More abortion insanity

If privacy trumped murder, you would be able to kill your houseguests with impunity. Mother in-laws (I mean birthing-people in-laws) would be pruned nationwide.
Thank you. These people don't know what they're talking about. Let's say a political party doesn't care to be legal can have the IRS go after the other party reps without kickbacks. DOH!!! oh wait, Obammy did that already. hahahahahahahahahahaha
It's limited, of course, but there has to be a valid reason for a warrant. My brother is a cop. He just can't request a warrant for my next door neighbor simply because we don't like the bitch. There has to be reasonable suspicion and just cause.
The IRS didn't need one. All the trump fall out folks were taken without cause. Nope, demofks have shown that privacy is not a right.
Because they didn't do that and took it upon themselves to change the Constitution every election in my lifetime and every Supreme Court nomination has been a battle of monkeys throwing shit at each other over abortion, abortion, abortion. It's fucking nauseating.

More than anything else, this is what irritates so many in the political world.
For 50 years politicians ran around talking about their views on abortion as a cornerstone of their political platform.

All the Supreme Court did was tell them to ... "shit or get off the pot" ... :auiqs.jpg:

He is trying to throw a blanket over the elephant in the room.
.these issues were absolutely NOT decided well by legislation, which is why relief had to be found in the SCOTUS.

It's literally the entire issue.

But he thinks what we are seeing and hearing is not what is happening. I heard that somewhere before...
He's simply wrong, and can't admit, about the scotus creating privacy rights.

As I posted above, we have privacy rights, but abortion was different ... and it came down to religious grounds, plus Gorsuch - who simply is inconsistent in his judicial philosophy and reads the Federalist Papers and the const selectively to reach his desired position.

Equal Protection and the 8th Amend simply change with society. What Roberts cautioned with gay marriage being an "expanded right" right was that it would have to work out if it were left to the states, just as divorce worked out. Once society reached some "critical mass" with having to enforce judicial decrees from other states because of the full faith and credit act ... gay marriage would be a fact in all states. So, Loving was not really necessary either, but .... really, is that the society we want!? And at some point, capital punishment will be accepted in only a few states in the South, and at some point it will be "cruel and unusual."

But do we want a society where abortion will eventually be legal even in places like Ohio and even Missouri and Iowa, yet illegal in Alabama and Miss? That's what Lincoln proposed for slavery. I'm not sure of the answer. Personally I HATE theocrats. They are authoritarian and think their justification is God-given. Fuck that. Life is not fair. God doesn't give a shit about you or me or anybody. What happens after death is an individual concern, but don't burden me with someone else's myth. So, I wish we'd have just cut off their nuts in the 70s. (-: If we have to watch this play out for another 50 years ... that's what they won.

More than anything else, this is what irritates so many in the political world.
For 50 years politicians ran around talking about their views on abortion as a cornerstone of their political platform.

All the Supreme Court did was tell them to ... "shit or get off the pot" ... :auiqs.jpg:

That's an adorable take.

In reality, the Supreme Court ruined the principle of Stare Decisis forever, while also deleting a constitutionally protected right for half the population.

The first part is probably the worst of all.
nope, not at all.

Why don't you post the constitutional amendment you feel gives you that right? You just spout off continuously like a fking parrot repeat and repeat and say fking nothing.
The Fourth, Ninth, and Fourteenth
That's an adorable take.

In reality, the Supreme Court ruined the principle of Stare Decisis forever, while also deleting a constitutionally protected right for half the population.

The first part is probably the worst of all.

Constitutionally Protected Rights don't apply to "half the population" ... Equal Protection Under the Law is more than a catchphrase.
No Constitutionally Protected Right was deleted for anyone.

The Supreme Court didn't even demand the States write a Law that allows or forbids abortions ...
That's up to the State Legislatures.

That's an adorable take.

In reality, the Supreme Court ruined the principle of Stare Decisis forever, while also deleting a constitutionally protected right for half the population.

