Moore Smear Campaign:Truth has Come Out!

No it doesn’t. Evidence is needed in any accusation. A man’s reputation is at least worth that requirement

For reasonable people, yeah, they would ask for evidence before agreeing to slanderous sensationalism like this see=through bilge.

But partisan establishment ass licking fools are not reasonable people.

When you ask for evidence, it's clear. Moore as a 30+ year old, dated girls so young, he had to ask their mothers for permission. His colleagues were creeped out by Moore dating teenagers, didn't ask questions.

His best argument is he went out with girls 18, 17, and even 16 years old, but he drew the line when he encountered a vulnerable 14 year old. That he took back to his house.

Attempting to defame and discredit the abused is a tried and true method of silencing them.

On Saturday, Roy Moore defended himself against allegations of sexual misconduct by ― surprise, surprise ― attacking his victim. In defense of himself, he said, “To think that grown women would wait 40 years... to bring charges is absolutely unbelievable.”

But actually, waiting decades to report is not at all unbelievable. I, like many victims, took decades to find the courage to name my abuser and seek justice for the crimes he committed when I was a child. Many victims either never disclose or wait years to share their stories.

Roy Moore is spreading a dangerous myth designed to undermine the credibility of victims and discourage reporting. If you are reading this and are a victim of sexual violence, please know that what happened to you is not your fault. Shame and guilt should belong to your perpetrator alone. It is also never to late to share your story. When you do, you are no longer imprisoned by silence and you are no longer alone in your suffering.

Reasons Victims Do Not Tell Their Stories of Sexual Violence

Reasons Victims Choose To Come Forward After a Long Period of Silence

DETAILS: Since You Asked, Roy Moore, Here Is Why Victims Of Sexual Violence Wait Decades To Come Forward

Everyone should read this article.
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Reasons Victims Do Not Tell Their Stories of Sexual Violence

Reasons Victims Choose To Come Forward After a Long Period of Silence

DETAILS: Since You Asked, Roy Moore, Here Is Why Victims Of Sexual Violence Wait Decades To Come Forward

Everyone should read this article.

Call it a tipping point. We went from Trump and Bill Cosby where even a dozen women wasn't enough, to Harvey Weinstein where the shear numbers, and the credibility of the accusers broke the glass ceiling.

Suddenly everybody sees that their voices will be heard for the first time.
Actually, testimony is evidence. As with all evidence, the jury decides what value to put on it.
No it isn’t. Try again.
In the law, testimony is a form of evidence that is obtained from a witness who makes a solemn statement or declaration of fact. Testimony may be oral or written, and it is usually made by oath or affirmation under penalty of perjury.

Feel free to dispute that.

Testimony - Trial |

So who has testified under oath?

This has not gone to court.

And it never will, unless Moore sues them all.

It's in the hands of the voters, which, because it's Alabama, probably means he gets elected.

Here's how you know this is not only completely true, but it's going to get worse.

The entire GOP senate has said "get the fuck out".... some you "if". but that's just their way of delicately throwing him under the bus.

What you dimwits don't get is the GOP in D.C. KNEW about this. They knew this was coming down the pike. Trump KNEW. Why do you think the WH didn't endorse?

Think about it.
Everyone Knew Roy Moore Dated High School Girls, Says Former Colleague

And they thought it was “weird,” according to former deputy district attorney.

A former prosecutor who worked in Alabama with GOP Senate nominee Roy Moore in the early 1980s told CNN on Saturday that it was “common knowledge” that Moore dated teenagers — and people thought it was “weird.”

“It was common knowledge that Roy dated high school girls. Everyone we knew thought it was weird,” former Etowah County deputy district attorney Teresa Jones told CNN national correspondent Alexander Marquardt. “We wondered why someone his age would hang out at high school football games and the mall. But you really wouldn’t say anything to someone like that.”


More: Everyone Knew Roy Moore Dated High School Girls, Says Former Colleague

More corroboration from a former colleague.

This isn't a Hillary Clinton conspiracy no matter how much you want it to be. There are 4 girls, now women that are not connected in any way--and that have witnesse's to Roy Moore (a 32 year old man advances and sexual assault of a 14 year old girl.)

Roy Moore is the worst kind of predator, he stalks these girls, tries to intiate private personal contact, and then gets them away from their parents. They're young, very naive and impressionable and can be manipulated easily.
Woman says Roy Moore initiated sexual encounter when she was 14, he was 32


Leigh Corfman, left, in a photo from 1979, when she was about 14. At right, from top, Wendy Miller around age 16, Debbie Wesson Gibson around age 17 and Gloria Thacker Deason around age 18. (Family photos)

No one believes Roy Moore--not after the question and answer session he had with Sean Hannity.

