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Moody's Issues a Warning About Giving A Warning

don't all 3 avenues come down to either supporting Americans at home , vs. foriegn interests ?
don't all 3 avenues come down to either supporting Americans at home , vs. foriegn interests ?

not if done intelligently. we have interests in expending funds overseas. it secures out position as a world power. but... that doesn't mean we should conduct unnecessary wars of choice which will have no different result whether we end them today, tomorrow, five years from now or twenty years from now.
Or we could keep doing what we have been doing.

When you pile enough shit in your backyard...eventually...you start smelling it in your front yard.

it was doing pretty well until the bush tax cuts and two wars that we shouldn't be fighting.

how about talking about those things FIRST and then dealing with whatever other issues we have?

If you seriously think the reason the economy tanked is Bush tax cuts and the Iraq war...well then there is no reason to consider your posts beyond eye candy.

Economy? No.
Record deficits? Yes.
i agree in part. but i also think there are people who take a middle view and aren't nutbars on either side who can give perspective on this.

it seems to me, and i'm not an expert, so why it isn't obvious to the people who need to make these decisions, is that we have no choice but to raise the debt ceiling. the undermining of the full faith and credit of the U.S. government for partisan purposes is unforgivable. To get things BACK in order where they were when Clinton was president should then, to my mind, require a combination of cuts and a return to our previous tax rates. But you can't cut without cutting military spending, too and just dump the painful parts on the middle class.

I don't think it's rocket science. I'm not an economist, not a financier, and it seems like there isn't any other choice.

The political problem is that the Democrats have proven just recently they are not interested in lowering the deficit. Obama keeps asking for trillions in his budgets and the democrats had a shit fit over 60 billion in what was actually no cut at all.

Obama keeps submitting budgets for 3 trillion dollars. We simply can't afford that. The democrats are opposed to every cut the republicans bring up.

My personal opinion is that the only way to get the dems to even consider cuts is to not approve a debt ceiling raise until the commit in good faith to cut the Budget. In real programs and real dollars, no promises of later or next year or not that program.

well, you can take that position. but when the right is saying they won't consider reversing the bush tax cuts and won't address the military's bloated budget, it's unreasonable to ask the middle class to sacrifice. your partisan rant notwithstanding, we can't afford to balance the budget on the backs of the middle class which can afford it least.
half of the people with incomes pay no taxes at all. 1/2 of those who do (the top 25% of wage earners) pay 87% of all income taxes, the top 10% pay 50% of all thats collected). The bottom 25% take more in credits than they pay in taxes (welfare built into the tax code). Not only do the rich pay "their fair share" they pay proportionally much more than their fair share. BTW, neither Obama nor the democratic party at large want to reverse all of the Bush tax cuts... they only want to rescind the portion that went to the people who already pay the lions share of the revenue that is collected now. The biggest cummulative total of the tax cuts went to the middle and lower classes, and they don't want to touch them at all.
Or we could keep doing what we have been doing.

When you pile enough shit in your backyard...eventually...you start smelling it in your front yard.

it was doing pretty well until the bush tax cuts and two wars that we shouldn't be fighting.

how about talking about those things FIRST and then dealing with whatever other issues we have?
We were doing fine until Nancy and harry took over the congress and exploded the budget deficit from 162B in 2007 to 438B in 2008 and 1.4T in 2009 and 1.6T in 2010.
Obama's annual trillion deficits are to blame

Yes they sure are, because up until January 2009, we had balanced budgets.


S&P and Moodys only started issuing warnings once Obama launched the the final annual trillion dollar deficit Progressive Jihad assault on the USA.

Them's the facts and fuck you if you don't like it

The situation would be only marginally different regardless of who was elected. Any economist will tell you that, and fuck you if you don't like it. :thup:

We didn't have a surplus and a burgeoning economy when Obama took office. We had quicksand left behind from your hero Bush Junior.
Obama's annual trillion deficits are to blame

Yes they sure are, because up until January 2009, we had balanced budgets.


Please link to any Budget request by Bush that was 3 trillion or more. I won't hold my breath.

Jillian your partisan blinders are on. Obama keeps asking for 3 trillion plus budgets and the Dems REFUSE to make ANY cuts. The only way cuts will be made given the stance of Obama and the democrats is to FORCE them to cut. And the only tool right now that can do that is the debt ceiling.
Obama's annual trillion deficits are to blame

Yes they sure are, because up until January 2009, we had balanced budgets.


Please link to any Budget request by Bush that was 3 trillion or more. I won't hold my breath.

Bush Sends Congress $3.1 Trillion Budget With Big Increases for Defense

WASHINGTON — The record $3.1 trillion budget proposed by President Bush on Monday is almost sure to produce eyepopping federal deficits, despite his attempts to impose politically wrenching curbs on Medicare and eliminate scores of popular domestic programs.

Bush Sends Congress $3.1 Trillion Budget With Big Increases for Defense - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum - FOXNews.com

And don't forget that doesn't count the wars.
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Yes they sure are, because up until January 2009, we had balanced budgets.


S&P and Moodys only started issuing warnings once Obama launched the the final annual trillion dollar deficit Progressive Jihad assault on the USA.

