Mooch off on another overseas vacation on taxpayer dime. Takes kids and mother with her

You know, I am no fan of the Obamas, but their vacations don't bother me. It is what it is. The visual does them no favors, but I'm fairly certain they don't give a flying rhinoceros shit.

That being said...

I trust that all those "outraged" by the vacationing habits of the Obamas will be equally outraged by those of the next administration regardless of that administration's party afiliation...

Oh and ShitsSpeedos... give it a rest you hate filled, ignorant sack of pus. Your shtick is old...

The first overseas vacation that Moochelle took was to Spain. She took a separate flight, flew in several of her friends, got hotels for them and the total bill was nearly half a million dollars. What did George Bush do for his vacations? He went home to his Crawford Texas ranch at a minimal cost to taxpayers. The problem is how presidents are treated like royalty and some take full advantage of that, racking up the bill with no apparent conscience for what it cost taxpayers. That's Moochelle.

W took the whole family on an all expenses paid trip to China to watch the Olympics. Unlike the Bush's who like to have "family compounds", not all Presidents can afford the luxury
It's a perk.

Show me a corporate big shot who would take on a job the size of the US Presidency for a lousy $450K a year and maybe then we can talk seriously about the First Lady's trips.
Now, to piss off conservatives again...

Here is First Lady Hillary Clinton on an international visit

Holy chit! Look at her then, look at her now. Bitch has been ridden hard and put away wet...a lot!

25 years can do that
You know, I am no fan of the Obamas, but their vacations don't bother me. It is what it is. The visual does them no favors, but I'm fairly certain they don't give a flying rhinoceros shit.

That being said...

I trust that all those "outraged" by the vacationing habits of the Obamas will be equally outraged by those of the next administration regardless of that administration's party afiliation...

Oh and ShitsSpeedos... give it a rest you hate filled, ignorant sack of pus. Your shtick is old...

The first overseas vacation that Moochelle took was to Spain. She took a separate flight, flew in several of her friends, got hotels for them and the total bill was nearly half a million dollars. What did George Bush do for his vacations? He went home to his Crawford Texas ranch at a minimal cost to taxpayers. The problem is how presidents are treated like royalty and some take full advantage of that, racking up the bill with no apparent conscience for what it cost taxpayers. That's Moochelle.

W took the whole family on an all expenses paid trip to China to watch the Olympics. Unlike the Bush's who like to have "family compounds", not all Presidents can afford the luxury

Right. Name a single president in recent history who wasn't already a millionaire several times over before taking office.
She has to travel with the mother and kids to PROMOTE HER:

let girls learn. how stupid as if they aren't now
and her lets move agenda. we've been asking she move OUT from our lives now for a long time. does she listen. No

what a waste and JOKE on us
Her mother goes along with her. It's family values. You have something against family values?
Only when it costs me money. The mother and Moochies entourage should have to foot the bill for their food, entertainment, & travel expenses. If they want to share a room they can pay the difference at a discount. Any special provisions for them should be charged to their accounts, not on my dime.
She has to travel with the mother and kids to PROMOTE HER:

let girls learn. how stupid as if they aren't now
and her lets move agenda. we've been asking she move OUT from our lives now for a long time. does she listen. No

what a waste and JOKE on us
Her mother goes along with her. It's family values. You have something against family values?
Only when it costs me money. The mother and Moochies entourage should have to foot the bill for their food, entertainment, & travel expenses. If they want to share a room they can pay the difference at a discount. Any special provisions for them should be charged to their accounts, not on my dime.
Rules could be put in place by Congress, but they would have to do it the way they do when they give themselves raises, applicable to the next Congress or in this case, administration. To do it otherwise would be blatant partisanship. It isn't going to happen. If they put restrictions on the first families travels it will drawn attention to their own junkets that are in reality, tax payer funded vacations. Far more scandal and embarrassment there than with the first family travels.
Last edited:
I'm not a racists I just became one right there to prove a point to shootspeeders who happens to be a racist bigot. Sarcasm at it's finest to prove a point.

let me congratulate you on how stupid it was. that we the people can't talk about the money these Politicians spends (Especially these royal Obamas) without being accused of being a RACIST. you did get an atta boy for it though

Sometimes we need to act stupid to make the morons look retarded.

well just giddy em up on your high horse. you look like the moron here. Nobody else

Not to side track the discussion here but depending on what happens with my Girlfriend this Saturday I could be back on the market... Start thinking about a place you would like to go for dinner and drinks. You could really use it I think..

I'm pretty sure you're breaking a rule. I reported you just in case.

all you did was make their morning more busier.. See,

Off-topic posts may be edited, trashed, deleted, or moved to an appropriate forum as per administrator & moderator discretion at any time within any forum and/or sub forum.
It's a perk.

Show me a corporate big shot who would take on a job the size of the US Presidency for a lousy $450K a year and maybe then we can talk seriously about the First Lady's trips.