This is today's Hannity Episode with Heraldo Rivera and others. Go to 17 minute 38 seconds on the below linked video. No one believes Roy Moore. When asked if he dated underage teenagers when he was 32, he stated he didn't remember--and then gave 3 different answers in the same interview. He's lying.
Geraldo Rivera to Sean Hannity: 'You ended Roy Moore's candidacy'
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Funny, ROY Moore has been in public for thirty eight years after this supposed allegation and no one said shit in all that time and that is supposed to all be ignored without any evidence. All I can say is fk you to those who believe because without evidence. I wish the same fate to you all!

Yeah, but when a politician moves from the state to federal level - scrutiny gets a whole lot more intense. At the state level Moore was only affecting Alabama; whereas, at the federal level he would affect us all. That puts his history under a much bigger microscope.
You mean like all those women the Washington Post produced just before the election claiming Trump raped them? Where are they now?
Funny, ROY Moore has been in public for thirty eight years after this supposed allegation and no one said shit in all that time and that is supposed to all be ignored without any evidence. All I can say is fk you to those who believe because without evidence. I wish the same fate to you all!

Yeah, but when a politician moves from the state to federal level - scrutiny gets a whole lot more intense. At the state level Moore was only affecting Alabama; whereas, at the federal level he would affect us all. That puts his history under a much bigger microscope.
You mean like all those women the Washington Post produced just before the election claiming Trump raped them? Where are they now?

Fifteen of the sixteen Trump accusers are afraid to come forward - except for one.
Funny, ROY Moore has been in public for thirty eight years after this supposed allegation and no one said shit in all that time and that is supposed to all be ignored without any evidence. All I can say is fk you to those who believe because without evidence. I wish the same fate to you all!

Yeah, but when a politician moves from the state to federal level - scrutiny gets a whole lot more intense. At the state level Moore was only affecting Alabama; whereas, at the federal level he would affect us all. That puts his history under a much bigger microscope.
You mean like all those women the Washington Post produced just before the election claiming Trump raped them? Where are they now?

Fifteen of the sixteen Trump accusers are afraid to come forward - except for one.

ROFL! In other words, there is no "there" there. How is this not a Hillary scandal when one of the accusers worked for the Hillary campaign and this shows all the earmarks of a Hillary smear campaign?

I'll bet that after this Teresa woman is thoroughly investigated it will turn out that she's a Democrat party operative. One thing is already apparent is that she's an ambulance chaser - not the most ethical branch of the legal profession.
Everyone Knew Roy Moore Dated High School Girls, Says Former Colleague

And they thought it was “weird,” according to former deputy district attorney.

A former prosecutor who worked in Alabama with GOP Senate nominee Roy Moore in the early 1980s told CNN on Saturday that it was “common knowledge” that Moore dated teenagers — and people thought it was “weird.”

“It was common knowledge that Roy dated high school girls. Everyone we knew thought it was weird,” former Etowah County deputy district attorney Teresa Jones told CNN national correspondent Alexander Marquardt. “We wondered why someone his age would hang out at high school football games and the mall. But you really wouldn’t say anything to someone like that.”


More: Everyone Knew Roy Moore Dated High School Girls, Says Former Colleague

More corroboration from a former colleague.
If everybody knew that he was dating teenagers but didn't report it, is breaking the law. And so her and whomever their license to practice law must be stripped from them, and charged for accessory after the fact. But I guessed that the statue of limitation will prevent them from going to jail, but it won't stop their license being revoked. But it did not happen. It's because that they themselves knows that not reporting child abuse can get them into a lot of unwanted trouble. Especially law suits. They are as much responsible than the assailant.

What are Mandatory Reporting Laws?

Mandatory reporting laws differ for each state when it comes to child abuse – which includes physical abuse, sexual abuse, and emotional abuse. However, it's important to remember that many of these laws also cover child neglect. In some states, these laws require that people in certain professions report child abuse and neglect to a proper authority, such as a law enforcement agency or child protective services. In other states, the mandatory reporting laws require that any person who suspects child abuse or neglect report any such instance. Mandatory Reporting Laws: Child Abuse and Neglect

Mandatory Reporters of Child abuse and neglect
All States, the District of Columbia, American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands have statutes identifying persons who are required to report suspected child maltreatment to an appropriate agency, such as child protective services, a law enforcement agency, or a State’s toll-free child abuse reporting hotline.

Accessory After the Fact
While merely failing to report a crime is one thing, helping to conceal a crime is another. A person can generally be charged with accessory after the fact, or aiding and abetting, if he or she wasn't actually present during the commission of a crime, but took actions to conceal the crime or help the perpetrators avoid capture. Failure to Report a Crime - FindLaw


Everyone Knew Roy Moore Dated High School Girls, Says Former Colleague

And they thought it was “weird,” according to former deputy district attorney.

