Money trail can expose Biden family coverup

Republicans impeached Trump. They're the ones who filed the Whistleblowers Complaints. Jeff Sessions and Bill Barr were the AG's. The Republican DOJ investigated for both impeachments, and virtually all of the witnesses were Trump staffers and appointees.
Bullshit. Democrats were in the majority and led impeachment against Trump. I’m not arguing that some Republicans didn’t go along but you falsifying history to insinuate that the Trump Impeachments were led by Republicans.
I don't know that the "mountain of evidence" that they're claming is real. It doesn't help when "whistle blowers" go missing. It doesn't help when we don't have confirmation of the evidence from independent sources. It doesn't help when evidence is not brought out in the light of day when the other side of the story can also be heard.

Bottom line: Whether it's Biden or Trump, "reports" and accusations don't mean shit. It may be that, if a law enforcement body is not acting, the evidence is not as strong as we were led to believe.

Again: If Joe or Hunter or Trump are proven to have broken the law, nail them. Make an example of them. Maybe they'll all end up as bunkies in the slammer, for all I care. This would be a fine time to clean house. But I don't believe "reports" and accusations for sure until they have been challenged in public. Indictments are a damn good start.
Come on man, Democrats have been selling off our secrets to China since Clinton. That is why China has advanced technologically so fast. They have stolen a lot through their myriad plants in the Intels and DoD but the most serious breaches are Clintons sale of aerospace technology to China, Biden’s sale of strategic entry of China into US markets and real estate. Then there`s all of those male military aged Chinese “refugees” flooding across the border with the detritus of the rest of the world are met with high fives. Biden knows his life is almost over. He doesn’t give a damn about his or his progeny’s future. His progeny, like leftists in general cannot see the future consequences of their actions. They know no history so they don’t understand that they will be eliminated in the New Chinese Sponsored Socialist State even before Proud Boys and Maga. One’s partners in the Revolution are the most danger to the elements who are actually at the top. Trotsky and Zinoviev discovered that in a previous iteration of Socialist Utopia. So has Xi Jinping followed Mao Zedong in keeping is power by ruthlessly killing those rivals getting too close to usurping his leadership.

Yet you will listen to Comer's propaganda that he has evidence of a crime.
When he says that Devon Archer will confirm Joe Bidens involvement in Hunters business.

Everything Comer has promised you, has fizzled silently into vapor.

There was no "there" there.
I pay no attention to Comer fool.

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