Moore Accuser admits to forgery of the yearbook!

So everyone accused of being a child molester is one?
Of course it doesn’t. Told you you have different standards of innocence for different people.
And how do you know you weren’t duped? And you avoided my question regarding innocent until proven guilty, particularly if stories change, and others facts can’t be asserted. And how does a note in a yearbook convict anyone, if indeed he signed it?
Though, we could give you documents proving he was elsewhere, you still wouldn’t believe it.
Tomorrow I could accuse you of having assaulted me 20 year’s ago. But we both know it’s not true, but it is my word against yours. Do you want people to give you the benefit of a doubt, if they can only prove you knew of me?
You were duped and yes I hate child molesters. You should hate them too instead of supporting them.
I'm not stupid like you. I cant be duped. Thats how I know.

I didnt avoid your question. I ignored it since it has nothing to do with my point just like the last question you asked.
Name one accused child molester I have different standards for?
You didnt answer my question in response to your claim I had different standards. Can you show me where I claimed different standards for child molesters?
How many put her on shaky ground?
And you avoided my question regarding innocent until proven guilty,

Tomorrow I could accuse you of having assaulted me 20 year’s ago. But we both know it’s not true, but it is my word against yours. Do you want people to give you the benefit of a doubt, if they can only prove you knew of me?
The big difference is if you accused him of assault 20 years ago, and he declares he didn't assault you, that he doesn't know you, that he never met you.

Three denials, that are the foundation of his defense. If one of them proves to be a lie, his defense is on a shaky foundation, if two of them prove to be lies, he doesn't have a leg to stand on.

That he would lie in order to defend himself, means all the accusations are probably true.
Filing suit wont keep him from winning. He is running in Alabama where they support child molesters.
It could and this close to the end why rock the I said it would not be wise before the election is over...
The secret service was also on the plane, and knew everybody on board. If there were any underage girls, they would be on the passenger manifest.
The secret service????? give me a break! Bill is a kid toucher and a liar and we all know it...
I dont have different standards for Slick Willy. I cant stand him. Try again.

Although you havent shown me where one under aged girl accused him
But you voted for his attack dog wife...
Filing suit wont keep him from winning. He is running in Alabama where they support child molesters.
It could and this close to the end why rock the I said it would not be wise before the election is over...
I keep asking you how but you keep failing to articulate why you think showing that he is aggressively pursuing to clear his name would somehow make people not vote for him.
I keep asking you how but you keep failing to articulate why you think showing that he is aggressively pursuing to clear his name would somehow make people not vote for him
We don't know if he's not trying...the yearbook was a fake...maybe it was his team that brought that to the media...
Actually the secret service were not always on the plane.

Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known
Official flight logs filed with the Federal Aviation Administration show Clinton traveled on some of the trips with as many as 10 U.S. Secret Service agents. However, on a five-leg Asia trip between May 22 and May 25, 2002, not a single Secret Service agent is listed. The U.S. Secret Service has declined to answer multiple Freedom of Information Act requests filed by seeking information on these trips. Clinton would have been required to file a form to dismiss the agent detail, a former Secret Service agent told

Name one accused child molester I have different standards for?
Bill Clinton...he has been seen flying on his buddies chester the molester air...but you don't care...

The secret service was also on the plane, and knew everybody on board. If there were any underage girls, they would be on the passenger manifest.
I keep asking you how but you keep failing to articulate why you think showing that he is aggressively pursuing to clear his name would somehow make people not vote for him
We don't know if he's not trying...the yearbook was a fake...maybe it was his team that brought that to the media...
We do know. He hasnt filed suit. If he had it would be front page news. He could prove the year book was a fake but he is afraid to because he knows its real.
One paid for by Gloria Allred. Not independent.
So, does that same standard apply as to why she won’t turn over the yearbook to an independent examiner?...

That has been done. By a highly credentialed Forensic Handwriting analyst.

Arthur Anthony | Forensic Document Examiner |

He has verified the inscription and signature are being that of Roy Moore.


Of course. It was pretty clear Moore defenders would not accept the word of a Georgia Bureau of Investigation Forensic analyst and one who testifies in court as to authenticity.

He's going to lie and put his strong credentials on the line just ...ya know, cuz.

Of course, what you wanted was one paid for by Moore.

You guys are just so whack.

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