A former prosecutor who worked in Alabama with GOP Senate nominee Roy Moore in the early 1980s told CNN on Saturday that it was “common knowledge” that Moore dated teenagers — and people thought it was “weird.”

“It was common knowledge that Roy dated high school girls. Everyone we knew thought it was weird,” former Etowah County deputy district attorney Teresa Jones told CNN national correspondent Alexander Marquardt. “We wondered why someone his age would hang out at high school football games and the mall. But you really wouldn’t say anything to someone like that.”


More: Everyone Knew Roy Moore Dated High School Girls, Says Former Colleague

More corroboration from a former colleague.
If everybody knew that he was dating teenagers but didn't report it, is breaking the law. And so her and whomever their license to practice law must be stripped from them, and charged for accessory after the fact. But I guessed that the statue of limitation will prevent them from going to jail, but it won't stop their license being revoked. But it did not happen. It's because that they themselves knows that not reporting child abuse can get them into a lot of unwanted trouble. Especially law suits. They are as much responsible than the assailant.

What are Mandatory Reporting Laws?

Mandatory reporting laws differ for each state when it comes to child abuse – which includes physical abuse, sexual abuse, and emotional abuse. However, it's important to remember that many of these laws also cover child neglect. In some states, these laws require that people in certain professions report child abuse and neglect to a proper authority, such as a law enforcement agency or child protective services. In other states, the mandatory reporting laws require that any person who suspects child abuse or neglect report any such instance. Mandatory Reporting Laws: Child Abuse and Neglect

Mandatory Reporters of Child abuse and neglect
All States, the District of Columbia, American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands have statutes identifying persons who are required to report suspected child maltreatment to an appropriate agency, such as child protective services, a law enforcement agency, or a State’s toll-free child abuse reporting hotline.

Accessory After the Fact
While merely failing to report a crime is one thing, helping to conceal a crime is another. A person can generally be charged with accessory after the fact, or aiding and abetting, if he or she wasn't actually present during the commission of a crime, but took actions to conceal the crime or help the perpetrators avoid capture. Failure to Report a Crime - FindLaw



Why is Trump still walking the streets a free man?
Everyone Knew Roy Moore Dated High School Girls, Says Former Colleague

And they thought it was “weird,” according to former deputy district attorney.

A former prosecutor who worked in Alabama with GOP Senate nominee Roy Moore in the early 1980s told CNN on Saturday that it was “common knowledge” that Moore dated teenagers — and people thought it was “weird.”

“It was common knowledge that Roy dated high school girls. Everyone we knew thought it was weird,” former Etowah County deputy district attorney Teresa Jones told CNN national correspondent Alexander Marquardt. “We wondered why someone his age would hang out at high school football games and the mall. But you really wouldn’t say anything to someone like that.”


More: Everyone Knew Roy Moore Dated High School Girls, Says Former Colleague

More corroboration from a former colleague.
If everybody knew that he was dating teenagers but didn't report it, is breaking the law. And so her and whomever their license to practice law must be stripped from them, and charged for accessory after the fact. But I guessed that the statue of limitation will prevent them from going to jail, but it won't stop their license being revoked. But it did not happen. It's because that they themselves knows that not reporting child abuse can get them into a lot of unwanted trouble. Especially law suits. They are as much responsible than the assailant.

What are Mandatory Reporting Laws?

Mandatory reporting laws differ for each state when it comes to child abuse – which includes physical abuse, sexual abuse, and emotional abuse. However, it's important to remember that many of these laws also cover child neglect. In some states, these laws require that people in certain professions report child abuse and neglect to a proper authority, such as a law enforcement agency or child protective services. In other states, the mandatory reporting laws require that any person who suspects child abuse or neglect report any such instance. Mandatory Reporting Laws: Child Abuse and Neglect

Mandatory Reporters of Child abuse and neglect
All States, the District of Columbia, American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands have statutes identifying persons who are required to report suspected child maltreatment to an appropriate agency, such as child protective services, a law enforcement agency, or a State’s toll-free child abuse reporting hotline.

Accessory After the Fact
While merely failing to report a crime is one thing, helping to conceal a crime is another. A person can generally be charged with accessory after the fact, or aiding and abetting, if he or she wasn't actually present during the commission of a crime, but took actions to conceal the crime or help the perpetrators avoid capture. Failure to Report a Crime - FindLaw



Why is Trump still walking the streets a free man?

Especially Hillary has sic all of her hounds on him. Maybe it is because they could not find anything on him. And so they move onto the next person.

