Moore Accuser admits to forgery of the yearbook!

Moore still wrote in it, and nobody denies he was a pervert who trolled for high school pussy at the mall and highschool dances...

But his base will eat this up. Alas.
sure he did. yep, and how you prove that? come on man. be fking honest that that's just stupid. She just wrote it in. Too funny, look at the ink. we've all been vindicated along with Roy.

look at the ink

What about it, dope?

View attachment 164981
it's newer ink. hahahhahahahhahahaha as we stated in several other threads, turn it in for analysis and you will see the ink is thirty eight years older than her forged signature.
Thats what leaders and people of truth do. They stamp out lies and man up. Moores either a pussy or a lying child molester or both.
Winning is the real revenge...better than suing them...Remember how you felt last November?
Its so sad and shocking observing what the Democrats have done to Moore. All they have for 'evidence', is a forged yearbook inscription and a rumor alleging Moore may have hugged a girl 40yrs ago. Yet somehow that = 'Moore is a Child Rapist.'

Democrats have sunk as low as one can go to get power. They've hit rock-bottom. Accusing a man of being a 'Child Rapist' is definitely as low as you can go. I truly hope this comes back around to haunt them in the future. It's the most heinous attempted political lynching in US history.

Roy Moore accuser admits she forged yearbook inscription attributed to Alabama Senate Candidate

One of the women who accused Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore of making advances on her when she was a teen and he a local prosecutor admitted Friday to forging part of the yearbook inscription she offered as proof.


Beverly Young Nelson told ABC News she wrote part of the disputed note in her high school yearbook that she and famed attorney Gloria Allred presented as proof the then-30-something Moore sought an inappropriate relationship with her in the late 1970s. Nelson still insisted that Moore wrote most of the message and signed the inscription, but said she made “notes” to it.

Roy Moore accuser admits she wrote part of yearbook inscription attributed to Alabama Senate candidate

Hey douchebag,

She wrote the day and time that he signed it.


The facts

Yea sure, this B.S. = Moore being a 'Child Rapist.' You're disgusting people. Period, end of story.

If it was end of story, you wouldn’t be pushing the lies.

You're the ones pushing heinous lies. But that's ok, i truly believe this will all blow up in your faces at some point. All this, to steal a Senate Seat. Can't stoop any lower. It will come back around on you Democrats at some point. I'm very confident in that. Stay tuned.


The only reason that you support roy moore and deny his history is to maintain power.

How does it feel to sell your morals for nothing?
What does the medias hatred have to do with anything? Someone lies on me and I am taking them to court. Thats what leaders and people of truth do. They stamp out lies and man up. Moores either a pussy or a lying child molester or both
You are not running for office with a bunch of dishonest attack media talking heads gunning for you...
Of course I'm not. Neither is Moore. Even if I were what does them being dishonest have to do with anything? I would show proof I had filed suit against the accusers for lying on me.
I'm not stupid like you. I cant be duped. Thats how I know.
Nah you are duped big time...You are in love with big government...a corrupt government...definition of duped...Obama has made a fool out of you and you don't even know it...
Of course it doesn’t. Told you you have different standards of innocence for different people.
And how do you know you weren’t duped? And you avoided my question regarding innocent until proven guilty, particularly if stories change, and others facts can’t be asserted. And how does a note in a yearbook convict anyone, if indeed he signed it?
Though, we could give you documents proving he was elsewhere, you still wouldn’t believe it.
Tomorrow I could accuse you of having assaulted me 20 year’s ago. But we both know it’s not true, but it is my word against yours. Do you want people to give you the benefit of a doubt, if they can only prove you knew of me?
I was not duped, but you sure are because he is someone you hate with a passion.
I hate them with a passion. But until proven, particularly with conflicting information, I will not judge someone, until proven guilty. It can ruin someone’s life.
Thought you were always for innocence of those accused of crime, unless proven, Asclepius, or is that only for Blacks?

I never asked you to judge anyone. I said the accuser was on your side and you were duped into forgetting that.
You were duped and yes I hate child molesters. You should hate them too instead of supporting them.
I'm not stupid like you. I cant be duped. Thats how I know.

I didnt avoid your question. I ignored it since it has nothing to do with my point just like the last question you asked.
Its so sad and shocking observing what the Democrats have done to Moore. All they have for 'evidence', is a forged yearbook inscription and a rumor alleging Moore may have hugged a girl 40yrs ago. Yet somehow that = 'Moore is a Child Rapist.'

Democrats have sunk as low as one can go to get power. They've hit rock-bottom. Accusing a man of being a 'Child Rapist' is definitely as low as you can go. I truly hope this comes back around to haunt them in the future. It's the most heinous attempted political lynching in US history.

Roy Moore accuser admits she forged yearbook inscription attributed to Alabama Senate Candidate

One of the women who accused Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore of making advances on her when she was a teen and he a local prosecutor admitted Friday to forging part of the yearbook inscription she offered as proof.


Beverly Young Nelson told ABC News she wrote part of the disputed note in her high school yearbook that she and famed attorney Gloria Allred presented as proof the then-30-something Moore sought an inappropriate relationship with her in the late 1970s. Nelson still insisted that Moore wrote most of the message and signed the inscription, but said she made “notes” to it.

Roy Moore accuser admits she wrote part of yearbook inscription attributed to Alabama Senate candidate

Hey douchebag,

She wrote the day and time that he signed it.


