Mooch off on another overseas vacation on taxpayer dime. Takes kids and mother with her

I imagine we will be shocked at how much this couple has HOSED us taxpayers down for their Expensive, MOTHER included vacations. they aren't satisfied with 19 DAYS in Hawaii every year
disgusting: especially in a time they called: the worst Recession since the GREAT depression. progressive/Democrats make me sick. do as I say not what I do

their motto: we care for the poor as long as it's TAXPAYERS monies paying for it

Michelle could care less about the economy. After all we taxpayers are footing her bills.

Now she's off to England again and then to Milan?? All for her healthy eating bullshit?

Woman's one expensive asshole. Wonder where she will go when the price comes out of her pocket?

Oh wait. I forgot. She's been everywhere at taxpayer expense. Never mind.

but but, we taxpayers should just be happy happy for them and happy we get to pay for the MOTHER TOO. talk about a they are ENTITLED

Why does Stephanie hate grandmothers?

but don't they have to look good to care about the poor?
what a joke the Democrat voters falls for these PHONIES
I hope Mrs. Obama experiences great pleasure and excitement during her vacations and her trips overseas, and pays no mind to all these pathetic nobodies who are just hatin' for the sake of hatin'. May her and her family see as much of the world as they Will, and may they develop fond memories of the beautiful things they get to see and learn and experience while away.

YEAH fer sure. why should they care it's OFF taxpayers backs. you all go go go go go
Hell why stop with the mommy. take your whole clan with ya
Unlike previous First Ladies..........Moochell adds real class as America's current First Lady.

In fairness, here is Laura Bush in Africa
It is what First Ladies do....represent our nation around the globe

Now, to piss off conservatives again...

Here is First Lady Hillary Clinton on an international visit

You know, I am no fan of the Obamas, but their vacations don't bother me. It is what it is. The visual does them no favors, but I'm fairly certain they don't give a flying rhinoceros shit.

That being said...

I trust that all those "outraged" by the vacationing habits of the Obamas will be equally outraged by those of the next administration regardless of that administration's party afiliation...

Oh and ShitsSpeedos... give it a rest you hate filled, ignorant sack of pus. Your shtick is old...
Unlike previous First Ladies..........Moochell adds real class as America's current First Lady.


Class isn't in these two people world.
now Classless is high up on the list. they make me ill how they think they are JUST ENTITLED
First Lady visits overseas to promote girls education, represent our country at the Milan Expo, promote worldwide nutrition and support the military

I can see why conservatives are outraged
I imagine we will be shocked at how much this couple has HOSED us taxpayers down for their Expensive, MOTHER included vacations. they aren't satisfied with 19 DAYS in Hawaii every year
disgusting: especially in a time they called: the worst Recession since the GREAT depression. progressive/Democrats make me sick. do as I say not what I do

their motto: we care for the poor as long as it's TAXPAYERS monies paying for it

Michelle could care less about the economy. After all we taxpayers are footing her bills.

Now she's off to England again and then to Milan?? All for her healthy eating bullshit?

Woman's one expensive asshole. Wonder where she will go when the price comes out of her pocket?

Oh wait. I forgot. She's been everywhere at taxpayer expense. Never mind.

but but, we taxpayers should just be happy happy for them and happy we get to pay for the MOTHER TOO. talk about a they are ENTITLED

Why does Stephanie hate grandmothers?
Stephanie hates girls, women AND grandmothers.
I imagine we will be shocked at how much this couple has HOSED us taxpayers down for their Expensive, MOTHER included vacations. they aren't satisfied with 19 DAYS in Hawaii every year
disgusting: especially in a time they called: the worst Recession since the GREAT depression. progressive/Democrats make me sick. do as I say not what I do

their motto: we care for the poor as long as it's TAXPAYERS monies paying for it

Michelle could care less about the economy. After all we taxpayers are footing her bills.

Now she's off to England again and then to Milan?? All for her healthy eating bullshit?

Woman's one expensive asshole. Wonder where she will go when the price comes out of her pocket?

Oh wait. I forgot. She's been everywhere at taxpayer expense. Never mind.

but but, we taxpayers should just be happy happy for them and happy we get to pay for the MOTHER TOO. talk about a they are ENTITLED

Why does Stephanie hate grandmothers?
Stephanie hates girls, women AND grandmothers.

It outrages her that grandmothers can be part of a family
I hope Mrs. Obama experiences great pleasure and excitement during her vacations and her trips overseas, and pays no mind to all these pathetic nobodies who are just hatin' for the sake of hatin'. May her and her family see as much of the world as they Will, and may they develop fond memories of the beautiful things they get to see and learn and experience while away.

YEAH fer sure. why should they care it's OFF taxpayers backs. you all go go go go go
Hell why stop with the mommy. take your whole clan with ya
Did you complain when our first lady and daughters traveled to Africa all those times. How many trips did our first lady take on vacations or good will ambassadors. Did you attack Laura when she made those trips or do you only attack black first ladies?
She has to travel with the mother and kids to PROMOTE HER:

let girls learn. how stupid as if they aren't now
and her lets move agenda. we've been asking she move OUT from our lives now for a long time. does she listen. No

what a waste and JOKE on us
She has to travel with the mother and kids to PROMOTE HER:

let girls learn. how stupid as if they aren't now
and her lets move agenda. we've been asking she move OUT from our lives now for a long time. does she listen. No

what a waste and JOKE on us
Don't you have a child molester to defend?
I imagine we will be shocked at how much this couple has HOSED us taxpayers down for their Expensive, MOTHER included vacations. they aren't satisfied with 19 DAYS in Hawaii every year
disgusting: especially in a time they called: the worst Recession since the GREAT depression. progressive/Democrats make me sick. do as I say not what I do

their motto: we care for the poor as long as it's TAXPAYERS monies paying for it

Michelle could care less about the economy. After all we taxpayers are footing her bills.

Now she's off to England again and then to Milan?? All for her healthy eating bullshit?

Woman's one expensive asshole. Wonder where she will go when the price comes out of her pocket?

Oh wait. I forgot. She's been everywhere at taxpayer expense. Never mind.

but but, we taxpayers should just be happy happy for them and happy we get to pay for the MOTHER TOO. talk about a they are ENTITLED

Why does Stephanie hate grandmothers?
Stephanie hates girls, women AND grandmothers.
Don't forget fluffy bunnies, kittens, and cute little puppies.

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