Anyone who believes the leftist false rape accuser mob is completely retarded. Happened with Trump as well. It's a tactic for them as they can't win being honest.

The molestation is what only goes on behind the closed doors of the democratic party. That's where they get the ideas. Remember, if you want to know what they are doing, just look at what they are accusing others of.
You have to be a despicable human being to say all 16 women lied about Trump when he has bragged about being a hound dog and sexually assaulting women.
Plus he’s proven to be a pathological liar with over 2,000 lies just since taking the oath..

Most reasonable people believe Leigh Corfman who is a republican and Trump Supporter for crying outloud.
Misogynistic pigs like you are sick people when you defend that racist gun toting pedophile Roy Moore. This guy trolled for dates at custody hearings and you support this piece of shit?
One piece of shit backing another.
. Does anyone want to get started on the Demon-crat party ?? I think the score is in the Republicans favor against those who are the most deplorables out there (the repubs being the lessor of two evils), but the Dems know this so if they find even a crack in the floor, then they will pour in like cockroaches to a crumb left behind. LOL

Look, their are good on both sides, so the blanket labeling is really unfair to those who are good, but if a huge number of party members drown out the good in number, then the blanket labels begin. The good on each side need to work hard to clean the parties up.
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Funny, ROY Moore has been in public for thirty eight years after this supposed allegation and no one said shit in all that time and that is supposed to all be ignored without any evidence. All I can say is fk you to those who believe because without evidence. I wish the same fate to you all!

Yeah, but when a politician moves from the state to federal level - scrutiny gets a whole lot more intense. At the state level Moore was only affecting Alabama; whereas, at the federal level he would affect us all. That puts his history under a much bigger microscope.
You mean like all those women the Washington Post produced just before the election claiming Trump raped them? Where are they now?

Fifteen of the sixteen Trump accusers are afraid to come forward - except for one.
Hahaha. If they are afraid to come forward, how do you know there are fifteen of them?
Funny, ROY Moore has been in public for thirty eight years after this supposed allegation and no one said shit in all that time and that is supposed to all be ignored without any evidence. All I can say is fk you to those who believe because without evidence. I wish the same fate to you all!

Yeah, but when a politician moves from the state to federal level - scrutiny gets a whole lot more intense. At the state level Moore was only affecting Alabama; whereas, at the federal level he would affect us all. That puts his history under a much bigger microscope.
You mean like all those women the Washington Post produced just before the election claiming Trump raped them? Where are they now?

Fifteen of the sixteen Trump accusers are afraid to come forward - except for one.

ROFL! In other words, there is no "there" there. How is this not a Hillary scandal when one of the accusers worked for the Hillary campaign and this shows all the earmarks of a Hillary smear campaign?

I'll bet that after this Teresa woman is thoroughly investigated it will turn out that she's a Democrat party operative. One thing is already apparent is that she's an ambulance chaser - not the most ethical branch of the legal profession.

Has it ever occurred to you that, even if it could be true that this woman works for the Democratic Party, she might do so because she knows this pompous, arrogant, little Moore tramp and knows what he really is?
I don't know anything about Theresa Jones. Busybee01 in #557 has said that she worked with deaf people on the election, not that she worked for the Democratic Party. As for her being an "ambulance chaser," how would you know?
Funny, ROY Moore has been in public for thirty eight years after this supposed allegation and no one said shit in all that time and that is supposed to all be ignored without any evidence. All I can say is fk you to those who believe because without evidence. I wish the same fate to you all!

Yeah, but when a politician moves from the state to federal level - scrutiny gets a whole lot more intense. At the state level Moore was only affecting Alabama; whereas, at the federal level he would affect us all. That puts his history under a much bigger microscope.
You mean like all those women the Washington Post produced just before the election claiming Trump raped them? Where are they now?

Fifteen of the sixteen Trump accusers are afraid to come forward - except for one.

ROFL! In other words, there is no "there" there. How is this not a Hillary scandal when one of the accusers worked for the Hillary campaign and this shows all the earmarks of a Hillary smear campaign?

I'll bet that after this Teresa woman is thoroughly investigated it will turn out that she's a Democrat party operative. One thing is already apparent is that she's an ambulance chaser - not the most ethical branch of the legal profession.

Has it ever occurred to you that, even if it could be true that this woman works for the Democratic Party, she might do so because she knows this pompous, arrogant, little Moore tramp and knows what he really is?
I don't know anything about Theresa Jones. Busybee01 in #557 has said that she worked with deaf people on the election, not that she worked for the Democratic Party. As for her being an "ambulance chaser," how would you know?
. Like Bripat said, who paid her ?

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