The facts

Yea sure, this B.S. = Moore being a 'Child Rapist.' You're disgusting people. Period, end of story.

If it was end of story, you wouldn’t be pushing the lies.

You're the ones pushing heinous lies. But that's ok, i truly believe this will all blow up in your faces at some point. All this, to steal a Senate Seat. Can't stoop any lower. It will come back around on you Democrats at some point. I'm very confident in that. Stay tuned.

The guy that posted a fake headline should not complain about others lying, just saying...

You Democrats can't even get your stories straight. Did he make 'unwanted advances' or did he 'rape' the girl? It's what happens when you spew too many lies. They're so numerous, you can't even keep up. This is all gonna blow up in your faces at some point. I truly believe that.
Thats what leaders and people of truth do. They stamp out lies and man up. Moores either a pussy or a lying child molester or both.
Winning is the real revenge...better than suing them...Remember how you felt last November?
So you agree its about winning not clearing your name? Last November I was laughing at how stupid Drumpflings were. What does that have to do with Moore being afraid to testify because he knows he is liar and child molestor?
Could you Trump lemmings be any more dishonest...I mean what the fuck?

She admitted to forging evidence that's on you libs.

NO SHE DID NOT. You are just another lying partisan parroting the talking points that you got in your email. She admitted to what everyone already knew, that she added a note after the inscription so she could remember when and where it was written.

You need to go check your email again, you probably have new talking points by now.
Of course I'm not. Neither is Moore. Even if I were what does them being dishonest have to do with anything? I would show proof I had filed suit against the accusers for lying on me
It's early we really don't know what he will do...but I bet it's gonna sting...
Of course it doesn’t. Told you you have different standards of innocence for different people.
And how do you know you weren’t duped? And you avoided my question regarding innocent until proven guilty, particularly if stories change, and others facts can’t be asserted. And how does a note in a yearbook convict anyone, if indeed he signed it?
Though, we could give you documents proving he was elsewhere, you still wouldn’t believe it.
Tomorrow I could accuse you of having assaulted me 20 year’s ago. But we both know it’s not true, but it is my word against yours. Do you want people to give you the benefit of a doubt, if they can only prove you knew of me?
I was not duped, but you sure are because he is someone you hate with a passion.
I never asked you to judge anyone. I said the accuser was on your side and you were duped into forgetting that.
You were duped and yes I hate child molesters. You should hate them too instead of supporting them.
I'm not stupid like you. I cant be duped. Thats how I know.

I didnt avoid your question. I ignored it since it has nothing to do with my point just like the last question you asked.
Name one accused child molester I have different standards for?
So, does that same standard apply as to why she won’t turn over the yearbook to an independent examiner?
Thats what leaders and people of truth do. They stamp out lies and man up. Moores either a pussy or a lying child molester or both.
Winning is the real revenge...better than suing them...Remember how you felt last November?
So you agree its about winning not clearing your name? Last November I was laughing at how stupid Drumpflings were. What does that have to do with Moore being afraid to testify because he knows he is liar and child molestor?
So you agree its about winning not clearing your name? Last November I was laughing at how stupid Drumpflings were. What does that have to do with Moore being afraid to testify because he knows he is liar and child molestor?
Nope it's about both..winning first...
Of course I'm not. Neither is Moore. Even if I were what does them being dishonest have to do with anything? I would show proof I had filed suit against the accusers for lying on me
It's early we really don't know what he will do...but I bet it's gonna sting...
Nope its late. This came out over a month ago. Child molester Roy is stalling.
So everyone accused of being a child molester is one?
Of course it doesn’t. Told you you have different standards of innocence for different people.
And how do you know you weren’t duped? And you avoided my question regarding innocent until proven guilty, particularly if stories change, and others facts can’t be asserted. And how does a note in a yearbook convict anyone, if indeed he signed it?
Though, we could give you documents proving he was elsewhere, you still wouldn’t believe it.
Tomorrow I could accuse you of having assaulted me 20 year’s ago. But we both know it’s not true, but it is my word against yours. Do you want people to give you the benefit of a doubt, if they can only prove you knew of me?
I was not duped, but you sure are because he is someone you hate with a passion.
You were duped and yes I hate child molesters. You should hate them too instead of supporting them.
I'm not stupid like you. I cant be duped. Thats how I know.

I didnt avoid your question. I ignored it since it has nothing to do with my point just like the last question you asked.
Name one accused child molester I have different standards for?
So you agree its about winning not clearing your name? Last November I was laughing at how stupid Drumpflings were. What does that have to do with Moore being afraid to testify because he knows he is liar and child molestor?
Nope it's about both..winning first...
Filing suit wont keep him from winning. He is running in Alabama where they support child molesters.
And you avoided my question regarding innocent until proven guilty,

Tomorrow I could accuse you of having assaulted me 20 year’s ago. But we both know it’s not true, but it is my word against yours. Do you want people to give you the benefit of a doubt, if they can only prove you knew of me?
The big difference is if you accused him of assault 20 years ago, and he declares he didn't assault you, that he doesn't know you, that he never met you.

Three denials, that are the foundation of his defense. If one of them proves to be a lie, his defense is on a shaky foundation, if two of them prove to be lies, he doesn't have a leg to stand on.

That he would lie in order to defend himself, means all the accusations are probably true.

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