not hand their customers a sandwich like this in an open box, with the top half of the sandwich in the lid and the bottom half exposed in a wide open box.
But it doesn`t really matter there were enough people who were dumb enough to fall for it,like ta number of news outlets and the manager who fired some poor sucker for it.
After all you can`t call any Jew a liar else you are anti-semitic and a holocaust denier....and one poster here is already connecting this phoney baloney swastika sandwich to the "death of 6 million Jews".


It sounds as if she complained before even leaving the restaurant, and an employee was fired over it. It was a harmless joke, but it doesn't sound as if it was fake.
And after that he somehow managed to make a mayo-swastika on the sandwich which was in a closed take-out box without getting even a spec of mayo on the meat.
Reverse engineering that incidence we have a "traumatized" Jewish women who was handed a sandwich in a closed take-out box. She opened the box then took off the top of the sandwich and took a picture.
Mac Donalds`s does not hand their customers a sandwich like this in an open box, with the top half of the sandwich in the lid and the bottom half exposed in a wide open box.

You didn't even bother to read the story did you?The swastika wasn't written in mayo. It was burned in with butter. She noticed it when she removed the bun to put mayo on herself.

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