Moms 4 Liberty flying a flag 4 freedom

He wouldn't laugh at your attempts; they would concern him.
No redefining....If the books are freely available, they're not "banned", properly defined.

"Mein Kamph" is banned in Germany....They know what the word means.

While we rightously cheer on the Israeli genocide in Gaza it seems that the enemies of freeom are stealing a march on decency.

I am talking about marxist perverts aka librarians.

Thank the lord for the CHRISTIAN FREEDOM LOVERS IN M4L.

Here we see them still defending the kids from LGBTQ characters in books. If the police would put down their bags of donuts and take action the world would be a better place.

We must not allow perverts to live amongst us in a normative fashion. That is not the American way. That is communism.

America. do not lose sight of Gods work.
anyone that starts a post by defending Hamas, loses all credibility....don't you have some babies to behead or Jewish women to rape?
Banning comes in many forms, as Orwell understood.


No, it's not.

You are SUCH an expert on this topic!



They likely/mostly do, you don't. :)
what are those many forms that Orwell understood? List them for us please.
what are those many forms that Orwell understood? List them for us please.
Didn't think you could.....once again you are caught talking out of your ass.
You almost gotta laugh. The Biden administration is letting in hundreds of illegal aliens on the foreign terrorist list while the DOJ worries about "Moms for Liberty".
Didn't think you could.....once again you are caught talking out of your ass.
If you spent more time Googling and less time playing silly games where you think you've achieved "Gotcha!," you might actually improve yourself.

What say?

But yeah, Orwell knew what banning was, but Oddball's disappeared.

Too embarrassed to continue perhaps, or maybe his nap time. :)
If you spent more time Googling and less time playing silly games where you think you've achieved "Gotcha!," you might actually improve yourself.

What say?

But yeah, Orwell knew what banning was, but Oddball's disappeared.

Too embarrassed to continue perhaps, or maybe his nap time. :)
Yes Orwell did, and censorship…this is neither. With that said the demafacist ministry of truth that xiden attempted to set up was very close to it…thankfully a court called that out
Yes Orwell did, and censorship…
Very good; maybe you can walk a path of wisdom? 🤞
this is neither.
Two conservative whackjobs (not TOO redundant) enraged/deranged to the point that they called the cops on a book is just batshit crazy, yes.

Useful too however - good publicity for the book. :)

Their unhinged behavior directly relates to the book bans and other attacks on free speech/action demanded/supported by conservatives, and I was speaking to the former.
With that said the demafacist ministry of truth that xiden attempted to set up was very close to it…thankfully a court called that out
Why do y'all support book bans?

Orwell would be disgusted by that.
Tommy, we don't like perverts in America. America was a moral country back in the fifties, then the liberal Democrats took over.

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