Yes it might be. but what is wrong with WE THE PEOPLE expecting them not to ABUSE it and us with it?
that's the reason these Politicians thinks of themselves as ROYALTY. and does whatever they feel like or makes them feel good, with OUR TAX DOLLARS
She has to travel with the mother and kids to PROMOTE HER:

let girls learn. how stupid as if they aren't now
and her lets move agenda. we've been asking she move OUT from our lives now for a long time. does she listen. No

what a waste and JOKE on us
Her mother goes along with her. It's family values. You have something against family values?
Only when it costs me money. The mother and Moochies entourage should have to foot the bill for their food, entertainment, & travel expenses. If they want to share a room they can pay the difference at a discount. Any special provisions for them should be charged to their accounts, not on my dime.
You all are such complete hypocrites, it is nearly unbelievable and certainly very disgusting and repulsive.

"I want to go through the federal budget line by line, programs that don’t work, we cut. Programs we need, we should make them work better. Once we get through this economic crisis, we’re going to have to embrace a culture of responsibility, all of us, corporations, the federal government, & individuals who may be living beyond their means." - Candidate Barack Obama during the 2008 debates
Barack Obama on Budget Economy
It's a perk.

Show me a corporate big shot who would take on a job the size of the US Presidency for a lousy $450K a year and maybe then we can talk seriously about the First Lady's trips.

Corporations CEO's have to make a profit before they can take luxurious vacations. Moochelle takes vacations no matter how stagnant the economy is under Bucky. And presidential salaries are much more than that considering it's nearly all disposable income, none of it being used for housing, food, clothes, health care, etc.
Sure would be nice to have a first-family in the Whitehouse that isn't a victim.

I remember the left going ape shit over the BUSH'S just going to their RANCH. the Obama's owned a home but seems to have forgotten where it's at...
these two have raped us taxpayers with their EXPENSES and they accuse others of being haters. what a joke
Why do you lie so much? I don`t remember anyone bitching about Gomer going to his fake ranch.
You have a short memory.......

Media Ignores Lavish Obama Vacations Slammed Bush for Mountain Biking - Breitbart
An article in the Washington Post speaks for "the left"? I don`t think so.

You and I both know they have been criticized for the time Bush spent at his ranch.
They did the same to his father and Reagan.

Obama is catching hell because he campaigned as someone who would stand up for the oppressed, the poor, and middle-class, and that economy was the worst since the Great Depression. He said he would go after the rich. Instead....he lives like a king and spends more than any president before him.
At the same time in their presidencies the score reads Obama: 125 days of vacation.
Bush: 407
Best to quit while you`re behind.
Presidential Vacations
let me congratulate you on how stupid it was. that we the people can't talk about the money these Politicians spends (Especially these royal Obamas) without being accused of being a RACIST. you did get an atta boy for it though

Sometimes we need to act stupid to make the morons look retarded.

well just giddy em up on your high horse. you look like the moron here. Nobody else

Not to side track the discussion here but depending on what happens with my Girlfriend this Saturday I could be back on the market... Start thinking about a place you would like to go for dinner and drinks. You could really use it I think..

I'm pretty sure you're breaking a rule. I reported you just in case.

all you did was make their morning more busier.. See,

Off-topic posts may be edited, trashed, deleted, or moved to an appropriate forum as per administrator & moderator discretion at any time within any forum and/or sub forum.

Good. Less time to be deleting my posts.
Now, to piss off conservatives again...

Here is First Lady Hillary Clinton on an international visit

Holy chit! Look at her then, look at her now. Bitch has been ridden hard and put away wet...a lot!

25 years can do that
More utter hypocrisy on the part of the RW: most men look their age too, it's just women who are not supposed to age. The bias against Clinton because she looks her age is as hypocritical and disgusting as is their bias aganist Michelle Obama, bias against almost everything about her.

The truth is, I'd bet the farm most of these folks criticisizing how Clinton looks don't look good themselves. I challenge anyone Clinton's age to show us they look any better.
I remember the left going ape shit over the BUSH'S just going to their RANCH. the Obama's owned a home but seems to have forgotten where it's at...
these two have raped us taxpayers with their EXPENSES and they accuse others of being haters. what a joke
Why do you lie so much? I don`t remember anyone bitching about Gomer going to his fake ranch.
You have a short memory.......

Media Ignores Lavish Obama Vacations Slammed Bush for Mountain Biking - Breitbart
An article in the Washington Post speaks for "the left"? I don`t think so.

You and I both know they have been criticized for the time Bush spent at his ranch.
They did the same to his father and Reagan.

Obama is catching hell because he campaigned as someone who would stand up for the oppressed, the poor, and middle-class, and that economy was the worst since the Great Depression. He said he would go after the rich. Instead....he lives like a king and spends more than any president before him.
At the same time in their presidencies the score reads Obama: 125 days of vacation.
Bush: 407
Best to quit while you`re behind.
Presidential Vacations

To his ranch in TX 300+ we are talking Italy and UK and marthas vynard... Reevaluate.
I remember the left going ape shit over the BUSH'S just going to their RANCH. the Obama's owned a home but seems to have forgotten where it's at...
these two have raped us taxpayers with their EXPENSES and they accuse others of being haters. what a joke
Why do you lie so much? I don`t remember anyone bitching about Gomer going to his fake ranch.
You have a short memory.......