The first part is probably the worst of all.
Yeah, stare decisis is now "we don't like it" as opposed to separate is not equal or there is no logical reason whites and blacks can't marry, and the rational reason for the law is no longer rational, ie protecting societal beliefs is not a justifiable reason.

I don't think corporations should have individual rights secured by the BoR. So.....

Constitutionally Protected Rights don't apply to "half the population" ... Equal Protection Under the Law is more than a catchphrase.
No Constitutionally Protected Right was deleted for anyone.

The Supreme Court didn't even demand the States write a Law that allows or forbids abortions ...
That's up to the State Legislatures.

So women and men are treated equally by abortion bans?
That's an adorable take.

In reality, the Supreme Court ruined the principle of Stare Decisis forever, while also deleting a constitutionally protected right for half the population.

The first part is probably the worst of all.
"the Supreme Court ruined the principle of Stare Decisis forever"
"The first part is probably the worst of all."
That's an adorable take.

The Supreme Court has overturned over 200 decisions in it's history.
So women and men are treated equally by abortion bans?

Abortion bans, or the lack thereof, are Constitutionally Protected Rights ...
You can include them in your State's Constitution or Legislation per the Tenth Amendment.

"the Supreme Court ruined the principle of Stare Decisis forever"
"The first part is probably the worst of all."
That's an adorable take.

The Supreme Court has overturned over 200 decisions in it's history.
But never taken AWAY rights

Abortion bans, or the lack thereof, are Constitutionally Protected Rights ...
You can include them in your State's Constitution per the Tenth Amendment.


The equal protection clause does not require a right to be enumerated. (and the current group of Nine recognized unenumerated rights too) It means a state cannot create a law that treats any group differently than another unless there's a rational reason, and women are a group that

A man will never have an abortion. Men do not share the same burden in raising an unwanted bastard.
That's an adorable take.

In reality, the Supreme Court ruined the principle of Stare Decisis forever, while also deleting a constitutionally protected right for half the population.

The first part is probably the worst of all.
So why wasnt any other over turn of a supreme court ruling the same retard?
The equal protection clause does not require a right to be enumerated. (and the current group of Nine recognized unenumerated rights too) It means a state cannot create a law that treats any group differently than another unless there's a rational reason, and women are a group that

A man will never have an abortion. Men do not share the same burden in raising an unwanted bastard.

So what ... The Supreme Court protected the Constitutionally Protected Right enumerated in the Tenth Amendment.

If it isn't an Enumerated Right, the States have the Right to handle it with their own Constitution and Legislation.
If it doesn't violate the Equal Protection Under the Law, then there isn't a problem.

The Law doesn't treat women as a group, unless you want to create a Law that does ...
That's not what the Supreme Court did (besides the fact that they cannot create Law anyway, and the reversal addressed that).


So what ... The Supreme Court protected the Constitutionally Protected Right enumerated in the Tenth Amendment.

If it isn't an Enumerated Right, the States have the Right to handle it with their own Constitution and Legislation.
If it doesn't violate the Equal Protection Under the Law, then there isn't a problem.

The Law doesn't treat women as a group, unless you want to create a Law that does ...
That's not what the Supreme Court did (besides the fact that they cannot create Law anyway, and the reversal addressed that).

you are literally either insane or intentionally ignorant of const law. The 10th amend is irrelevant in Dobbs.

You are equating a prohibition on states making laws that affect abortion as a RIGHT. Govts don't have rights. They have powers, and rights of INDIVIDUALs limit those powers.

Dobbs holds that the const does not include any INDIVIDUAL right to limit a State's POWER to outlaw abortion, partially, totally, or anyway it sees fit.

A state cannot make any abortion law that doesn't affect women differently than men. But that was not an issue in Dobbs.
Life begins at ejaculation. Every sperm is sacred. Masturbation is MURDER!!!!
I rarely agree with Progressives. Indeed, both genders are guilty of destruction of potential life on enormous scale.

Existence of spiritual component to life can neither be proved nor disproved. Judaism, many branches of Christianity, and Islam disagree on the point in time when Potential Life acquires a soul.

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