Them's the facts and fuck you if you don't like it

The situation would be only marginally different regardless of who was elected. Any economist will tell you that, and fuck you if you don't like it. :thup:

We didn't have a surplus and a burgeoning economy when Obama took office. We had quicksand left behind from your hero Bush Junior.

Obama strapped himself with his failed economic Progressive idea and has tried to blow up the US economy, thats why Pimco sold all their US treasuries, the dollar is in free fall, gas is $4/gallon and Moodys and S&P will eventually downgrade our credit.

They started looking at downgrading because the full implementation of Progressive economics under Obama has been an unqualified failure
Obama's annual trillion deficits are to blame

The debt limit has increased "ten times in the past decade" and way beyond........

Back in 1983, conservative icon Ronald Reagan warned of “incalculable damage” if the debt ceiling were not raised. Today’s Republicans would do well to take heed.

FLASHBACK: In 1983, Reagan Warned Of ‘Incalculable Damage’ If Debt Ceiling Wasn’t Raised | ThinkProgress

This is what Obama had to say when he was a first term US Senator:

"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that “the buck stops here.” Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better."--- Barack Obama
Obama's annual trillion deficits are to blame

The debt limit has increased "ten times in the past decade" and way beyond........

Back in 1983, conservative icon Ronald Reagan warned of “incalculable damage” if the debt ceiling were not raised. Today’s Republicans would do well to take heed.

FLASHBACK: In 1983, Reagan Warned Of ‘Incalculable Damage’ If Debt Ceiling Wasn’t Raised | ThinkProgress

Pimco sold all their US treasuries and the rating agencies started issuing downgrade warnings only during the Obama Progressive Jihad on the USA
Obama's annual trillion deficits are to blame

The debt limit has increased "ten times in the past decade" and way beyond........

Back in 1983, conservative icon Ronald Reagan warned of “incalculable damage” if the debt ceiling were not raised. Today’s Republicans would do well to take heed.

FLASHBACK: In 1983, Reagan Warned Of ‘Incalculable Damage’ If Debt Ceiling Wasn’t Raised | ThinkProgress

This is what Obama had to say when he was a first term US Senator:

"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that “the buck stops here.” Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better."--- Barack Obama

^^ This!!
And don't forget that doesn't count the wars.

1. Neither do Obama's budgets
2. The final deficit numbers include all spending including supplementals.
3. The last Budget deficit with a GOP congress and GOP President was 162B (which incidently was less than what we spent on the wars), or IOW with the exception of war spending, the budget was ballanced.
4. Every war thats ever been fought and won was done with borrowed money.
Or we could keep doing what we have been doing.

When you pile enough shit in your backyard...eventually...you start smelling it in your front yard.

it was doing pretty well until the bush tax cuts and two wars that we shouldn't be fighting.

how about talking about those things FIRST and then dealing with whatever other issues we have?

Now we have the Obama tax cuts and we are fighting three wars, one started by Obama and one with tripled troops involved.
At present the GOP wants to address the deficit on the backs of the working poor, middle class, seniors, and children. No tax increases for the very wealthy, and don't dare address the excesses of the military-industrial complex. This is simply not acceptable to the majority of Americans.

Without major miltitary cuts, increased taxes on the very wealthy, ending of offshoring profits, ect. the proposed GOP cuts will not change the deficit significantly. Unless, of course, they end Medicare, Mediaid, and simply rob the SS fund, and allow seniors to starve. Now, by all indications, this is their intention. So I say no compromise, and no quarter.
Obama's annual trillion deficits are to blame

The debt limit has increased "ten times in the past decade" and way beyond........

Back in 1983, conservative icon Ronald Reagan warned of “incalculable damage” if the debt ceiling were not raised. Today’s Republicans would do well to take heed.

FLASHBACK: In 1983, Reagan Warned Of ‘Incalculable Damage’ If Debt Ceiling Wasn’t Raised | ThinkProgress

This is what Obama had to say when he was a first term US Senator:

"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that “the buck stops here.” Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better."--- Barack Obama
I'm not a big fan of appeals to authority as a debate tactic, but I have to admit countering one with one is effective!!!!
Mo chara, no one can explain it to you, because the answer will always be swayed by that person's political opinion. Even economists - and they are the ones who know the most about it - don't agree. When experts don't agree, that says there is no real fact based answer, it's too open to hypotheticals.

I personally (under sufferance) would support raising the ceiling.... IF we cut one dollar from the spend for every dollar we raise it. That, to me, is the only way we can keep this under control.

It is time to face facts, just like many other countries are doing, we simply cannot afford to be all things to all Americans. We cannot help everyone. We cannot save everyone's lives with Obamacare. A simple but hard decision lays ahead.

i agree in part. but i also think there are people who take a middle view and aren't nutbars on either side who can give perspective on this.

it seems to me, and i'm not an expert, so why it isn't obvious to the people who need to make these decisions, is that we have no choice but to raise the debt ceiling. the undermining of the full faith and credit of the U.S. government for partisan purposes is unforgivable. To get things BACK in order where they were when Clinton was president should then, to my mind, require a combination of cuts and a return to our previous tax rates. But you can't cut without cutting military spending, too and just dump the painful parts on the middle class.

I don't think it's rocket science. I'm not an economist, not a financier, and it seems like there isn't any other choice.

I'm a simple girl. So I'll explain it thusly. Think about your household. Could you run it that way?

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