Media Ignores Lavish Obama Vacations Slammed Bush for Mountain Biking - Breitbart
An article in the Washington Post speaks for "the left"? I don`t think so.

You and I both know they have been criticized for the time Bush spent at his ranch.
They did the same to his father and Reagan.

Obama is catching hell because he campaigned as someone who would stand up for the oppressed, the poor, and middle-class, and that economy was the worst since the Great Depression. He said he would go after the rich. Instead....he lives like a king and spends more than any president before him.
At the same time in their presidencies the score reads Obama: 125 days of vacation.
Bush: 407
Best to quit while you`re behind.
Presidential Vacations

Yup.....and you said they never complained.

Course they also counted every weekend as a vacation for Bush.....and everyone time he went to Camp David as a vacation.

The problem here is you'te trying to use a deception. Obama's vacations are always expensive trips to Hawaii, Europe, Vegas, the Far East, or Martha's Vineyard, whereas Bush usually went to his ranch. The costs don't match up......
Sometimes we need to act stupid to make the morons look retarded.

well just giddy em up on your high horse. you look like the moron here. Nobody else

Not to side track the discussion here but depending on what happens with my Girlfriend this Saturday I could be back on the market... Start thinking about a place you would like to go for dinner and drinks. You could really use it I think..

I'm pretty sure you're breaking a rule. I reported you just in case.

all you did was make their morning more busier.. See,

Off-topic posts may be edited, trashed, deleted, or moved to an appropriate forum as per administrator & moderator discretion at any time within any forum and/or sub forum.

Good. Less time to be deleting my posts.

Dude, you are talking to the future owner of this site. Me and CK have a "mutual understanding."
Corporations CEO's have to make a profit before they can take luxurious vacations. Moochelle takes vacations no matter how stagnant the economy is under Bucky. And presidential salaries are much more than that considering it's nearly all disposable income, none of it being used for housing, food, clothes, health care, etc.

And oil companies don't get subsidies paid for by us taxpayers?

You people are really running out of things to bitch about.
Why do you lie so much? I don`t remember anyone bitching about Gomer going to his fake ranch.
You have a short memory.......

Media Ignores Lavish Obama Vacations Slammed Bush for Mountain Biking - Breitbart
An article in the Washington Post speaks for "the left"? I don`t think so.

You and I both know they have been criticized for the time Bush spent at his ranch.
They did the same to his father and Reagan.

Obama is catching hell because he campaigned as someone who would stand up for the oppressed, the poor, and middle-class, and that economy was the worst since the Great Depression. He said he would go after the rich. Instead....he lives like a king and spends more than any president before him.
At the same time in their presidencies the score reads Obama: 125 days of vacation.
Bush: 407
Best to quit while you`re behind.
Presidential Vacations

Yup.....and you said they never complained.

Course they also counted every weekend as a vacation for Bush.....and everyone time he went to Camp David as a vacation.
they are trying to ignore their double standards LIKE USUAL.
well just giddy em up on your high horse. you look like the moron here. Nobody else

Not to side track the discussion here but depending on what happens with my Girlfriend this Saturday I could be back on the market... Start thinking about a place you would like to go for dinner and drinks. You could really use it I think..

I'm pretty sure you're breaking a rule. I reported you just in case.

all you did was make their morning more busier.. See,

Off-topic posts may be edited, trashed, deleted, or moved to an appropriate forum as per administrator & moderator discretion at any time within any forum and/or sub forum.

Good. Less time to be deleting my posts.

Dude, you are talking to the future owner of this site. Me and CK have a "mutual understanding."

That will help with the philandering of female members, I guess.
I remember the left going ape shit over the BUSH'S just going to their RANCH. the Obama's owned a home but seems to have forgotten where it's at...
these two have raped us taxpayers with their EXPENSES and they accuse others of being haters. what a joke
Why do you lie so much? I don`t remember anyone bitching about Gomer going to his fake ranch.
You have a short memory.......

Media Ignores Lavish Obama Vacations Slammed Bush for Mountain Biking - Breitbart
An article in the Washington Post speaks for "the left"? I don`t think so.

You and I both know they have been criticized for the time Bush spent at his ranch.
They did the same to his father and Reagan.

Obama is catching hell because he campaigned as someone who would stand up for the oppressed, the poor, and middle-class, and that economy was the worst since the Great Depression. He said he would go after the rich. Instead....he lives like a king and spends more than any president before him.
At the same time in their presidencies the score reads Obama: 125 days of vacation.
Bush: 407
Best to quit while you`re behind.
Presidential Vacations

WOW, you got it bad bad bad for Obama. poor dear newbie

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