Mooch off on another overseas vacation on taxpayer dime. Takes kids and mother with her

She has to travel with the mother and kids to PROMOTE HER:

let girls learn. how stupid as if they aren't now
and her lets move agenda. we've been asking she move OUT from our lives now for a long time. does she listen. No

what a waste and JOKE on us

Don't know who the "we" that has been asking her to move out of our lives, but there weren't enough of you when the "we" that counts elected the First Ladies husband twice to live in the WH. The First Lady comes with the package. So does grandma and the kids. If you don't like it, get the rules changed when your choice wins the WH.
Wow... weve come a LONG way from blacks picking cotton.

No, Blacks have come a long way from picking cotton. Ignorant bigots are still pretty much the same...
Sure would be nice to have a first-family in the Whitehouse that isn't a victim.

I remember the left going ape shit over the BUSH'S just going to their RANCH. the Obama's owned a home but seems to have forgotten where it's at...
these two have raped us taxpayers with their EXPENSES and they accuse others of being haters. what a joke
Wow... weve come a LONG way from blacks picking cotton.

No, Blacks have come a long way from picking cotton. Ignorant bigots are still pretty much the same...
Sure would be nice to have a first-family in the Whitehouse that isn't a victim.

I remember the left going ape shit over the BUSH'S just going to their RANCH. the Obama's owned a home but seems to have forgotten where it's at...
these two have raped us taxpayers with their EXPENSES and they accuse others of being haters. what a joke
Only a brainwashed hack would not recognize the difference. Bush was criticized with his vacation days as much as his traveling back and forth to his ranch. He took more vacation days than any other President in history. 879 days of vacation in his terms as President. 77 trips to his ranch alone. These trips and vacation days don't include all his overseas trips and Laura's goodwill trips overseas. See the difference.
Wow... weve come a LONG way from blacks picking cotton.

No, Blacks have come a long way from picking cotton. Ignorant bigots are still pretty much the same...
Sure would be nice to have a first-family in the Whitehouse that isn't a victim.

I remember the left going ape shit over the BUSH'S just going to their RANCH. the Obama's owned a home but seems to have forgotten where it's at...
these two have raped us taxpayers with their EXPENSES and they accuse others of being haters. what a joke
Why do you lie so much? I don`t remember anyone bitching about Gomer going to his fake ranch.
Will each family member and friends get to travel at different times and get their own plane?
Will each family member and friends get to travel at different times and get their own plane?

I'd bet the dog does. I wonder if the Mommy/granny get paid for babysitting while she freeloading off us taxpayers?
Wow... weve come a LONG way from blacks picking cotton.

No, Blacks have come a long way from picking cotton. Ignorant bigots are still pretty much the same...
Sure would be nice to have a first-family in the Whitehouse that isn't a victim.

I remember the left going ape shit over the BUSH'S just going to their RANCH. the Obama's owned a home but seems to have forgotten where it's at...
these two have raped us taxpayers with their EXPENSES and they accuse others of being haters. what a joke
Why do you lie so much? I don`t remember anyone bitching about Gomer going to his fake ranch.
You have a short memory.......

Media Ignores Lavish Obama Vacations Slammed Bush for Mountain Biking - Breitbart
Wow... weve come a LONG way from blacks picking cotton.

No, Blacks have come a long way from picking cotton. Ignorant bigots are still pretty much the same...
Sure would be nice to have a first-family in the Whitehouse that isn't a victim.

I remember the left going ape shit over the BUSH'S just going to their RANCH. the Obama's owned a home but seems to have forgotten where it's at...
these two have raped us taxpayers with their EXPENSES and they accuse others of being haters. what a joke
Only a brainwashed hack would not recognize the difference. Bush was criticized with his vacation days as much as his traveling back and forth to his ranch. He took more vacation days than any other President in history. 879 days of vacation in his terms as President. 77 trips to his ranch alone. These trips and vacation days don't include all his overseas trips and Laura's goodwill trips overseas. See the difference.

