Morally Bizarre

What jobs have poor people produced compared to the trillions in handouts they've received?
Poor people produce the demand that drives 70% of US GDP. Rich parasites shift the poor's jobs to China, the tax burden onto the shoulders of the middle class, then hoard 90% of productivity increases to gamble with in the Wall Street casino.
What jobs have poor people produced compared to the trillions in handouts they've received?
Poor people produce the demand that drives 70% of US GDP. Rich parasites shift the poor's jobs to China, the tax burden onto the shoulders of the middle class, then hoard 90% of productivity increases to gamble with in the Wall Street casino.
What jobs have poor people produced compared to the trillions in handouts they've received?
Poor people produce the demand that drives 70% of US GDP. Rich parasites shift the poor's jobs to China, the tax burden onto the shoulders of the middle class, then hoard 90% of productivity increases to gamble with in the Wall Street casino.

No they don't. Demand, by definition, involves a willingness and ability to buy. When the ability to buy is being funded by someone else forced to pay, those using programs that do that have no demand. Without the handouts, the have no ability, therefore, no demand. They are parasites that leech in order to have handed to them what the rest of us provide to ourselves then think they provide it to themselves.
Without the handouts, the have no ability, therefore, no demand. They are parasites that leech in order to have handed to them what the rest of us provide to ourselves then think they provide it to themselves.
Are you saying those who receive transfer payments like Unemployment Insurance or SSA don't provide any consumer demand?
Unemployment isn't a transfer
Without the handouts, the have no ability, therefore, no demand. They are parasites that leech in order to have handed to them what the rest of us provide to ourselves then think they provide it to themselves.
Are you saying those who receive transfer payments like Unemployment Insurance or SSA don't provide any consumer demand?
Unemployment isn't a transfer payment where I live. Employers pay the costs of it. Employees don't pay into it. Food stamps and the like don't meet the definition of demand because those getting them don't pay the taxes that fund them.
What jobs have poor people produced compared to the trillions in handouts they've received?
Poor people produce the demand that drives 70% of US GDP. Rich parasites shift the poor's jobs to China, the tax burden onto the shoulders of the middle class, then hoard 90% of productivity increases to gamble with in the Wall Street casino.
VALID source for your 70% claim.?
Food stamps and the like don't meet the definition of demand because those getting them don't pay the taxes that fund them.
Whose definition of "demand?"
The goods and services bought with food stamps factor in to GDP.
Food stamps and the like don't meet the definition of demand because those getting them don't pay the taxes that fund them.
Whose definition of "demand?"
The goods and services bought with food stamps factor in to GDP.
THE definition of demand. If people use food stamps they aren't able to buy their own food when it's someone else's money the leeches are using. For it to be demand, they would have to be using their own money you dumbass old bastard.
How much of it is their money vs. someone else's money handed to those leeches?
How much of their money was stolen by Wall Street/DC parasites? How many of their jobs were shipped to China by corporate criminals? The leeches you should worry about aren't poor.
If they're poor, none. If you don't have anything, nothing can be "stolen". If the laws allow corporations to do what they do, it's not a crime. Your problem is you think if someone has less than what you think they should have it's because someone else stole it from them. That's far from the truth.
For it to be demand, they would have to be using their own money you dumbass old bastard.
"Definition of consumer demand
The amount of goods and services consumers are willing to buy."
Go to college, Punk.

Consumer Demand Definition from Financial Times Lexicon
Been there dickhead. Demand involves an ABILITY to pay. You can want something all day long . Unless you can pay for it with your money, there is no demand. Test that out. Want in one hand without money to buy and shit in the other. Tell me which one Fills up the quickest.
Your problem is you think if someone has less than what you think they should have it's because someone else stole it from them. That's far from the truth.
I think the vast majority of US workers have seen their share of rising productivity gains over the past four decades stolen by the richest 1% of Americans who've bribed politicians for favorable tax and trade policies. That's the truth you seem to have trouble seeing.
Your problem is you think if someone has less than what you think they should have it's because someone else stole it from them. That's far from the truth.
I think the vast majority of US workers have seen their share of rising productivity gains over the past four decades stolen by the richest 1% of Americans who've bribed politicians for favorable tax and trade policies. That's the truth you seem to have trouble seeing.

How are they stolen?
Demand involves an ABILITY to pay
With no requirement on where a consumer acquired the money to pay; you are beyond the ignorance level of most conservatives. MOOC?

It is important where they acquired the money. You are the typical Liberal who thinks someone handed a check is the same as them having earned it. If it weren't for those of us who made a contribution to society, those leeches wouldn't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of.
Your problem is you think if someone has less than what you think they should have it's because someone else stole it from them. That's far from the truth.
I think the vast majority of US workers have seen their share of rising productivity gains over the past four decades stolen by the richest 1% of Americans who've bribed politicians for favorable tax and trade policies. That's the truth you seem to have trouble seeing.

If you have proof of bribes, show it. The truth is that those who the ability to do something because they use another person's money that was taken from the one that earned it means the leech doesn't have the ability. If they did, they wouldn't stick their damn hands out claiming they have a right to something that isn't theirs.
It is important where they acquired the money
In case you missed it ( and I'm sure you did), capitalism is a value neutral economic system. It doesn't make any difference to capitalists whether they earn their money by destroying schools and mosques or by building schools and mosques. All their efforts count equally when computing GDP. Just as consumer demand makes no distinction between wages and transfer payments. Your whining about poor leeches taking whatever minute amount of GDP you're responsible for is pathetic at best and self-destructive at worst.
If you have proof of bribes, show it

40 charts that explain money in politics - Vox

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