Money trail can expose Biden family coverup

If Weiss failed, it could be a greater crime than anything Donald Trump has done
This entire OP can be distilled down to this one sentence.
A huge nothingburger all about whataboutism.
At least the OP recognizes that Donald Trump is a criminal though.
Shame on us for what???? None of this has happened yet. They haven't even been charged with a crime after 5 years of investigations..

We're not protecting anyone from anything. We keep asking for evidence of these crimes you keep telling us about, and you have none. Just more allegations of stuff you claim they did.

You mean the evidence that the House Committee has been uncovering on practically an everyday basis? Why wasn't all of THAT found YEARS ago, Dragonlady? Shame on you for not seeing that the Biden families influence peddling has been covered up by higher ups in the FBI and by the Federal Prosecutor in Delaware that Merrick Garland appointed! There is a palpable STENCH coming from the DOJ these days!
You sell your name in the Private Sector by first establishing that name as something that has value. The name Trump had value because Donald Trump worked hard to make it so.

Joe Biden has had his snout buried in the Public trough since Watergate! He's become rich selling political connections.
The name Trump had value because Donald Trump worked hard to make it so.

Donnie Bootstraps?

Donnie's gift is losing money....a shit ton of it.

When the producers of The Apprentice pulled him off the trash heap, he was sorting through foreclosure notices.
I'm not the one who claims to have an MBA but thinks it's strange that Trump's 500 companies were formed as LLC's! You're the ignorant poser! Now go're not worth arguing with.
I'm not the one who claims to have an MBA

I thought you did.

but thinks it's strange that Trump's 500 companies were formed as LLC's

nope...I never did that....I pointed out that his LLCs are no different than Hunter's SHELL COMPANIES!!!!

You're the ignorant poser!

You thought SARs were an obscure concept. They're completed by bank tellers.
Registered financial professionals, not including Toddsterpatriot apparently, must complete an AML module EVERY YEAR to be compliant.
Trump is the first modern US President to leave office worth LESS than when he entered! Now take that silly shit you're peddling and run along! Nobody with half a brain is buying it!

And that's a lie. The Clintons had a net worth of $700,000 when they moved into the White House, and had a negative net worth when they left office. They recovered quickly, and were out of debt by 2004, but they lost net worth while in the White House.

Nobody knows what Trump is worth:

this coming from the side that has impeached Trump twice and have had him in courts in just about every city up and down the East Coast.

Republicans impeached Trump. They're the ones who filed the Whistleblowers Complaints. Jeff Sessions and Bill Barr were the AG's. The Republican DOJ investigated for both impeachments, and virtually all of the witnesses were Trump staffers and appointees.

Money trail can expose Biden family coverup

19 Aug 2023 ~~ By Charles Gasparino

Follow the money.
It’s the first lesson of white-collar prosecution 101 — yet there are serious questions whether David Weiss, the recently appointed “special prosecutor” in charge of the Hunter Biden corruption probe, performed that simple task.
If Weiss failed, it could be a greater crime than anything Donald Trump has done. In fact, white-collar attorneys tell me it suggests one of the biggest coverups since Watergate at the highest levels of the US government.
The most damaging stuff on Hunter’s laptop weren’t all those photos of Hunter doing drugs and hanging out naked with hookers.
Instead, it’s the paper trail of his manifold business entities that served as vehicles for his influence-peddling with shady foreign partners.
Hunter made a lot of money representing himself to these people as an expert in oil or whatever else he was touting.
As we all know, his real value was his last name and access to one of the most powerful people in the world, his dad, Sleepy Joe Biden.
It should be a prosecutor’s wet dream: The target, a ne’er-do-well son of a big-name politician, is running a string of suspicious, multimillion-dollar outfits and taking in bundles of cash from China, Ukraine, Russia and God knows where else.
According to testimony provided by Devon Archer, a former Hunter crony, Joe Biden appeared to have lied not knowing what Hunter did for a living; he was on calls with some of those foreign types from whom Hunter was seeking millions of dollars.
Maybe our brain-addled president simply forgot about all those calls. Either way, not a great look.
But who needs Sleepy Joe’s recollection of events when you have bank records? Comer plans to subpoena those as well, both Hunter’s and the president’s, he says.
We may finally find out what the Inspector Clouseau of the Justice Department missed — or chose to ignore.

“”170 suspicious bank transaction reports are not enough?””
There are no rules, regulations, or laws that apply to Maoist/DSA Democrats. William and Hillary Clinton received thousands of dollars from Commie China and Indonesia. Remember Johnny Chung and Charlie Trie? Lincoln Bedroom. To this day the Clinton Crime Regime uses foundation dollars as if they earned it.
Meanwhile, AG Garland appoints as Special Counsel Sherlock Weiss incapable of following his own nose, let alone the money trail. Maybe we need a special prosecutor to look into the "special prosecutor" and his boss the AG.
The problem is that the DOJ and FBI have to show some interest in prosecuting high level Democrats rather than covering up for them and burying their malfeasance. That will never happen with Joe Biden in the Oval Office and the upper levels of those agencies loyal to Joe rather than to our nation.

I have noticed in the last two decades that our nation is becoming more and more like the repressive Soviet Union was at its peak than the constitutional republic the Founders hoped for.

10 of Michelle Obama's Memorable Moments as First Lady - ABC News's Memorable Moments as First Lady - ABC News

Michelle Obama and George W. Bush's friendship through the years's friendship through the years

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True. Obama brought Chicago style politics to the D.C. Swamp which added to the corruption and malfeasance of the Clintons and their Arkansas mafia.

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