Only brainwashed hacks fail to recognize that, in today's world with today's technology, no president is ever truly on vacation. Whether on their ranch in Texas or the links I. Hawaii, they are always on the clock...
I imagine we will be shocked at how much this couple has HOSED us taxpayers down for their Expensive, MOTHER included vacations. they aren't satisfied with 19 DAYS in Hawaii every year
disgusting: especially in a time they called: the worst Recession since the GREAT depression. progressive/Democrats make me sick. do as I say not what I do

their motto: we care for the poor as long as it's TAXPAYERS monies paying for it
Don't forget their annual visits to the little people in Martha's Vineyard.
Michelle Obama representing our country


What's she's wearing could feed that family for a year. Hell is full of people whose only accolades are fake charities.
Like it or not conservatives....First Ladies are cultural ambassadors for our country.

Michelle Obama does a wonderful job representing our nation and she and the girls are treated like Rock Stars wherever they go

Looks like she' getting ready to snap of a hunk of that poor child she's glommed onto. I suppose eating Chinese is a healthier choice.
Wow... weve come a LONG way from blacks picking cotton.

No, Blacks have come a long way from picking cotton. Ignorant bigots are still pretty much the same...
Sure would be nice to have a first-family in the Whitehouse that isn't a victim.

I remember the left going ape shit over the BUSH'S just going to their RANCH. the Obama's owned a home but seems to have forgotten where it's at...
these two have raped us taxpayers with their EXPENSES and they accuse others of being haters. what a joke
Only a brainwashed hack would not recognize the difference. Bush was criticized with his vacation days as much as his traveling back and forth to his ranch. He took more vacation days than any other President in history. 879 days of vacation in his terms as President. 77 trips to his ranch alone. These trips and vacation days don't include all his overseas trips and Laura's goodwill trips overseas. See the difference.

Only brainwashed hacks fail to recognize that, in today's world with today's technology, no president is ever truly on vacation. Whether on their ranch in Texas or the links I. Hawaii, they are always on the clock...

yeah well, they own a home. why can't they ever go there? . these two have no shame while pushing how HE inherited the worst Recession since the Great Depression from Bush.
that is what I can't STAND about them or any Democrat I don't care who they are
No, Blacks have come a long way from picking cotton. Ignorant bigots are still pretty much the same...
Sure would be nice to have a first-family in the Whitehouse that isn't a victim.

I remember the left going ape shit over the BUSH'S just going to their RANCH. the Obama's owned a home but seems to have forgotten where it's at...
these two have raped us taxpayers with their EXPENSES and they accuse others of being haters. what a joke
Only a brainwashed hack would not recognize the difference. Bush was criticized with his vacation days as much as his traveling back and forth to his ranch. He took more vacation days than any other President in history. 879 days of vacation in his terms as President. 77 trips to his ranch alone. These trips and vacation days don't include all his overseas trips and Laura's goodwill trips overseas. See the difference.

Only brainwashed hacks fail to recognize that, in today's world with today's technology, no president is ever truly on vacation. Whether on their ranch in Texas or the links I. Hawaii, they are always on the clock...

yeah well, they own a home. why can't they ever go there? . these two have no shame while pushing how HE inherited the worst Recession since the Great Depression from Bush.
that is what I can't STAND about them or any Democrat I don't care who they are

I'm going to get a coke. Do you want one?
Wow... weve come a LONG way from blacks picking cotton.

No, Blacks have come a long way from picking cotton. Ignorant bigots are still pretty much the same...

I'm not a racists I just became one right there to prove a point to shootspeeders who happens to be a racist bigot. Sarcasm at it's finest to prove a point.

let me congratulate you on how stupid it was. that we the people can't talk about the money these Politicians spends (Especially these royal Obamas) without being accused of being a RACIST. you did get an atta boy for it though
You know, I am no fan of the Obamas, but their vacations don't bother me. It is what it is. The visual does them no favors, but I'm fairly certain they don't give a flying rhinoceros shit.

That being said...

I trust that all those "outraged" by the vacationing habits of the Obamas will be equally outraged by those of the next administration regardless of that administration's party afiliation...

Oh and ShitsSpeedos... give it a rest you hate filled, ignorant sack of pus. Your shtick is old...

The first overseas vacation that Moochelle took was to Spain. She took a separate flight, flew in several of her friends, got hotels for them and the total bill was nearly half a million dollars. What did George Bush do for his vacations? He went home to his Crawford Texas ranch at a minimal cost to taxpayers. The problem is how presidents are treated like royalty and some take full advantage of that, racking up the bill with no apparent conscience for what it cost taxpayers. That's Moochelle.

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